Marvelous Canceled
6 videos
Updated 5 months ago
When I originally recorded this, I did it in OBS Software and my recording methods were terrible, the footage was cut off due to me being new to it, this is why it was canceled.
I originally wanted to continue Translating the Game, but when I reviewed the next Episodes, I realized the Footage was unusable.
Version 2 is planned.
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - Chapter 1, Part 1 - Goggles
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/Yaku2 views -
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - Chapter 1, Part 2 - Got Shoes?
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku3 views -
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - Chapter 1, Part 3 - Fish
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp If you have suggestions for any Language other than English, feel free to do so :D You can make Translation suggestions too on available languages, feel free to offer corrections. A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku3 views -
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - Chapter 1, Part 4 - Orb
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming English Subtitles will be available soon. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp This is the first time I have adjusted the audio levels for better hearing and consistency. A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku4 views -
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - Chapter 1, Part 5 - Caged
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming English Subtitles will be available soon. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Characters have some voices that kind of fit them. A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku4 views -
(Canceled) Another Treasure Island - End of Chapter 1, Part 6 - Rescue
未訳・MiYaku GamingDonate to get quality Translations faster paypal.me/MiYakuGaming English Subtitles will be available soon. Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp This concludes Chapter 1. I stopped voicing male characters in a terrible male voice, though I left a few in as a bit of a gag. A Let's Play with an English Translation for the Japanese Super Famicom, Another Treasure Island. If you have any comments, suggestions for another game or anything else, please let me know! :D Consider Subscribing and turn on the Notification Bell to get more Let's Plays of Another Treasure Island. Please consider supporting me on Patreon if you can, I love making these videos and would love to do it full time! https://patreon.com/SugoYaku1 view