Column17 Call: Community Presentations 3/9/2024
Column17 Collaboration CenterCommunity Project Presentations! 3/9/2024 These were beautiful presentations and, once again, it will fill your heart with JOY to understand how we are ALL, in synchronization, marching towards the exact same future visions, just each playing a different highest excitement role in making it reality. Both Erin and Elyse's projects are in full swing, and everyone welcomes collaboration. I'll put additional details for Erin and Elyse's projects below. 🫶Meridith - Heart House: Healing for women 🫶Erin - Resonation Podcast: A Truther Podcast & A musical to awaken masses Resonation Podcast is a BBS podcast Erin runs. She would LOVE to interview/converse with people here on this channel as well as highlight your projects. If you are interested in having an on air conversation with her or having your project highlighted please email her: studiomeproductions@gmail.com. Assuming the content fits with what we are doing on this channel we can post those interviews here as well. Our goals are in unison with Erin: bring additional traction to this movement, educate on going within, and add energetics to projects. Let's keep finding the others. Erin is providing one more way you can participate. 🫶Elyse - Vilcabamba: A community kitchen in Ecuador This beautiful project is up and running and supporting communities. You can visit their website: https://www.vilcack.org/ and I'm going to shamelessly promote they do have a donation button on their website if this is a project which resonates with you. 🫶Robin - A Futuristic Gym / Health Center 📱 Telegram, (https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx) Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/c-3439754), (https://www.facebook.com/MaShon2022) Website (http://column17cc.com/)🔥Q Interviews: ForTheLoveofQ.com (http://fortheloveofq.com/)224 views 1 comment -
Column17 1/27/2024 Community Project Presentations
Column17 Collaboration Center📣Thank you to our amazing presenters!! Rhonda E - Community/Healing/Education Center MaShon - Community Concept Kellie-Ann - Community Concept Toni - Restructuring Education Rhonda S - Sr. Citizen Assistance / Revitalizing Farmland / Community Liaison It was BEAUTIFUL to see how everyone's visions so naturally fit together. The communities, the community centers which could be in these communities, the education buildings, the sr. care which could be next to the schools. Without even trying, we are all imagining the same concepts in our futures and then focused on different aspects. It was really really heart warming and expanding to see us all create beautiful puzzle pieces for a much bigger puzzle of utopia. It was so easy to picture each project as they felt like collective dreams. 🥰 THANK YOU everyone who joined and participated and added additional wind in the sails of all of these projects!! https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/257 views -
Submit a Project to Project Review w/Q (as of 7/31/2023)
Column17 Collaboration CenterThis tutorial will walk you through how to submit a project to Project Review with Q through the BBS portal.290 views -
Project Review w Q Q&A on Column17 6/14/2023
Column17 Collaboration CenterColumn17 open channel Q&A regarding Project Review With Q https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/86 views -
How To Subscribe to Project Review With Q on BBS Radio
Column17 Collaboration CenterHOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO PROJECT REVIEW WITH Q Video Tutorial: 7/7/2023 Here is a 6 minute walk through of: ✅How to Create a BBS Account ✅How to Subscribe to Project Review with Q ✅Where to find your Dashboard to change Subscription Information ✅Navigating to the Submission Form on Project Review with Q (Attachments are NOT functional yet!!) You do need to be subscribed to submit a project! Start at: bbsradio.com PRQ Link: bbsradio.com/projectreviewwithq https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/ https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx https://www.facebook.com/MaShon2022 http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com217 views -
Breaking Down Project Proposals 6/16/2023
Column17 Collaboration CenterMaShon Breaks Down Project Proposals If you are feeling stuck or frustrated or unsure about what you have written, please give it a listen. ForThePeople.Space PRQ Template: https://forthepeople.space/?p=29159 (these are the questions you need to answer) ForThePeople.Space SandBox: https://forthepeople.space/?p=29227 (explains the sandbox (silo) concept) https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://column17cc.com/ http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com https://forthepeople.space/ https://forthespirit.space/194 views -
Mind Energy Projects vs Heart Energy Projects 6/28/2023
Column17 Collaboration CenterWhat Type of Projects May or May Not Be Approved in Project Review w/Q This is has been one of the most frequently discussed topics on the calls on our channel as well as a common item being addressed by Q on Project Review w/Q calls. From questions still coming in it seems this is a topic which needs more clarity. In this video I am going through what type of projects are likely to get approved and what type of projects are not likely to get approved. Q is independent of any RV organization. He is doing this his way. We need understand thoroughly what we should be submitting to be able to play in his sandbox. See Project Review Submission Details here: forthespirit.space fortheloveofQ.com https://t.me/+4Yoq83nEoz5kNmMx http://ForTheLoveOfQ.com http://column17cc.com/92 views 2 comments