GENESIS Series – God's Plan Begins
23 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Here is our Genesis adult Sunday school series! We learn about God's wonderful plan for mankind.
Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos from start to finish so many people online will find them. Then, share them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! bit.ly/m/ODBC_Catalina
God's Self-Revelation Through CREATION (Genesis 1 - 2)
Open Door Baptist ChurchGod's Self-Revelation Through CREATION (Genesis 1 - 2) - 7.23.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for July 23, 2023. We begin a new Sunday school series, which is an in-depth study on the Book of Genesis. For today, we begin with studying chapters 1 and 2, learning about how God revealed Himself through His magnificent creation! Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.12 views -
The ONLY Solution to the Fall of Man, Part 1 (Genesis 3)
Open Door Baptist ChurchThe ONLY Solution to the Fall of Man, Part 1 (Genesis 3) - 7.30.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for July 30, 2023. From Genesis chapters 3 to 5, we learn about God's only solution to the Fall of Mankind, which is when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 9:47 1A. Satan tempts Eve. 25:49 1B. Adam and Eve yielded to the temptation. 28:19 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.11 views -
Stories in Genesis: The ONLY Solution to the Fall of Man, Part 2
Open Door Baptist ChurchThe ONLY Solution to the Fall of Man, Part 2 (Genesis 3 - 5) - 8.6.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for August 6, 2023. We continue learning about the only solution to the fall of mankind, which is described in Genesis chapters 3 to 5. These passages describe how Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, how God had to kick them out of the garden, and the first murder. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 4:28 1C. God seeks Adam and Eve. 11:37 The “Proto-Evangelium” 19:57 2. Man’s rejects God’s solution. 23:05 2A. Murder 27:16 2B. Broken relationships & death. 29:17 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.10 views -
Must-Listen Bible Study: How God's Grace SAVED Mankind from Destruction
Open Door Baptist ChurchHow God's Grace SAVED Mankind From Destruction! (Genesis 6 - 9) - 8.13.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for August 13, 2023. This morning we will continue in our Genesis Bible Study as we begin Lesson 3, where we discuss God's deep grace. We study Genesis chapters 6 to 9. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 7:47 1. The Days of Noah. 24:54 2. Preparation for the flood. 27:59 God’s grace & justice. 32:25 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.7 views -
Genesis Series: Humanity Rebels AGAIN
Open Door Baptist ChurchHumanity Rebels Again: Two Plans, Two Results Part 1: 8.27.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for August 27, 2023. For this lesson in our study of Genesis, we begin chapter 10, which describes how distinct nations began to form after the Noah's flood. In chapter 11, we learn how the nations spread around the world and now people started having pride again. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 6:31 1. Formation of the nations. 7:25 1A. Japheth 8:53 1B. Ham 16:54 1C. Shem 18:24 2A. The people’s pride. 23:35 Chiastic structure from ch. 11. 31:54 2B. God’s judgment. 35:21 Conclusion & closing prayer. Part 2: 9.3.2023 Sunday School, Begins at 37:50 Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday School for Sunday the 3rd, 2023. We continue learning about how humanity rebelled a second time when he built the tower of Babel, and we discover what God did to punish everyone who committed this sin. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 4:10 2A. The people’s pride. 8:48 2B. God’s judgment. 17:50 3. Continuation of the line of Shem. 28:46 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.9 views -
Encouraging Bible Lesson – God's *Unconditional* Promises!
