The Best Enemies Money Can Buy. Antony C. Sutton Interviewed by Dr. Stanley Monteith (1980)
TheWarAgainstYouAntony C. Sutton Interviewed by Dr. Stanley Monteith - The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (1980) *** TheWarAgainstYou: - The Entire Cold War Was Completely Fake. The Ruling Elite of the City of London Established the Bolsheviks and the USSR was Secretly Supported by the UK, USA and the Commonwealth Nation Leadership. Communism was also Supported in North Korea, Vietnam and China. - The Military Industrial Complex Never Could Have Established Itself as the World's Largest Superpower, Actually Controlling the Russia and China. Put Simply, Every Nation is the Bitch of the City of London Banksters. - Even Trump is Still in Debt to the Banksters. Unless Trump Ends the Federal Reserve, you will know He Still Serves the City of London Ruling Elite. That Still Includes and Crypto or Digital Currency. Trump's Plan to have a Public Private Partnership for a US Dollar Crypto Currency IS ACTUALLY FAR WORSE THAN CBDC, and Will Create a New Monopoly that is Not Beholden to Government Laws or Regulations, that is Free From Public Oversight. - 100% FASCISM *** Dialectics, Rockefeller's and Population Control Dennis L. Cuddy Ph.D NewsWithViews Nov 27, 2006 A Rockefeller Timeline https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_rockefeller09.htm - fromIlluminatiNewsWebsite http://www.illuminati-news.com/ * The CFR, the North American Union and the 2008 Presidential Candidates by Jim Paulson, July 29, 2007 http://www.illuminati-news.com/2007/0730b.htm * TheGLOBALISTS:The Power Elite Behind theRisingNew World Order by Dennis L. Cuddy, PhD More relevant today than ever! First posted June 24, 2009 ~ Updated September 4, 2013 http://crossroad.to/articles2/009/cuddy/1-power-elite.htm *** FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: EnigmaVideos https://www.youtube.com/@EnigmaVideos4.46K views 3 comments -
Maori protest a violent trans drag queen for children group with a Haka dance
RAIRFoundationUSA3.36K views 6 comments -
Kerry Mullis inventor of PCR test talks about the test Jan of 2021
RAIRFoundationUSA488 views 1 comment -
20 Years Before 9/11, The Twin Towers Engineer Said This...
SettingBrushfiresAt time 2:03 seconds of the video, the engineer of the Twin Towers, approximately 20 years before the event of 911, states that if a plane crashes into the Twin Towers, it cannot do any damage because it has a structure that can withstand 13 thousand tons1.33K views 8 comments -
Trump's Revolution and USAID's Billion Dollar Scandal
Peak ProsperityChris discusses the Trump revolution, USAID corruption, societal divisions, and potential economic upheaval, emphasizing the need for critical evaluation of information and preparation for future challenges. Episode #12 of The Signal Hour with Chris Martenson. The election proved that X (Twitter) is the signal, however with free speech comes the challenge of doing the work to find out what is true and what is noise. Chris does the work for you in this weekly live stream talking about topics that are critical to our future.9.19K views 14 comments -
USAID Is Not About 'Aid' - It's a Deep State Foreign Interference Agency
TheLibertyDaily*** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-First Precious Metals Company - Genesis Gold Group! https://rumblegold.com _ MY PILLOW PROMO CODE “TLD” https://www.mypillow.com/tld _ SURVIVE! Long-term storage beef, 25-year shelf life, on sale at 30% off with promo code "TLD30" - https://wholecowstld.com _ Buy a 3-Month Food Supply and receive gifts worth $200! http://bit.ly/3E5HEYo _ Sign up for The Liberty Daily Gold https://thelibertydaily.com/gold/ _ Get all your conservative swag at The Liberty Daily Store: https://shop.thelibertydaily.com/ _ Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheLibertyDaily Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourLibertyNews Find us at: https://thelibertydaily.com5.18K views 8 comments -
Bad News, The Problems Are Bigger Than Trump
Peak ProsperityJoin the discussion at Peak Prosperity: https://peak.fan/2p9xd527 Use coupon code PEAK20 for 20% off access to premium content: https://peak.fan/ajjpdm5r My podcast with Dave Collum, author of the "2024 Year in Review," covers economic valuations, market predictions, social dynamics, trust in institutions, and conspiracy theories. Will the markets fall 66% or even 90%? Can Trump pull off what needs to be pulled off? Tune in to find out!15.1K views 27 comments -
Biden's Escalation Of The War In Ukraine With Scott Horton; Lee Fang On The Junk Food Industry Sabotaging RFK Jr.'s Plans & The Gaetz Situation | SYSTEM UPDATE #371
Glenn GreenwaldVisit http://CBDistillery.com and use code GLENN for 20% off! Read Scott Horton's book: https://scotthorton.org/product/provoked/ Read Lee Fang's Reporting On RFK Jr. and the Junk Food Lobby: https://www.leefang.com/p/inside-the-junk-food-lobbys-plans Become part of our Locals community: https://greenwald.locals.com/ Follow Glenn: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ggreenwald Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glenn.11.greenwald/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glenn.greenwald.5/ Follow System Update: Twitter: https://twitter.com/SystemUpdate_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/systemupdate__/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@systemupdate__ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/systemupdate.tv/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/systemupdate/160K views 608 comments -
Chris Cuomo Awakened? If You Send Someone Into the Jungle, Do You Really Care if He Is a Savage?
