Old World, Mudflood ,Reset,Tartaria
4 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Atlantis,Tartaria,lost civilizations,apocalypse,great cataclysm,mudflood,great flood,reset
Technology of the old world , beyond records, forbidden history
Free HumanityTechnology of the old world , beyond records, forbidden history, Tartaria, Atlantis, old world, cataclysmic events, mud-flood, war, genocide, destruction, global effort , jewish cabal, enslavement of man, Omar Samson, Free Humanity170 views 3 comments -
Stolen History part 3
Free HumanityThe official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let's free ourselves from the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. This part covers the World's Fairs and the time in which they took place.74 views -
Stolen History Part 2 - The Destruction of the Old World
Free HumanityThe official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let's free ourselves from the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. Support our Documentary Series on Patreon: https://patreon.com/stolenhistorynet Mirrored from our Documentary Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrc6-Zjarbw written by: https://stolenhistory.net Omar Samson,Free Humanity,Old World,Reset,Tartaria,great reset,global cataclysm,highly advanced civilization,free energy,antique tech,architecture,greco-roman bullshit story,bullshit!,His story,History,truth,war,WW1,WW2,french revolution,bolshevik revolution,jews204 views -
StolenHistory 1/3 > Lifting the Veil of Deception
Free Humanity#StolenHistory 1/3 > Lifting the Veil of Deception by StolenHistory.net - #OfficialHistory is a #ConstructofLies. We are in a state of #CollectiveAmnesia. - “Nothing is as it seems, it’s time for us to remember and lift the veil of deception! Wake up!” - > What do we really know about our past? > Are we suffering from a #CollectiveMemoryLoss? > Who are we really? > Where do we come from? > Was there a technically-advanced #UnifedCivilisation on Earth less than 500 years ago? > Are #StarCities one of the markers of this civilisation? > Was there a #reset that destroyed large parts of our past, our knowledge and culture? > Why did #HumanKnowledge suddenly explode in the XIX century? > What role did the #WorldFair play in reintroducing #ForgottenTechnologies? > Did someone secretly destroy remnants of #OldWorld structures under the pretence of a #TemporaryExposition? Will post the entire series to the channel115 views