Princess Peach:Showtime!
16 videos
Updated 4 months ago
This playlist will contain all my gameplay for Princess Peach Showtime for Switch. A fun and neat little game where Peach is playable for the whole game again not seen since Supre Princess Peach another awesome game.
Princess Peach Showtime:Final
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlrighty now folks here it is at long last the end of another game here on my Rumble I am on a roll here with completing whole games and sticking to it. Ah the last parts of this great little game so here I rescue the last Sparkla that is left and that is the mighty one so this level will be Mighty Peach. The level is not so bad to play although to get some of the sparkle gems requires you to be quick at acting on certain parts of the stage especially at the beginning because as you ride the floating platform meteors will come down hitting the platform and you have to prevent it from getting hit. So there is a lot of that happening in this one where you have to stop stuff from getting hit. After taking down that stage it is down to Madam Grape the final boss of the game and she completely changes the gameplay into something else making her fight essentially like a shooter game pretty much lol what happened to being a platform game? ANother game I played Kirby 64 did this too on its final boss the whole thing changed to a shooting level, Back to Grape she isn't that hard to fight just she takes a lot of hits before she finally goes down, Overall a fun fight and the Peach used in these final battles I wish could be used as an extra unlockable in the game she doesn't even have to fly around and shoot and stuff just make the dress outfit she has available as it looks way too nice not to be allowed to be had in any other parts of the game! Anyway with that said I hope you all enjoyed and remember to check out my other content on this channel if you so please see ya next game!26 views 2 comments -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 15
Naglfar94 GameplaysWell now getting more near the end of the game now with almost all the captured Sparkla saved and the next ones I go at is the mermaid sparkle and the detective one. Both of these are really fun and two of my favorites among these the mermaid one I wish was a bit longer than it was though it is very short, shorter than all the others. The detective one however is the opposite and is the longest of all of these and for some reason felt a lot longer than the previous two I had played earlier in the game. This one is by far the most fun of them if you ask me taking place in some odd and off museum-like place I will say first time through this place took me ages to figure out. The segment with traveling with the detective sparkle is also fun having him along.19 views -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 14
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright now moving further into the last portions of the game and here I rescue more of the sparkla's starting off with the Cowgirl Peach. the level is not so bad and pretty damn fun but I do screw up near the end and miss out on a sparkle gem one which I had gotten before while playing this but somehow I fumbled on hitting the train with the barrel. The next rescue is the Kung Fu Sparkla and this one like all Kung Fu Peach stages is really fun. Also the evil master guy comes back with a few new tricks up his sleeve to use in the fight. I gotta say the way this Kung Fu stage ends is probably the best and most badass of them all it is so satisfying seeing Peach and the Kung Fu sparkle kick the evil master to bits together.35 views 1 comment -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 13
Naglfar94 GameplaysGetting further into the game and rescuing more of the trapped sparkla's the next one I take on is the thief sparkla in the last Dashing thief Peach stage andjust like the other ones I played in the game it is loads of fun. Although the place this one takes place in is a bit whacky with oddly placed and looking floating platforms and it being in the middle of I don't know some lost void or something ah I am rambling anyway the second stage I play in this has me playing ninja Peach again and this one was really fun especially with the team up with the ninja sparkle and with that two more are rescued and the end getting that much more closer.18 views 1 comment -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 12
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright picking things up from the last video I am now entering into the final stretches of the game and from here on I will be spending time down on the basement floor of the theater. Down on those part you play each of the different stage plays you went through in the game but in much shorter and sometimes a bit harder stages well harder when I first played them in terms of getting the sparkle gems on them not so much now. Anyway, the focus of all of these is to rescue the sparkla's of each one. Starting things off I take on the baking one which pits you at first in a cake making race against the sparkla there and then after I go ahead to the ice skating sparkla rescue and let me tell you that stage is epic as heck and probably the most fun of the figure skating Peach stages I wish this one was a bit longer than it was as it was fun getting to partner up with that skater sparkla in the last portions.17 views -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 11
