Dr. Jane RubyReprise: WORLD WIDE EXCLUSIVE, AHEAD OF 2nd PUBLICATION: Part One: Dr. Youngmi Lee, lead researcher in the Pfizer and Moderna 2 year incubation study published in July, BREAKS NEW FINDINGS OF ANIMATED BIOHYBRID NANOBOTS after 655 days and still growing- exclusive findings of what is growing from the vials of these covid shots. Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. You can follow her Substack at https://substack.com/@drjaneruby and her work on Rumble.com/c/drjaneruby PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS FOR DR. JANE’S STUDIO/MAIL/COFFEE CUPS/ DONATIONS: Dr. Jane Ruby 1257 SW Martin Hwy, #1443 Palm City, FL 34990 IRA/401K, PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS! Augusta Gold & Silver: CALL: 888-836-1890 or click on link: https://learn.augustapreciousmetals.com/jane-ruby Allergen & Shedding Relief Air Purification: https://Filterssuck.com (Promo Code RUBY 10% off/free shipping) HYDROGEN WATER: https://honesthydrogen.com Use coupon code: RUBY for discounts MyPillow Products: https://www.mypillow.com (Promo Code: Ruby) Earthing/Grounding: https://www.earthing.com/?rfsn=6528853.01597ca Dr. Stella IVERMECTIN/HCQ: https://drstellamd.com/ Promo Code: RUBY CardioMiracle: https://www.mypowerheart.com Apricot Seeds B-17: https://rncstore.com/drjaneruby HYDROGEN WATER: https://honesthydrogen.com Use Promo Code: RUBY for 5% off Shungite EMF Health: www.modernom.co/ruby PATRIOT MOBILE Cellular: https://www.patriotmobile.com Use Promo Code: RUBY for free activation! FARM COMMUNITY: Loxahatchee Coop and Membership https://www.quantumcollective.world/shop (Promo code: Ruby for 10% off) Direct mail address for checks for the show, general show support or to the legal defense fund: DR. JANE RUBY 1257 SW MARTIN HWY, SUITE 1443 PALM CITY, FL. 34990 https://www.givesendgo.com/truthinmedicine And legal defense fund: https://www.givesendgo.com/protectdrjane Venmo: @Jane-Ruby https://paypal.me/DrJaneRuby DR JANE’S Email: drjaneruby@protonmail.com Website: https://drjaneruby.com Twitter: Twitter.com/RealDrJaneRuby Instagram: www.instagram.com/drjaneruby Rumble: Rumble.com/c/DrJaneRuby Telegram: t.me/s/DrJaneRuby Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@drjaneruby24.4K views 126 comments -
RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea
SGT ReportDr. Gundry has THE KEY to losing weight & keeping it OFF!! --> http://thehealthyfat.com/SGT ----------- Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ or CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with NEW dark field blood microscopy proving that NON-vaccinated people are being transfected with the mRNA nano technology, it's in our blood! But as you know, we always try to bring you GOOD news too, and Ana explains exactly how each and every one of us can get this satanic transhumanist sh#t out of our bodies!DO NOT miss this one! As mentioned in the show, EDTA from Global Healing: https://globalhealing.com/products/calcium-disodium-edta Medical Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice, or a substitute for medical advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional. You should not use this information for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. You should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment.218K views 800 comments -
Dr. Peter McCullough: New Methods For Deactivating mRNA Vaccines & Removing Spike Protein From Body!