TheLibertyDaily*** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-First Precious Metals Company - Our Gold Guy! https://ourgoldguy.com/tld/ _ MY PILLOW PROMO CODE “TLD” https://www.mypillow.com/tld _ SURVIVE! Long-term storage beef, 25-year shelf life, on sale with promo code "TLD15" - https://wholecowstld.com _ Buy a 3-Month Food Supply and receive gifts worth $200! http://bit.ly/3E5HEYo _ Sign up for The Liberty Daily Gold https://thelibertydaily.com/gold/ _ Get all your conservative swag at The Liberty Daily Store: https://shop.thelibertydaily.com/ _ Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheLibertyDaily Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourLibertyNews Find us at: https://thelibertydaily.com5.79K views 26 comments -
Lyndon LaRouche: The British Empire (Globalist NWO) Uses War and Money to Control Nations
TheWarAgainstYouLyndon LaRouche: The British Empire (Globalist NWO) Uses War and Money to Control Nations - The British Ruling Elite, The International Banksters and Israeli Zionist's Are Behind Almost Every War, But They Are Cowards The Hide Behind Proxy Wars and Trick Other Nations to Do Their Dirty Work. NATO and the USA are Getting Most of the Blame Over the Russia - Ukraine War, But the British Crown/City of London Controls it All... - 1,600 views • Jun 20, 2017 Executive Intelligence Review - Britannia Delenda Est Translated = Britain Must Be Destroyed - THAT MAY SOUND CRAZY OR EXTREME, IF ONE DOES NOT FIRST UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY OF LONDON IS LEADING THE GLOBALIST NWO WAR AGAINST HUMANITY (Under the Control of the Black Nobility and the Jesuits/Vatican) - Obama Called Out as British Globalist Puppet. But in Truth, it is Every President, All of our Politicians and our Entire Government. The Entire Government IS The Deep State. - Lyndon LaRouche at his best—the only statesman alive today who pulls no punches identifying the British Empire. Here, an excerpt from a September 2009 webcast. -------- This video is copyrighted by EIR News Service Inc. To encourage the widest distribution possible, we encourage you to spread it, repost it, and use it. We will only enforce our copyright if the video is altered in any way other than strict translation into another language or it is placed in a context, which in our sole judgement is racist or defamatory regarding any ethnic or religious group or person. __ FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@EIR-LaRouche * LaRouche: "We Are An Anti-Oligarchical Nation!" - 1,255 views June 27, 2009 Lyndon LaRouche - Executive Intelligence Review - In this archive clip from a June 2009 webcast titled "Britain Delenda Est!" by Lyndon LaRouche, he clearly defines the difference between the American System of credit for long term economic development, versus the British monetarist system, in explicit opposition to which the United States was originally founded. This historic understanding of the American System is the basis on which an international credit system can be created today, for the development of the planet, and the elimination of British imperialist monetarism once and for all. * Lyndon LaRouche: How the British Launched the NWO After WW2 With the Help of President Truman - Truman Had No Middle Name; Or, How the British Recolonized America - 1,089 views • May 3, 2017 Executive Intelligence Review *** TheWarAgainstYou - Regardless of the Points of Disagreement I have with Lyndon LaRouche, (as Pointed out below) he always had very interesting facts that he covered. Facts that few others knew, or dared to report. And, as Reported in this video, the conformation that the British are the Villains Behind the Globalist NWO is always a welcome agreement to find. It is one of the Most Important Yet Least Known Facts of All... - Lyndon LaRouche was an incredible researcher who dares to reveal some of the most shocking corruption and Political Treason that has ever been made public. However, I have a couple of Major Points that I completely Disagree With him and his organization on. - Namely, that FDR was a Good Guy and working for the Interests of America