007 Series: The Living Daylights
Blockbuster BumsChapter 16: The first of two about Timothy Dalton. Finally the man who did a better job with two movies then Moore did with seven. This Ray's opinion and does not reflect the rest of the team, but it should because Timothy Dalton is the shit. So get ready for the first of two great movies and we will see you all next week ... peace.29 views -
007 Series: A View to a Kill
Blockbuster BumsChapter 15: The one where Christopher Walken is a Bond badie. You seen this correctly Christopher Walken is a bad guy in a Bond movie along with a very tall amazon woman named Mayday who isn't that attractive. This is the last time Roger Moore plays Bond. Barry will be very sad, but we'll give him chocolates and tissues and midol so he'll be ok. Anyway go enjoy the episode and wish Barry well wishes, and we will see you all next week.39 views -
007 Series: Never Say Never Again
Blockbuster BumsChapter 14: The one where Kim Basinger had no eye brows. Welcome back to the Bond series with the return of Sean Connery as Bond in a non cannon Bond film. Also in a film that is based on "Thunderball" crazy right. It's almost like one of those reenactments from a cops show or like "Unsolved Mysteries" where the names and places where changed to protect the innocent, but in this case they were changed because of getting sued in a petty place called Hollywood, Anyway go in enjoy the episode because we all enjoyed the movie and we'll all see you next week ... peace.60 views -
007 Series: Octopussy
Blockbuster BumsChapter 13: The one where they thought Octopussy was a good name for a woman. In this movie there is a faberge egg, a smuggling ring, and a cover as a traveling circus with the main plot to blow up a US Air Force base in West Germany. They must of been hey lets find the most random shit to make a movie about and lets put it all together. This week get ready for a wild ride and we will see you all next week.47 views 1 comment -
007 Series: For Your Eyes Only
Blockbuster BumsChapter 12: The one where Bond buys an ice cream for a child. Once again we have winter in a Bond movie well at least winter sports. Roger Moore returns as Bond for another ride. I think this is the first time he works with the Greek, but I can't validate that at the moment so lets just go with it. Before I give the whole episode away go watch and I'll see you all next week... Peace.66 views -
007 Series: Moonraker
Blockbuster BumsChapter 11: The one with Goodhead with big Jaws. Thanks again for stopping by once again we have a doosie for you this evening. Jaws returns, a new villain, and a crazy discussion about how gravity works in space so get ready for an action packed episode of Blockbuster Bum and we'll see you all next week.89 views 1 comment -
007 Series: The Spy Who Loved Me
Blockbuster BumsEpisode 10: The one where we celebrate a Triple X Christmas Eve. Get your mind out of the gutter viewers I'm talking about the Soviet intelligence operative Triple X, but if you do have a XXX Christmas that's your business. Anyway Happy Holidays from all of us here from Blockbuster Bums. I hope by now that all you views have asked Santa for that James Bond 4K box set so that you can follow along with our Bond journey. If he doesn't then that just tells you that you were an ass, and just go rent them on whatever streaming service. Thanks for sticking with us thus far, and well see you in the next year. Merry Christmas.180 views 1 comment -
007 Series: The Man with the Golden Gun
Blockbuster BumsEpisode 9: The one where Christopher Lee has three nipples. A wacky Bond film. It has a villain who has three nipples. A side kick who is a little person and is named Nick Nack. Welcome to the crazy transition of the 70's. Get ready for a blast to the past with some of the most extreme experimental story elements in Bond history. Go enjoy the episode and we'll see you bums next week.264 views 3 comments -
007 Series: Live and Let Die
Blockbuster BumsEpisode 8: The one where Solitaire is more than a single player card game. Welcome back I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, you all got all your belly's full, but now its time to get back to Bond. Not just Bond but another new Bond and his name is Roger Moore. There are seven Roger Moore movies so get ready for a wacky, action packed seven movie arc for Roger Moore. Enjoy the episode and see you bums next week.73 views -
007 Series: Diamonds are Forever
Blockbuster BumsEpisode 7: The one where we couldn't follow the diamonds. In this episode we discuss Sean Connery's return to the Bond franchise. Then we play pin the tale on the donkey with the diamonds. If playing pin the tale on the donkey interest you, or even playing detective then this is the episode for you. so get settled in for a hell of a good time. Peace out and see you all next week.66 views