4 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Freedom is an inalienable right given to us by God. No one should take it from us. No one.
Liberty For All
HeartTOHeartLiberty: The condition of being free from confinement, obligation, restriction, conditions... Our liberty in Christ rests in the perfection of Jesus Christ. I am imperfect, yet I am perfectly loved by God, freeing me to grow in my Christianity, to become more like Jesus, and to be free to learn and grow in Christ Jesus through the transforming power of His Living Word. We mess with our own freedom by damaging the liberty we have received as we shook off bondages of condemnation from the enemy of our soul, just to take them back. There is a great scripture in Galatians 5:1 for those of us who know we are imperfect, yet perfectly loved, to remind us that we do not need to put on a former bondage of condemnation as there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. At last we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past. Galatians 5:1 We are loved unconditionally! Are you loved that way? I know you are. God loves us unconditionally. God is really good at encouraging us to grow through without the condemnation that human beings like to plaster on us, but in a different, more graceful way, Jesus will correct our course with gentle conviction and unconditional love, navigating us back on the right course. Things can get a bit “wonky” here on earth with imperfect human beings in relationship with other imperfect human beings. We can be so mean spirited to one another and when we don’t measure up to what others think is the perfection they need to stay in relationship with us, they leave and turn their backs on us. A Shunning Rejection! Human beings shunning other human beings, when they have the very same human condition, and are not perfect and never will be perfect. Sounds kind of foolish, but it does happen. Yet God, He loves us more than we could ever imagine or hope for and He has not left us, forsaken us, shunned us, rejected us, He keeps working towards growing us through with His grace and mercy, forgiving and forgetting. People shun or ghost people. But, the crazy thing is that even God does not do that, shun people. God gives people room to grow, that is what His grace does by giving us the blessing of His Presence when we don’t deserve it, and His mercy withholds what we do deserve. Therefore it is very arrogant for human beings to not do the same, and it is almost a form of narcissistic control over people by threatening to withhold your presence from them because you don’t measure up to their standards of behavior that they have set up the boundaries for. There is no true boundary that can be set on a false accusation. God knows when an accusation is true or false, so another person’s judging of your motives has no real value, because only God could know whether your motives are perfect or imperfect. False accusation is a difficult thing to navigate through with godliness, especially for us imperfect human beings. This is why we depend upon the navigation of the Holy Spirit in these kind of rough life waters and we lean into His perfect love which always creates in our soul the atmosphere of imperfection which is imperfectly perfect in Christ Jesus. We are loved. We are imperfect but perfectly loved by God. Yet God, when we accept Him in our heart, the truth sets us free indeed. We should never return to the condemnation of our enemy. The truth is that God, He loves us in the perfect kind of way, yes He loves the imperfect, perfectly, and that makes us imperfectly- perfect in His eyes. Being loved unconditionally by God put the perfect in our imperfect human condition. Being in relationship with God is a great adventure because He knows us better than anyone else could ever know us and He teaches us how to take our uniquely shaped personality and wholly-holy align it with His character. You see, our imperfect is covered by His perfect: For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through our union with him. 2Corinthians 5:21 Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v2dl260-true-love.html https://rumble.com/vybrmj-been-ghosted.html https://rumble.com/vy4xob-ghosted-persecuted-cancelled.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/left-out-excluded/188 views -
A Powerful Supremacy
HeartTOHeart#1MinuteEncouragement So grateful today for the Supremacy of Jesus Christ, unshakeable, unremovable, present with us. Jesus, Who was, is and is to come. It is a day to be thankful for God’s Rulership of Love, a powerful love, no one and nothing can separate us from. God, our Father Who art in heaven hallowed be Your name, our Advocate, Who will never forsake us or betray us, our Keeper, Whose Kingdom is ours, and is our hope of glory. Kingdom of God come, Will of God be done in us, Your people. The storm is upon us and the battle belongs to the Lord. “I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: "As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal"; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His Truth is marching on.” Julia Ward Howe. Christ in us #HeartTOHeart our hope of glory. God bless you and yours. We walk today in and out of the victory Jesus has already provided us. It is a new day for liberty, justice and freedom in Christ Jesus. God’s blessings! #HeartTOHeart Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/declare-and-decree/764 views -
Memorial Day, We Grieve For And We Honor Our Fallen Warriors
HeartTOHeartHello, Heart To Heart, whatever nation you live in, freedom is a beautiful thing and every bit of liberty you have, treasure it and use it honorably. In America, we honor our fallen heroes on Memorial Day Weekend. We know, without a doubt, we have our freedom because they have sacrificed for it, with the ultimate sacrifice of their life. We grieve the loss of our men and women, our soldiers, who have died protecting and defending our liberty. We can honor our fallen warriors by how we use our freedom. Liberty and freedom are precious, not to be taken for granted. We would not have freedom without our military servicing, defending and protecting our nation. Take the freedom you have been gifted and use it excellently, with a Godly civility that adds to the liberty of your nation and honors those who have given all for the freedom of your nation. God bless you, USA Military families who have lost loved ones and may He soul saturate you with His comfort as you grieve. Memorial Day, we in the USA, honor and grieve as a nation for our soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. God bless the USA and keep us as One Nation, Under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. God bless you and yours. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/memorial-day-thoughts/265 views -
No Permission
HeartTOHeartI yield my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God is my navigator. God knows my heart, He hears my thoughts, and He knows every motive behind my actions. God knows me best and loves me most. I submit my life wholly-holy to Jesus Christ, He is my identity, He is the only One, Who shapes my life, directs my life, and instructs me in the day to day living out of my life issues. I can absolutely positively state I give no permission to anyone else to shape or control my destiny. You will not restrict me or control me, I belong to God, therefore I give no human being power over me. I position myself underneath the authority and leadership of God’s love, and He sets godly authority over my life. The banner over me, over my life is God, His kingdom and His love. No, human being has permission to control my speech, my action, or any of my thoughts. I will obey God from every moment to every choice, I will put God first and serve His kingdom. My destiny is found in the life of Jesus Christ, I have a future, and a hope that is not in this world. No one can take freedom from me, this liberty Jesus Christ gave His life for me to have, it is my inalienable right to live freely. Because of my love for God, because my life has been freely given to Him, I will become a person of integrity, and if you look at my life in heavenly hindsight, my life will reflect, a moment to choice decision to follow, Jesus, to mirror His way, truth and life is my hearts desire. I am flesh, I have a human condition that needs to have self-control. There will be times where I will not make the godly choice, I am not perfect, but I am perfectly loved by God, who will convict me, of wrong doing, will teach me, correct the crooked places in my heart, and I will grow through my life being transformed by His Holy Spirit, positioned under the Rulership of His love. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wonderfully-made/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/fit-in/715 views 1 comment