Sunfellow On COVID-19Dr. Peter McCullough joins Alex Jones to detail a new protocol which can potentially detoxify the body from mRNA created spike proteins. Original Rumble video: https://rumble.com/v525umm-spike-protein-can-be-eradicated-from-the-body-according-to-new-major-study-.html See also: Groundbreaking Study Discovers ‘Off-Switch’ For mRNA COVID-19 Injections https://vigilantfox.news/p/groundbreaking-study-discovers-off mRNA Jab ‘Off Switch’ Discovered by Scientists – Media Blackout https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/mrna-jab-off-switch-discovered-by-scientists-media-blackout/ COVID-19 Healing Resources https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-healing-resources/ Healing COVID & COVID Vaccine Injuries Playlist https://rumble.com/playlists/RaQVQsmVSS8 .................. Dr. Peter McCullough videos featured on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/bAsz08U7GI8 Dr. Peter McCullough Resource Page https://sunfellow.com/dr-peter-mccullough-something-is-very-wrong/ The Courage To Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization And Death While Battling The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex (Book) By John Leake and Dr. Peter McCullough https://amzn.to/3O7OJKB Dr. Peter McCullough on Substack https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/ Dr. Peter McCullough Website https://www.petermcculloughmd.com/ Dr. Peter McCullough on X https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD Dr. Peter McCullough on GETTR https://gettr.com/user/p_mcculloughmd Dr. Peter McCullough on Telegram https://t.me/C19ExpertChannel Dr. Peter McCullough on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/PeterMcCulloughMD The Wellness Company https://www.twc.health/ .................. Alex Jones -- @RealAlexJones -- videos on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/fjMIAoGPn9o Alex Jones on X https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Info Wars (Alex Jones Website) https://www.infowars.com/ The Great Reset: And the War for the World (Book) https://amzn.to/3yaDQCj Alex Jones on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/Infowars Alex Jones on GETTR https://gettr.com/user/infowars Alex Jones on Gab https://gab.com/RealAlexJones9.59K views 31 comments -
Dr. McCullough - Disease X Is Already Here, The Lied About The Vaccine, There Are Cures For Viruses
X22 ReportNature’s Morphine? Medical scientist Clint Winters discusses the incredible pain relief effects of 100% Drug Free Conolidine. This changes pain relief… https://trycono.com/X22 Protect Yourself With Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine & Other Meds Wellness Companyhttps://twc.health/courage Today’s Guest: Dr. McCullough Website:http://petermcculloughmd.com Natural Way To Ease Pain FreeShipping WhileSupplies Last http://getnativepath.com/X22 Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency, and the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel. Dr. McCullough begins the conversation with how Fauci lied to the people. The science they used was political science not peer reviewed science. The CDC,FDA and other lied about the vaccines, they do not work they actually make you sick. There are now more deaths from the vaccine then the covid. Disease X is already here, the [DS] already has vaccines standing by, but there are other cures that will protect you. All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.161K views 280 comments -
Dr. Charles Simone: The DOD Created The Vaccines, What If Cures Already Exist? They Do
X22 ReportFind Out Which Olive Oil Is The Best For Your Health Watch the Short Video Got To https://GetOlive1.com/X22 Today’s Guest: Dr. Charles Simone Website: http://drsimone.com/ Make Your Pet Healthy Watch A Short Video Explaining How To Do It https://UltimateDogHealth.com/X22 Dr Charles B. Simone. I am an Internist, a Medical Oncologist, aRadiation Oncologist, and anImmunologist, trained at the Cleveland Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Simone begins by letting us know that the virus was created on purpose and the DOD created the vaccine and then it was sold to Big Pharma. This was planned false flag to remove the President of the US. The cures have always existed but Big Pharma has kept it from the people. Now the people are learning that they do exist and that the Big Pharma and the Gov has been trying to hide from us. All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.187K views 254 comments -
THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 | SHARE EVERYWHERE.
The Dr. Ardis ShowWatch this explosive interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Jason Shurka exposing the truth, origin, and unexpected antidote for C19 that ravaged the world. Dr. Bryan Ardis is a renowned doctor and researcher who has been at the forefront of uncovering the origins of C19 and finding ways to counter its effects. Despite facing resistance from major pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Ardis remains steadfast in his mission to unearth the truth. TLS has been closely monitoring Dr. Ardis's progress over the past year and supports his efforts to disseminate this vital information to a global audience. This interview serves to bring his valuable insights to the forefront. Share this interview far and wide to reach the world. _________________________________________________________________________ It's time to assist your body in coping with the constant onslaught of external factors by strengthening its resilience. The EESystem facilitates an environment that encourages your body to thrive, allowing it to function optimally and maintain a state of equilibrium. Connect with Dr Bryan Ardis at: https://thedrardisshow.com Find a UNIFYD Healing center here: https://unifydhealing.com THANK YOU!!!107 comments