and a Protector of Freedom for Citizens. I Disagree to the Extreme with that. Admittedly, I may not be aware of many things that Lyndon LaRouche knew that I don't. But I can see of NO POSSIBLE REDEMPTION FOR FDR'S MONUMENTAL ACTS OF TREASON. - The other major issues is with Lyndon LaRouche and his organization's Support for The Belt and Road. Once again there is much on this that was reported on that I have yet to read, but whatever it is that gave him that opinion may be, it still does not negate the Facts that I have personally established that prove that BRICS and the Belt Road is just an opposite Arm of the Globalist Banksters. And I believe that those who have taken over his organization after his death have been predgudised to stick to that understanding. But I believe if Lyndon LaRouche were still alive and researching these subjects "He Would Agree With My Conclusions." And I actually hope to bring up that debate with the Executive Intelligence Review in the near future. ********* FDR's son Elliot Roosevelt in his book explained of Franklin Roosevelt's vision for a post-colonial, post-imperial world which was what the Allied soldiers fought to bring about. - As FDR famously told Winston Churchill, as documented by Roosevelt's son Elliot in his book As He Saw It: "I can’t believe that we can fight a war against fascist slavery, and at the same time not work to free people all over the world from a backward colonial policy.” - And as Winston Churchill correctly accused FDR: "Mr. President, I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire! Every idea you entertain about the structure of the postwar world demonstrates it." - And as Elliot Roosevelt continues: "In saying what he did, he was acknowledging that British colonial policy would be a dead duck, and British attempts to dominate world trade would be a dead duck, and British ambitions to play off the U.S.S.R. against the U.S.A. would be a dead duck. Or would have been, if Father had lived." - As one of the last remaining living veterans of WWII, Lyndon LaRouche has dedicated his life to fighting to keep alive Franklin Roosevelt's vision of the post-colonial, post-imperial world. - Today, the opportunity to finally fulfill FDR's vision of freeing nations (including the United States, now) from the British Empire, can be achieved by President Trump accepting Chinese President Xi Jinping's offer to join the New Silk Road, establishing a new system of peace and mutual benefit through global great projects and economic development. - (Yeah. I have some issues with that last paragraph for sure) * Brits Court Rules: Aggressive War is LEGAL (when we do it!) Starting Wars is OK, Even When Creating False Pretense - 1,147 views Apr 21, 2017 - The British Empire has no shame. Queen’s Counsel Jeremy Wright claims that Tony Blair cannot be prosecuted for his lies that led to the Iraq War, because: “It is established at by clear and unanimous authority at the highest level, that the crime of aggression is not known to English law.” * Brits: Nuclear first strike? Jolly good! - 1,627 views April 25, 2017 - UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon decided to let the world know that the Theresa May government would not rule out the first-use of nuclear weapons. The British Empire is doing everything it can to stir up tensions and conflict around Russia and China, and this is yet another example. Britannia delenda est! * The New British Coup in the USA -- Helga Zepp-LaRouche - 1,923 views April 20, 2017 Executive Intelligence Review - At the April 13-14 Schiller Institute conference in New York City Helga Zepp-LaRouche called out the British imperial hand behind pushing President Trump to go for war, attempting to divide the USA from Russia and China. Mrs. LaRouche's full keynote address and the rest of the conference is available here, http://newparadigm.schillerinstitute.... - Yeah. Well, there is a Big Difference between what President Trump says and does. And Strange Fact. Trump is Still Funded by Rothschild Associates. And I do not recall Trump EVER Calling to End the Federal Reserve.3.12K views 4 comments