Piers Karenista Morgan JOINS the growing number of media COVIDIOTS😳😂
Rotten PoliticsThis man has spent the last eight months slamming people for doing just this Time for him to go Join me on DISCORD for a chat away from youtube at https://discord.gg/Y9FH38u Follow me on twitter at http://twitter.com/PoliticsRotten @PoliticsRotten Parler at https://parler.com/profile/RottenPoli... @RottenPolitics find me on rumble Rotten Politics https://rumble.com/c/RottenPolitics boris johnson,priti patel,home secretary,house of commons,jacob rees-mogg,brexit,nodeal,brexiteers,remain,jeremy corbyn,brexit news,boris,trade deal,uk economy,labour leadership,rotten politics,uk politics news,uk politics,sky news,united kingdom,Piers Karenista Morgan joins the growing number of media covidiots😳,good morning britain,breakfast show,morning news,piers morgan,hypocrite establishment,hypocritical media6 views -
An Open Letter to the Actual Covidiots
Leaving Sugar MountainThis is a reading of An Open Letter to the Actual Covidiots by Dr Simon from this Thread here: https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1387425874203529220 As usual we include appropriate Memes and Videos to compliment the content of the thread plus a special tribute to Nancy Pelosi at the end. The World Wide Rally for Freedom will be held on May 15th 2021 in all capital cities of Australia. Please Like, Share & Subscribe & visit our website at LeavingSugarMountain.com47 views -
MR. NON-PC - The CovidCult - A Bipartisan Effort
MrNonPCHere we are near the tail end of 2023 and STILL the majority of fools and tools WILL NOT admit nor acknowledge how the CovidCult was perpetrated by both the REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS!!! It was a bipartisan effort....time to SNAP OUTTA THE TRANCE!!!75 views -
MR. NON-PC - Never Let Them Forget How They Acted...
MrNonPCThis one goes out to all the Covidiots out there.... I strongly urge anyone who had to endure all the lunacy of the past 940 days of the CovidCult to NEVER LET THE COVIDIOTS FORGET how they acted!! Who can deny the damage (mental, physical, spiritual etc.) the angry vaccinated have done to our entire world!? And isn't it so funny how the whiny and wimpy libtards that hated Trump so much took "The Trump Vaccine" which is the weirdest and biggest mindbender of all!! Who can forget how they fired people from their jobs? Created "Medical Apartheid" and lied about effective treatments like Ivermectin and many others! Never let these fools forget about what they did and how they acted! Now is the time for us to keep reminding them that THEY did this!!118 views -
COVIDIOTS. What's OK, what's not OK?
DDAlexOpreaDay 13 of California's stay at home order. We can go to a grocery store, we can walk in the park and on the street, we can take our car to a dealership for service where obviously technicians and supporting staff is still at work and interacting with customers. It's still not OK to be on the beach for some idiotic reason. We can still visit family members, neighbors, go to doctor appointments, buy gasoline, but when it comes to miles of open beaches where people are dozens of feet apart we are not allowed to be there. What kind of logic is this? Politicians and cops have totally lost their minds, if they ever had any. Keywords: California Los Angeles cops politicians covid corona disease virus lockdown stay at home covidiots covideo pandemic 20202 views -
Stu Does Government COVIDiots: We Can't Be This Stupid | Guest: Tony Salvatore | Ep 59
Stu Does AmericaStu does … government COVIDiots! The media is NOT putting the best and brightest on the air as it skews its coverage in whatever direction disses President Trump. Let's just trust that the majority of Americans aren't as horrible as they're portrayed by our failing media. Then, Tony Salvatore of Hank's Gourmet Beverages talks about navigating the government's small business loans while also battling a family case of COVID-19.50 views -
The Fauci Cult
pepperpeep—The Fauci Cult— Mindless Zombies are praising and touting Dr. Anthony Fauci as the “Most Trustworthy Man, A Hero, And A Legend at The Ministry of Truth!” In reality, he is none of these things. He is a lying, careless, dangerous and narcissistic tyrannical mad scientist. The covidiots can’t get enough Fauci and they worship him! The useful idiots cling on to Fauci’s every word, despite all of his past heinous acts being exposed. From cruel and unusual torture & killing of animals to killing or permanently disabling countless orphans, foster children and AIDS patients with his past “scientific” experiments. This man is a monster, yet leftist idiots praise and worship him. #MedicalTyrant #MadScientist #Fauci #FauciLiedPeopleDied #covidiots66 views 1 comment -
Covidiots Drinking Through Their Masks - 4149
SBN News ClipsCovidiots Drinking Through Their Masks - 4149 🚨 - SUPPORT US ON LOCALS: https://petesantilli.locals.com/support 🚨 - JOIN US ON GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/petesantilli 🚨 - Beat Big Tech! Join Pete’s Telegram Channel: https://t.me/thepetesantillishow 🚨 - Join us in chat: https://t.me/FriendsOfPete BUY PISTOL PETE’S BEEF JERKY HERE https://www.pistolpetesjerky.com/ 🚧 - INVEST IN OUR SHOW. We will never be supported by “big-pharma” - we work for YOU! 🚨 - Donate Via Paypal: http://paypal.me/petesantilli 🚨 - PLEASE DONATE BY MAIL: Check/Money Orders Payable to: Peter Santilli - P.O. Box 30122, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 🚨 - Donate via Text2Give: Text the word “GIVE” to the following number: (513) 440-4080 🔴 - Save Up to 66% Using Promo Code “PETE”! Visit: http://MyPillow.com ✅ - Pete Santilli LIVE! https://rumble.com/PeteLive ✅ - The Pete Santilli Show Main Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ThePeteSantilliShow ✅ - SBN News Clips https://rumble.com/c/SBNNewsClips ✅ - Pete Santilli Show Guest Interviews - https://rumble.com/c/PeteSantilliInterviews ✅ - Bible Study With Pete https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudyWithPete138 views 3 comments -
Covidiots - Putting masks on their dog (Not really news but insanity)-1630
SBN News ClipsCovidiots - Putting masks on their dog (Not really news but insanity) ✅ Pete Santilli LIVE! https://rumble.com/PeteLive ✅ The Pete Santilli Show Main Channel https://rumble.com/c/ThePeteSantilliShow ✅SBN News Clips https://rumble.com/c/SBNNewsClips ✅Pete Santilli Show Guest Interviews https://rumble.com/c/PeteSantilliInterviews ✅ Bible Study With Pete https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudyWithPete124 views 1 comment -