Naglfar94 GameplaysGoing further in the game now and completing the top floor of the theater in this one now the next stage up is the last ice skating based level of the main portion of the game before I get to play one last one down in the basement area. This one is by far the best skater Peach level if you ask me loads of fun and once again epic as heck with that fire music it has for her theme! It flows so well with this level and having to chase down the float to protect it from Grape's minions. I will admit this one did take me a few tries offscreen and I had to start this video over several times as I kept royally screwing up. The next stage to finish things off here is another Mighty Peach level and just like the last one this one is fun to play as well with this one starting you off on a rescue mission actually this whole stage is pretty much protecting the others and rescue, I can never for the life of me successfully get the sparkle gem from the giant ufo chase sequence which always captures all the others although this time I did manage to save at least one of them.27 views 1 comment -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 10
Naglfar94 GameplaysNext up in this playthrough, I begin the next and final floor of the theater of this game the 5th floor! Yep this is the last floor going upwards with the rest that I will be doing taking place on the basement floor but we will cross that bridge when we get there. Starting things off I begin this floor off by taking on the final mermaid stage of the main set of the game and this one I actually enjoyed playing more than the first one! While similar this one has you mostly using and controlling a single bigger fish than the bunches of smaller fish you used in the first mermaid level. This big one you can use it to go around shells and light them up which causes them to open instead of the way the smaller fish did it by having to push them open. Oh and this fish can also be used on the enemies too which does happen in the ship chase section where you have to use the enemies and have them shoot at the ship. I will say when I first played this level the auto-scrolling section of this stage destroyed me so bad and I could barely get any of the pickups there I hate auto-scrolling in any game I get flashbacks of having to deal with them in some of the Mega Man games. The next stage I take on is another of the Kung Fu Peach stages and what more can I say? it is fun to punch and kick things and this one provides just that.20 views -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 9
Naglfar94 GameplaysMoving on further into the game I take down two more stages first starting things off with another Detective Peach stage and the final one of the main portion of the game. This one I really like I gotta say it was a lot better than the museum case which was the very first one you played. Unlike that one the stakes in this one are a bit higher as now Peach has to find and dispose of a bomb before it goes off. The beginning part of this has you playing stealth as you follow one of the suspects through the town which was a lot of fun haha like this one has a lot of fun bits in it and really dials up the detective style to 100. The last stage I play introduces a brand new Peach and that is Kung Fu Peach one of my favorites to play and also she looks gorgeous in that one so another Peach added to the best looking set. Gameplay of Kung Fu Peach is straight forward and I like it you only gotta worry about one thing and that is punching and kicking things!21 views -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 8
Naglfar94 GameplaysAh the start of a new floor now starting the 4th floor of the theater in this video and man I got pretty far in this game fairly quick. So starting things off with the 4th floor I go into the ninja stage of this floor and the last ninja stage you play in the main portion of the game with the very last being down in the basement area which is the final part of the game but we will get at that when we get there. This ninja stage is pretty fun and it is much more stealth based than the previous one you played complete with having to move more carefully to avoid being seen by the enemies and secret passage and doors all over the place which you can use to help you hide. The next level i take on after this is the next and last thief Peach of the main parts of the game and boy is this one loads more fun compared to the previous one! Especially on the end portion of the level where you have to hurry up and escape from the place as it self destructs the way Peach leaves the level sliding outta there leaving after images behind is clean as heck! Dashing Thief Peach really had it going for her in this game and I stand by the fact that her outfit is among the best.44 views -
Princess Peach Showtime:Playthrough 7
Naglfar94 GameplaysBeen a litte bit since I uploaded huh? But worry not I still got this thing going over here. Anyway the next part to this gameplay series of mine I take on two more stages in this one and this time around we get introduced to some brand new plays for Peach to be in and I start things off with the mermaid one. Mermaid Peach is another of my liked ones in this game and it is as close to a water world we will get in this game. I do sorta enjoy underwater based levels in games so this one was a fine welcome! I just wish you were allowed to go in the water as normal Peach to get a bit more water gameplay going but alas only when she changes to a mermaid do you get that. The gameplay style for the mermaid one is pretty nifty too and your main action given is having Peach sing and through this you are able to control fish and other sea creatures to make them either clear paths or open chests. The next stage I take on is another fun one Mighty Peach and this one has a future like theme. Mighty Peach is loads of fun and I do enjoy how she looks and going around punching everything in sight.11 views