🤡 Wokie Wackos ❄️
380 videos
Updated 1 day ago
⚠️ WARNING: Viewing this Playlist can cause serious stress to the minds of cognitive dissonant Wokies that are afflicted with the Woke Mind Virus. 👉 Bottom line ... facts don't care about feelings ... get a helmet (AKA:Critical Thinking Cap). 👉 The videos contained in this playlist are chosen to be nothing more than a reflection of the current Worldwide Discourse. 👉 The sources are from a variety of individual contributors, some of which, I'll admit, can be assholes at times. 👉 I prefer to drop the identity politics and focus on the message content, rather than the messenger. 👉 Some things I agree with ... Some things I don't. 👉 Some things I condone ... Some things I don't. 👉 At the end of the day ... It's just what's being said. 👉 You be the Judge.
Is This The Most Embarrassing WOKE Protest Song Of 2025?
RADIO BALONEYWatch as a group of woke women sing on a street corner in this potentially embarrassing protest song. Is this the most cringe-worthy display of 2025? Tune in to find out! #WokeProtestSong #TDS #wokeism DONATE PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/radiobaloney Help support the channel; it’s greatly appreciated!169 views -
Karma Hilariously Strikes Down TDS Karen
DUmmie FUnniesA TDS Karen on a subway was triggered by the sight of a MAGA hat as you can see. Her rage knew no bounds to the extent that it led to YUUUUUUUGE belly flop Karma. What has to hurt worse now? The Karmatic Big Flop or the humiliating knowledge that her TDS antics and the hilarious final result will now be viewed by millions on the Web? No matter what TDS Karen does or where she goes her memory will be forever branded with her worldwide public humiliation caused by extreme TDS.4.92K views 2 comments -
Wokeism: A Satanic Cult (Woke People Making FOOLS Of Themselves...)
joegecko's Proxy ChannelWokeism: A Satanic Cult (Woke People Making FOOLS Of Themselves...)173 views 1 comment -
Tranny bartender threatens violence against Trump supporter.
therealjimmycrackcornA bartender at Chatterbox bar in Indianapolis threatened a Trump supporter with a bat and kicked her out the bar after they spotted her MAGA hat. Another woman can be heard telling the victim she wasn’t welcome, and when the Trump supporter pointed out that this was clear discrimination the bar can be heard laughing at her. Please Click the THUMBS UP Button 👍and SUBSCRIBE!😉9 views -
Lefty TikToker calls for Elon and Trump to be assassinated
The Charlie Kirk Show23.9K views 23 comments -
'Duly Noted': Unhinged TikToker Calls For Elon Musk To Be Assassinated
NewsVidsPosted • February 24, 2025: This editor doesn't "do" TikTok, and he certainly doesn't understand people's compulsion to post videos of themselves threatening violence. This TikToker comes right out and calls for Elon Musk to be assassinated and says she's not worried about being investigated because the FBI doesn't have enough people on staff. We're betting new FBI Director Kash Patel will find someone. -- TikToker who admits she hasn't filed taxes in 8 years calls for Elon to be assassinated. Again, it's bad enough that you have these violent fantasies in your head — what inspires you to shoot a video of yourself saying them out loud and posting it for millions to see? She may be getting a visit soon: —— U.S. Attorney Ed Martin @USAEdMartin: “Duly noted. Thx for letting us know. We’ll put you in the system. Talk soon, M’am. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw” —— Ha. Death threat and admission of multiple counts of tax fraud. Click, Click, Sarah C. Roberts. You are EXPOSED. New FBI leadership should have fun with this one! Sarah C Roberts should be easy enough to find. They seemed to be able to find faceless, nameless grandmas from J6 pretty easily. This should be an easier investigation than the January 6 roundup. Her name's right there. Those eyes https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GkkYUfSWsAAAcFM?format=jpg&name=medium —— It’s always the… https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gkkn_JdXgAA-qTU?format=jpg&name=medium —— Someone should train AI to flag crazy eyes in TikTok videos. So she should be in jail for tax evasion already... These people have been lawless for so long even the calm normal application of existing law feels like the world collapsing for them. People out here actively committing and confessing to crimes, recording it, and still deciding to upload it to the internet. When did we as a people lose that skill of understanding likely consequences of our actions? 🤔 (…) • More at: Twitchy - 'Duly Noted': Unhinged TikToker Calls for Elon Musk to Be Assassinated https://twitchy.com/brettt/2025/02/24/duly-noted-unhinged-tiktoker-calls-for-elon-musk-to-be-assassinated-n2408900100 views 3 comments -
Angry Teacher79% of Americans support keeping biological men out of women’s sports - according to CNN! Democrats vote against protecting women in women's sports. Congresswomen wore pink for Trump's speech. Piers Morgan Threatens To Mute Lib Who Repeatedly Ducks His Question On Men In Women’s Sports. 📍 Genesis Gold Group 🏦 | 🌐 https://angryteachergold.com 📞 1-800-200-4653 | 🇺🇸 #1 Trusted Gold IRA Company 🥇 Conservative Patriots must win against the left! #trump #sports #piersmorgan #womenssports #women #news #conservative #patriot #patriotic #politics #republican #right #movies #videogames #comics #entertainment #joerogan #billmaher #timpool #whoopigoldberg168 views 6 comments -
