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Jenn Parker: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 94]

6 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Aging is a natural part of life. But do you ever feel like your brain is aging faster than the rest of your body? Cognitive health is dictated by more than just our age, it's also influenced by what we eat, how we sleep, who we spend time with, and how we challenge our brains. Today, we’re speaking with Jenn Parker, a writer at Innovative Medicine and nutrition and wellness advocate about her recent article on cognitive decline for a closer look at how healthy brains age and how we can improve our brain health with simple lifestyle choices.
  1. Short Story - Improve Brain Function with Jenn Parker
  2. What’s Really Causing Post-Infection Brain Fog?
  3. Lifestyle Habits to Support Brain Health
  4. The Cognitive Benefits of Spermidine
  5. Your Brain is Your Most Valuable Asset: Here’s How to Optimize It
  6. The Importance of Decluttering Your Home for Brain Health