ADUYou ask, we answer! The new truck build, 4x4 & caravan insurance, sat phones & epirb, legalities when towing, why aren't we married? Do we drive each other crazy? Health on the road, GVM & GCM, is it better traveling with or without kids? Stay tuned for this plus a whole heap more! Welcome to episode 4 of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. These questions are taken from across all of our platforms - Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube. If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 CHAPTERS & QUESTIONS ANSWERED: 00:00 Introduction 01:00 New Truck Build 02:56 Servicing Truck & Van on the Road 04:09 Towing limits for NB2 05:36 Is the Chevy a He or She? 06:15 Why not a 3500? 07:12 Why hasn't Chris married Miriam yet? 08:52 How to navigate car & van weights 12:00 Is the Chevy too big? 13:00 How many Kms to a tank of fuel? 14:00 Do you do any 4x4? 15:04 Insurance for Caravan & 4x4 17:00 Top Towing Tips for Heavy Vans 22:51 Health issues on the road 24:54 Manage separation from our kids 26:27 When are we coming to Bundaberg? 26:58 Who's Better Looking? 27:27 Do people try and follow you in a convoy? 27:54 Will be buy a block for a home base? 29:10 Composting Toilet 30:34 Better traveling with or without kids? 31:46 Fake Followers 34:30 LSKD 36:06 Worst part of spending so much time together 37:27 Best Free Camp in QLD 38:25 How We Make Money 39:58 Future Plans NSW and WA 41:33 Adventure Gear Finance - Parachute Group 42:22 Sat Phone, EPIRB, PLB 43:06 New Zealand 43:50 Summary 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️ CLUB 4x4: https://www.club4x4.com.au/partners/?utm_source=ADUCREW ▪️ LSKD: https://www.lskd.co/ DISCOUNT CODE CREWADU ▪️Parachute Adventure Gear Finance: https://parachutegroup.au/ ▪️Whats Up Down Under videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4OncLTHRvFtX21E8YQ6weH0oMQqfYSUt ▪️Little Gecko Coffee Roasters: https://www.littlegeckocoffee.com/ ▪️The Wandering Panda: ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️GCI TRAYTEC: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/gci-traytec-2/ We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, vanlife and how we travel & explore Australia together!36 views -
ADUWelcome to episode 2 of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken 20 questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Each week one lucky person who has asked us a question will win a merch pack from us! Who is our very first winner?! You’ll have to watch to find out - and if it’s you - contact us and give us your address so we can send your goodies off 😁🙌🏼 If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️CARAVAN RV CAMPING: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/caravan-rv-camping/ ▪️MY GENERATOR: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/my-generator/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ FIND US ON: ✔️Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, vanlife and how we travel & explore Australia together!20 views -
ADUWelcome to episode 3 of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken 20 questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Each week one lucky person who has asked us a question will win a merch pack from us! Who is this weeks winner?! You’ll have to watch to find out - and if it’s you - contact us and give us your address so we can send your goodies off 😁🙌🏼 If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️CLUB 4x4: https://www.club4x4.com.au/partners/?utm_source=ADUCREW ▪️CARAVAN RV CAMPING: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/caravan-rv-camping/ ▪️MY GENERATOR: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/my-generator/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ ▪️GCI TRAYTEC: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/gci-traytec-2/ FIND US ON: ✔️Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, vanlife and how we travel & explore Australia together!13 views -
Ask Us Anything Episode 1
ADUWelcome to episode 1 of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken 20 questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Each week one lucky person who has asked us a question will win a merch pack from us! Who is our very first winner?! You’ll have to watch to find out - and if it’s you - contact us and give us your address so we can send your goodies off 😁🙌🏼 If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️CARAVAN RV CAMPING: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/caravan-rv-camping/ ▪️MY GENERATOR: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/my-generator/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ ▪️GCI TRAYTEC: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/gci-traytec-2/ FIND US ON: ✔️Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, vanlife and how we travel & explore Australia together!11 views -
