The Best Is Yet To Come! Qanon Plan To Save The World!!! Today Mar 22
Clif_HighThe Best Is Yet To Come! Qanon Plan To Save The World!!! Today Mar 222.51K views 1 comment -
Africa's Energy Secret: The Unlimited Range Car Big Oil Doesn't Want You To See
TheWarAgainstYouAfrica's Energy Secret: The Unlimited Range Car Big Oil Doesn't Want You To See - Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5EygmKqCJk - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/philosophers-stone/4.09K views 21 comments -
Khazarian Mafia | The God Eaters
Tirzah1111Khazarian Mafia | The God Eaters This video is indeed about the Khazarian Mafia, but more importantly offers the patterns by which they have fed on God by way of humanities ignorance. As Nature creatures we are an outpouring of God, and the only way we can escape the Black Sun, is to understand their modus operandi; this means changing our world view, so that true evil can be seen; for we all have been beguiled with assumptions which disguise the Demiurge. The Khazarian Mafia has worked extremely hard to present a false reality based on inculcated lies, falsified histories, and projected blame. So the point of this lecture is to not only educate the listener to the bloodlines of the Khazarian Mafia, but more importantly, the psychology by which they have eviscerated us. By Chuck Swindoll The Khazarian Mafia is Judaism/Talmud, NATO, Israel government, US government, WEF, FED, Pharma, UK gov, WHO, Ukraine gov and knowing this it explains the current situation and why this and that is happening…6.29K views 38 comments -
Dr. Lee Merritt & Mike King- Trump Intel No One Has Heard About, Until Now! Time Is Running Out!
Clif_HighDr. Lee Merritt & Mike King- Trump Intel No One Has Heard About, Until Now! Time Is Running Out!952 views -
Jordan Maxwell: Yoda is a Freemasonic Jewish Imp Familiar. Well Surprise, Surprise
TheWarAgainstYouJordan Maxwell: Yoda is a Freemasonic Jewish Imp Familiar. Well Surprise, Surprise - Lol. We should have known. - THE HIDDEN LORE OF STAR WARS 🌌 EXPOSED BY JORDAN MAXWELL - Sniper Of Truth - Well, well, well.. - Source:https://x.com/Sniper0fTruth/status/1900933210936115223 - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/canst/5.63K views 7 comments -
Trump's 40-Year Entanglement with Jewish/Jewish Russian/Italian MOB & FBI Investigation DOCUMENTARY
TheWarAgainstYouTrump's 40-Year Entanglement with Jewish/Jewish Russian/Italian MOB & FBI Investigation DOCUMENTARY - THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT, TRUMP IS DIRTY - HE DID NOT CARE "HOW" DIRTY YOUR MONEY WAS. HIS WAS JUST AS DIRTY..... - FBI AGENTS CONFIRM TRUMP WORKED WITH THE MOB. "PROOF" TRUMP TIWER WAS MOB CENTRAL. NOT ONLY RUNNING OPERATIONS OUT OF TRUMP TOWER, BUT USING TRUMP TIWER AS PART OF MONEY LAUNDERING... - 1,082,852 views Oct 12, 2024 SLICE Full Doc - Never has a president so repeatedly and openly demonstrated his disrespect for the law, the Constitution and the democratic institutions of the United States. From Russian interference in the 2016 elections to secret deals with the mafia, Donald Trump has faced many accusations - while he claims to be the victim of an FBI conspiracy. Despite being implicated in well-documented suspect deals, he was never charged. In fact, Trump and the FBI have been covertly enmeshed for 40 years. But exactly how far did he go to get his way, and to keep agents from investigating? Using privileged access to FBI officials, this film examines the complex relationship between the United States Intelligence Community and its businessman-turned-President, who plays a double game with the Mafia and the bureau. In the run-up of the next presidential election, this investigation proposes to lay out the inside story of Trump’s potentially compromised presidency, examined by those who know him best. Documentary: An American Affair : Trump & the Fbi (2020) Directed by: Fabrizio Calvi & David Carr-Brown Production: Pumpernickel Films and Allumage - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@SLICE_Full_Doc6.92K views 34 comments -
Manson's 1968 Beach Boy Pool Naked Girl Parties Were Better Than Little St. James
georgewebbManson's 1968 Beach Boy Pool Naked Girl Parties Were Better Than Little St. James7.23K views 10 comments -
Midnight Mysteries #4: Nephilim Rapture in Ancient Texts- 400 Angels Set Guard
TheWarAgainstYouMidnight Mysteries #4: Nephilim Rapture in Ancient Texts- 400 Angels Set Guard - From the Midnight Ride - Demonic Sethian Gnostics - THE RETURN OF STRANGE FLESH (GENETICALLY ENGINEERED NEPHILIM DNA + TRANSHUMAN) PROTECTED BY A LEGION OF DEMONS) IN THE FINAL DAYS - The Nephilim Return - The Spawn of Seth - Strange Flesh - Flesh of Another Kind - Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah - THE JEWS BOASTED THEY CREATED EVERY GNOSTIC SECT - 41,481 views Mar 7, 2025 Now You See TV - Midnight Mysteries w/ Jon Pounders #Nephilim #rapture #ancient #Angels #NYSTV In this broadcast, we delve into a mysterious ancient text that unveils 400 guardian angels tasked with protecting a 'remnant' during the end times, possibly tied to the enigmatic event of the rapture. We’ll explore the text’s origins and how these celestial guardians might play a role. Join us as we decode this prophecy. Share your thoughts in the comments as we unravel this mystery!" We are not monetized on YouTube and need you to continue. Donate to help NYSTV continue to create content: Donate PayPal https://www.paypal.me/NowYouSeeTV - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@NowYouSeeTV8.16K views 19 comments -
Sun Tzu - The Art of War Documentary
QspecialForces20.07.2024 #Documentary #History #Biography Video Credit #peopleprofiles Source http://tiny.cc/PeopleProfiles TIMING IS EVERYTHING.. Sun tzu.. - Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak!! - MEME THEM TILL THEY CRY.. ...and then make MEMES when they DIE WHILE CRYING.. - SUN TZU, THE ART OF WAR WILL BRING PEACE... - "AND WE HAVE BEEN SITTING NEXT TO THE RIVER AND SAW THE CORPSES OF OUR ENEMIES HAVE BEEN FLOATING BY BYE.." - TIMING IS EVERYTHING! ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1l1mjl-j6stice-is-coming-timing-is-everything-q.html - TRUMP TZU >> Sun Tzu - The Art of War "Do not disturb your enemy when he is about to destroy himself" - Military is the only way No Deals #QspecialForces NCSWIC 💞🌹🕊🌍💫 --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1pa67d--the-art-of-trump-war-sun-tzu-.html - 🔥 THE FOG OF WAR --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ip6w9-the-fog-of-war.html - THE HERO'S JOURNEY - STARRING PRESIDENT TRUMP --->>> https://rumble.com/v58oa1x-the-heros-journey-starring-president-trump.html - PATRIOTS IN CONTROL 2 – FULL FEATURE - EarthAlliance, TRUMP, Q and the MILITARY --->>> https://rumble.com/v58aveh-patriots-in-control-2-full-feature.html6.42K views 7 comments -
Follow Up On Rogqn - Carroll Kennedy Witness Death Lists
georgewebbFollow Up On Rogqn - Carroll Kennedy Witness Death Lists1.65K views 1 comment