Open Door Baptist ChurchGod's *Unconditional* Promises! (Genesis 12) Part 1: 9.10.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for September the 10th, 2023. From Genesis chapter 12, we learn about the story of Abram, whom God called and blessed greatly in terms of land and later, offspring. From here, we must remember how much God can bless us, even if it takes much faith at first. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 3:13 What does it mean to be faithful? 6:10 Examples of biblical faithfulness. 13:20 Something for you to think about… 15:10 1. God’s faithful selection. 15:58 1A. Abram’s family history. 18:43 1B. God selects Abram. 28:43 Conclusion & closing prayer. Part 2: 9.17.2023 Sunday School, Begins at 32:02 Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for September the 17th, 2023. From the life of Abraham, we continue learning about how God has unconditional promises for all of us. We study from Genesis chapter 12 in this lesson. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 2:12 2A. God’s generous faithfulness. 13:05 2B. God’s steadfast faithfulness. 25:21 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.71 views -
2 Bible Lessons in 1 – God, the Possessor of ALL (Genesis 13 - 14)
Open Door Baptist ChurchGod, the Possessor of ALL (Genesis 13 - 14) Part 1: 9.24.2023 Sunday School Here’s Open Door’s Sunday school for September the 24th, 2023. We learn about how God blessed Abram’s life in Genesis chapters 13 and 14. From here, we understand how God is truly the one who possesses all things, including land like in Abraham’s story. Part 2: 10.1.2023 Sunday School, Begins at 38:39 Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for October the 1st, 2023. As we progress in our Genesis series, we learn about how God is the possessor of all things, whether we like it or not. In Genesis chapter 14, we examine how Abram wanted all the land of Canaan, but it was really God who owned it. We also look at how Melchizedek's meeting with Abram prompted the latter to acknowledge God as the Most High. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 2:33 2. Abram rescues Lot. 3:46 2A. Lot loses it all. 8:33 2B. Abram recognizes God as… 11:51 Who is Melchizedek? 17:26 Abram and Melchizedek 19:57 How to Acknowledge God as the Most High 25:18 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.44 views -
Bible Lesson for Christians – The TEST Of the Silence of God
Open Door Baptist ChurchThe TEST of the Silence of God (Genesis 16) - 10.15.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday School class for October the 15th, 2023 on the Book of Genesis. For this lesson in Genesis (from chapter 16), we learn about why God stayed silent to test Abraham’s faith. We also find out who Ishmael is. From these passages, we see why we should not get impatient when God tests us but trust in Him all the way. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 1:58 1A. God promised an heir. 18:03 1B. God’s knowledge. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.9 views -
Genesis Bible Study – NO Laughing Matter
Open Door Baptist ChurchNO Laughing Matter (Genesis 18) - 10.22.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for October the 22nd, 2023. In this lesson, we study the time when Abraham received the promise of having a child at such an old age, making Sarah his wife laugh. This laugh actually resembled, a type of fear that God does not want us to have. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 2:35 Living fear scale. 6:11 Reading chapter 18. 10:12 1A. Abraham’s hospitality. 14:59 1B. Sarah’s doubt. 20:58 Sarah vs. Abram’s Son in Laws 22:20 Sodom and Gomorrah 27:59 Conclusion & closing prayer. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.25 views 1 comment -
Genesis Bible Study – Abraham and Abimelech (Genesis 20)
Open Door Baptist ChurchAbraham and Abimelech (Genesis 20) - 11.19.2023 Sunday School Good morning! We thank you for tuning in to Open Door's adult Sunday school for November the 19th, 2023. In our Genesis series, we continue learning lessons from Abraham’s life. For this lesson, we discuss the tests God sets up for Abraham regarding Abimelech. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro to the lesson. 7:09 Reading the chapter. 12:13 Believers do sin. 14:29 He moved into enemy territory. 21:03 Believers suffer when they sin. 23:32 Cost him his character. 28:18 Sinning believers can be forgiven. Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Open Door Baptist Church from Catalina, Arizona! Founded in 2010, this is an independent Baptist church serving the Lord in the northern Tucson area. We ask you to do only two things – first, listen to our videos _from start to finish_ so many people online will find them. Then, _share_ them with your friends and family so they’ll learn the truth! ✅ Are you a Christian? Click here so we know: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Sub 🤔 You should watch this at least once: https://www.hopefortucson.com 🌐 Want to know more about our church? Visit our website: https://www.odbccatalina.org 📱 Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Facebook 📍 Interested in joining our in-person services? Here’s our address: https://bit.ly/ODBC_Location 🎥 If you’re interested, here’s where we began uploading in the first place: https://www.youtube.com/@ODBC_Catalina ⛪️ If you’re in the area, we hope you can attend our in-person services. Here’s when you can: • Sunday school lessons at 9:30 AM. • Sunday morning services at 10:30 AM. • Sunday evening services at 6:00 PM. • Midweek services on Wednesday at 6:30 PM.17 views