ADUWelcome to the latest episode of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken some of the many questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Questions like: What does the Chevy Silverado weigh fully loaded? Do we travel with screens in the caravan up or down? What drone do we have? Why don't we run a snorkel on the Silverado? How do we keep fit while travelling? How do we keep track of places we want to see? What lip gloss do I wear? What brand of sunglasses do we wear? What's our favourite place to stay in Australia? Will we stop full time travel? Why do we keep going through so many cars and caravans? What new skill have we mastered lately? What's the most annoying thing people do as far as camp etiquette? Do we get our gear off on the beach? Has traveling made us stronger as a couple? Do we feel guilty about leaving the kids behind? When are we going to the Snowy Mountains? Favourite and worst food while travelling? How real is what we see online? Are we spiritual? Plus more!! If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️WORKOUT WITH MIRIAM: https://patreon.com/MIMFIT ▪️ABOUT US VIDEO - THE TRUTH: https://youtu.be/XFt8d4fI2Zg ▪️HEATWAVE VISUAL: https://www.heatwavevisual.com.au/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ FIND US ON: ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, van life and how we travel & explore Australia together!16 views -
ADUWelcome to the latest episode of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken some of the many questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Questions like: What does the Chevy Silverado weigh fully loaded? Do we travel with screens in the caravan up or down? What drone do we have? Why don't we run a snorkel on the Silverado? How do we keep fit while travelling? How do we keep track of places we want to see? What lip gloss do I wear? What brand of sunglasses do we wear? What's our favourite place to stay in Australia? Will we stop full time travel? Why do we keep going through so many cars and caravans? What new skill have we mastered lately? What's the most annoying thing people do as far as camp etiquette? Do we get our gear off on the beach? Has traveling made us stronger as a couple? Do we feel guilty about leaving the kids behind? When are we going to the Snowy Mountains? Favourite and worst food while travelling? How real is what we see online? Are we spiritual? Plus more!! If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️WORKOUT WITH MIRIAM: https://patreon.com/MIMFIT ▪️ABOUT US VIDEO - THE TRUTH: https://youtu.be/XFt8d4fI2Zg ▪️HEATWAVE VISUAL: https://www.heatwavevisual.com.au/ ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ FIND US ON: ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, van life and how we travel & explore Australia together!21 views -
ADUWelcome to the latest episode of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken some of the many questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Here are this weeks questions! CHRIS 1. Do you still get triggered when someone says that it’s not really a truck? 😬 2. Being a Motorsport fan Chris...ever been to Finke? Would love to see a video on it! 3. How do you clean your car and caravan (products esp Kimberley dirt) 4. How often do you get wheel alignments on your van? 5. When/after you helped all those guys at Steep point, did you go up the soft sand dunes in low or high 4x4 range and what gear or auto? Can you come back and follow us up lol 😂 6. Hi Miriam and Chris this question is for Chris I've noticed you have the Bos jockey wheel would you swap that for the electric black jack one 7. What caravan spares do you carry with you? Door handle? 8. You guys gonna upgrade the 2500 when the new one lands in Aus? 9. Scott Hunter - Is it true that Chris was the stunt double for Russell Coight ? 10. We've just picked up our brand new titanium... After towing a camper it seems huge. How do you manage in places you haven't been before without getting stuck? MIRIAM 1. how do you put up with all the horrible smelling farts from Christopher 2. What do you carry to exercise with, how often do you exercise and what type of exercise do you do? 3. Where did you get your overalls (shorts) from? They look super comfy 4. Hi Miriam. Who/where are your beautiful felt/wool hats from? Especially your red one?? 😍😍 Thanks. 5. Hi Miriam, How many and what type of shoes have you packed??? I’m scared of how many I’ll still want when it’s our turn to finally hit the road mid 2025! 6. Question for Miriam, Do you use lip plumper? If so which one? 7. We are travelling full time with a thermomix. We are set up for full off grid. What is the most efficient way you clean your thermomix so far? (thinking water usage wise) 8. Do you do Workout plans and Meal plans? BOTH 1. Seen you guys in Alice today, we just arrived at Uluru!!! What's the next destination?? 2. Are you guys considering an incinerating toilet for your next van build? 3. How did you guys meet? And did you both always want to travel? 4. Hey there, legends, my question is to both of you, have you thought of what you both see yourselves doing in 5 years and beyond apart from "YouTube" eg new life adventures and career's. 5. Both. Do u barney and argue at times & need time away from each other? How do you do it. 6. How do you finance your travels? 