The Theory of STUPIDITY
We The People - Constitutional ConventionsZoom 7 PM Alberta time daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 The Importance Of Efficient And Effective Self-governance In Life A couple of days ago, I wrote a piece about how effective governance can be inefficient. After publishing this article, it hit me; anything begins with the self. This revelation spearheaded my research on the essentiality of efficient and effective self-governance. Self-governance involves living an autonomous and independent life governed by self-established standards and responsibilities. Through self-governance, we draw strength to make sound and viable decisions, set goals, and take steps toward actualizing our visions. The key to unlocking our full potential is embracing efficiency and effectiveness in all that we do. Self-governance is crucial in leading a blissful and limitless life. Below are the significances of efficient and effective self-governance: 1. Personal Growth and Development Effective self-independence is the ultimate source of intrinsic motivation toward personal growth and development. Taking charge of our lives gives us the power to identify our strengths and weaknesses, grow from our encounters, and make positive changes. Personal growth initiates a continuous cycle of self-improvement and evolution into the best and higher versions of ourselves. Through clear goals and adherence to a well-laid plan, we tackle our challenges potently and capitalize on higher-fulfilling opportunities. This deliberate living encourages self-awareness and resilience over our circumstantial obstacles. 2. Confidence and Autonomy Effective and Efficient Self-management promotes independence, confidence, and accountable decision-making. Through accountability we eliminate dependency on extrinsic motivation and opinions and enhance 3. Self-Trust and Worth. Independent thinkers register high levels of attaining impossible goals and pursuing their aspired passions. There is liberation in self-governance from societal expectations, unworthy distractions, and unproductive bureaucratic regulations. Self-governance helps us embrace our uniqueness as a vital tool toward success. 4. Time Management and Productivity Efficient self-control augments our productivity rate through optimal time management. Prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and staying focused on our objectives, increases efficiency in our daily lives: enabling a work-life-leisure balance: reducing stress and exhaustion. Time management is a critical principle of success. It accounts for how we utilize our time; dedicate ample attention to high-value things, be it spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or advancing our careers. 5. Nurturing Relationships Effective self-governance goes beyond individual benefits; it positively influences our relationships with others. By understanding self-regulation, we empathize and are more open-minded in our interactions: paving the way for healthier and more meaningful connections with family, friends, colleagues, and those around us. The Strong relationships we build form a foundational system for personal growth and emotional stability. Self-governance helps appreciate the significance of Boundaries, Respect, Collaboration, and a Peaceful environment for personal and professional life. 6. Flexibility and Anti-Fragility Life is full of uncertainty; unforeseeable events occur frequently. Efficient self-governance nurtures adaptability and resilience to help us embrace change positively. Self-independence promotes positive psychology: it impacts our view of setbacks as opportunities for learning and future set-ups. Through self-governance, we adopt a growth mindset, adaptable to any challenge, innovative, and solution-based. Anti-fragility leads us to wisdom, higher strengths, and limitlessness. Conclusion Efficient and effective self-governance is the foundation of a Fruitful and Blissful life. Living deliberately and responsibly, empowering ourselves and others, helps us create a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life. So, it’s our sacred duty to establish an effective and efficient self-governance for true potential and positive contribution to the world. Remember, Self-Autonomy is our power to shape our destinies.702 views 3 comments -
Smug "Pro Choice" College Lib Gets Destroyed by Charlie Kirk
Silverloch ClipsFollow us at https://x.com/SilverlochMedia8.24K views 4 comments -
Woke mind virus ruined minds of Canada's children & Liberal gov's policies are ruining Canada
Canadian Citizens JournalBased legal immigrant outside of Pierre Poilievre's Canada First rally says that the woke mind virus has ruined the minds of Canada's children and the Liberal government's destructive policies are ruining Canada85 views 4 comments