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Dr. Kirsty Washam: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 102]

8 videos
Updated 7 months ago
How does a traditional pharmacist trained in the allopathic model transform into a holistic provider, using the power of nutrition, movement, and stress reduction for healing? By becoming fed up with the wack-a-mole approach to medicine. Our guest today is a doctor of pharmacy who developed a passion for helping people find the root of their illness and heal through lifestyle modifications after her own struggles with chronic hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This is the Story of the Fed-Up Pharmacist with Kirsty Washam.
  1. The Story of the Fed-Up Pharmacist with Kirsty Washam
  2. How the Fed-Up Pharmacist Came to Be
  3. What’s Behind the Nationwide Over-Prescription of Medications?
  4. Are We Over-Supplementing?
  5. A Pharmacist’s View of Drinking Tap Water
  6. A Holistic Pharmacist’s View of Oral Contraception
  7. The True Role and Function of SSRIs
  8. What Does the Future Look Like for Big Pharma?