7. Favourite suburb would buy a house in Australia, excluding Tasmania (cause you love it) 8. Where did you get your wide-brim hats? I have looked everywhere. AND Where is Miriams' hat from its the best!! 9. When you stay in Cooktown, where is the best place to stay and why is it Cooktown Campout? 😉 10. When are you coming to Central Queensland so we can pick your brain 🤣🤗 11. I have a question for the both of you... do you guys own your truck and van or do the sponsors? 12. Heading off next year living in our van what advice would you give us as to planning it … wife and I love you content 👌🏻 13. Thoughts on WA. Did it meet your expectations- better or worse? 14. Here is one for you from Cheryl. Is there anything you have got now what you wont have in the next van? If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️WORKOUT WITH MIRIAM: https://patreon.com/MIMFIT ▪️ABOUT US VIDEO - THE TRUTH: https://youtu.be/XFt8d4fI2Zg ▪️FINKE VIDEO PART 1: https://youtu.be/Hwmj9RtCUE0 ▪️FINK VIDEO PART 2: https://youtu.be/7gSjNKHd1Ek ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ FIND US ON: ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, van life and how we travel & explore Australia together!97 views -
ADUWelcome to the latest episode of ASK US ANYTHING!! This is our latest series where you ask and we answer. We’ve taken some of the many questions that you have asked us from across all of our platforms and answered them for you! Here are this weeks questions! CHRIS 1. What 4×4 would you buy if you towed a light weight van, no American trucks allowed 2. What extra security do you have? Van and car. 3. What's the price and wait time of vehicle 4. Would Chris recommend the Chevy as a daily and a tourer? Currently got a y62 for both, but the Chevy 😍 5. Hey Chris How do you go in smaller towns getting into servos for fuel with such a big rig and then possible dodgy fuel at some remote locations? 6. One for Chris…have you ever used a water purification system to use non treated water? If not, would you consider it? 7. Who do you use for insurance on your vehicle and van, And why?? AND hey guys! what company did you go with to insure the caravan and car? thanks:) MIRIAM 1. Miriam, what would you use if you didn't have the weights/kettle bells etc to do your exercises? 2. Miriam, how do you stay sane traveling with Chris? LOL. 3. Thermomix question!! How do you protect the scales while travelling? Other than put it in transport mode do you put it a travel bag? 4. What is your favourite recipe to make in your thermie when you're on the tale end of your water tanks please? Thanks guys, love your videos. Not sourdough! That takes a lot of water to clean up. 5. What are your fav thermomix recipes and how do you store your recipes? Zucchini Fritters, sweetcorn and chicken soup. Pumpkin soup. Thermomix Too Easy Chicken Curry for Chris. Tuna lasagne. Skinnymixers Chunky Spag Bol. Waffles & crepes. Sour dough. Coconut and vanilla rice pudding. Cookidoo Sago & Custard Puddings. 6. What skincare do you use? Your skin always looks so radiant! BOTH 1. U have a pretty flash setup, how do u deal with the dirt and dust and tips to keep everything clean? Interior and exterior. 2. Have you two ever disagree to travel to a place only to say OK it was worth it lol 3. The fan above your bed? What brand and do you like it? 4. Do you's ever fight, disagree on thing so on? 5. Hi do you both have kids 6. How long do you see yourselves travelling? 7. Approx weekly living cost excl truck van repayments. 8. Where would be the most underrated town / area you’ve been to so far? 9. How many pairs of sunglasses do you own? 10. For either; do you think there are more people travelling now than pre-covid? Seems busier If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel now and click that little bell to be notified when our videos go live! 🔔😁 🔳 INFO AND DISCOUNT LINKS: ▪️THE PLANETARIANS: Discount Code: MIMFIT Link: https://theplanetarians.com.au/?aff=5 ▪️WORKOUT WITH MIRIAM: https://patreon.com/MIMFIT ▪️ABOUT US VIDEO - THE TRUTH: https://youtu.be/XFt8d4fI2Zg ▪️INSURANCE BROKER: Email nickarden@shieldedinsurance.com.au ▪️ALL DISCOUNTS: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/partnersanddiscounts ▪️NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/mailing-list-signup/ ▪️TITANIUM CARAVANS: hhttps://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/titanium-caravans-2/ ▪️ LSKD Discount Code: https://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/lskd/ FIND US ON: ✔️Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aussiedestinationsunknown/ ✔️ Web: http://www.aussiedestinationsunknown.com.au/ ✔️ TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJ8Do24F/ ✔️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aussiedestinationsunknown We've been part time travelers since 2010 and in 2020, we sold everything and now spend our time creating videos of our travels! Road tripping around Australia is so much fun and we invite you to join us on our adventures as we share life on the road, van life and how we travel & explore Australia together!68 views