God Wins
1 video
Updated 6 months ago
God will always win. His purposes are in play in our lives, and nothing is irreversible with God. God can and He will reverse what the enemy Has stolen.
God Wins
HeartTOHeartIt feels like the whole world is a “teeter-totter” right now… Up and down… nothing is stable, everything is shaking. Nothing is as it should be and the “normal” we all used to know… long gone!! It seems like the victory comes, but the enemy is stripping it, reversing it. I guess the Lord is teaching us how to deal with discouragement and how to have a faith that patiently endures? Has that ever happened to you? You won a battle and then it got reversed?? The coolest thought is that the Lord is already the winner. He has won all of it. Jesus won the thing. God will reverse what the enemy has stolen. There is nothing irreversible with God. Nothing! Sometimes our lives get calm, then all of a sudden a big wave comes in and knocks us off of our feet. At that point we need to get up and stand on the Promises of God, pray His Word, and believe that He can and He will reverse what the enemy has done. God loves to do this and He loves to do it in such an abundant way. God always gives us back what has been stolen 100 fold. God’s endgame for us is always good. He finishes so well and usually the enemy of our soul underestimates God and plays their hand way too quick and definitely over plays their hand. That is why we need to patiently endure and wait in belief and trust of God, knowing He’s got the best plan ever for us and He will usher it in when the timing is perfect. He is so good at doing that. So today, if you feel discouraged, if you have felt the enemies backlash on your victory, look up and connect heart to heart with God. God’s gotcha covered! God wins! Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v1oknw2-increase-your-faith.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/change-is-coming/431 views 1 comment