the long awaited ascension explanation video :) xxx
Leonsinclair1973A Brief Synopsis Season 3 episode 8 'Gioing Home' The other side of the ice wall & firmament, you all work as a team, you friends are your family, don’t forget ‘death’ is a construct-assisted technology, similar to passing your mobile phone in close proximity to a 5,000 Gauss magnet (Neodymium Rare Earth magnet)….try it and see, I did, I wouldn’t advise it. That’s what happens as you exit the sun into a portal that took your soul into the DUMB below the Vatican for processing & ‘Rebirth’ into a similar social class that you were in before you ‘died’, just moments prior i.e. less than 5 minutes usually, maybe half-hour if you are lucky and escape ‘collection’ via Grey ET’s sent to pick your soul up and shove it towards ‘The Light’ - They track the souls so that they know who to harvest and who not to, don’t forget that the actual figure for ‘humans’ in this realm was approx. 13 Billion souls, yet only 40% of the people you see on this planet, are human, as in they are actual beings who were created from Source Creation, they have a soul and are ancient, ‘human’ can also refer to the original ‘Taran’ souls who lived here, being themselves a creation incepted here by the Pleiadeans and the local higher density councils who caretake Gateway-10, and created it. So with only 40% of ‘us’ being actual humans (when I say this, I mean ‘human’ right now, but these souls here, you and me alike, are made up of all sorts of species, Pleiadean, andromadan, articulate, Mayer, lyran, carabea, etc etc etc, so when I say ‘human’ in this context, I mean humans at the moment in human vessels, regardless of your origin, or it will get really complicated!) so with only 40% of people alive right now here on Earth being actual real people with a soul in their chest, the rest of the, lets just call it 10 billion people for ease of maths, well even with my poor arithmetic skills, that’s 6 BILLION people who think they are humans (real alive people) but they will just pixelate at the EMF, and disappear with the rest of 3rd density - they are just a 3rd density vessel, with the consciousness of someone who was sacrificed In the last 20-odd years, and a consciousness alone will not ascend, only a soul can ascend – remember this process is not actually anything to do with a ‘God’, its simply a technological process, a highly advanced technological process…think of the difference between a drawing an image on a slate pad with chalk, or In the sand with your finger, compared to the technological advancement, capabilities and logistics of drawing that same image on the screen of your iPad…….except the disparity between 3rd density-&-5th + density is far greater than the analogy given with the sand, or chalk slate. Technology in the range of millions of years ahead of our current public understanding, takes on a supernatural explanation in the 3rd density paradigm that we exist in – but its just technology, there is no supernatural, supernatural is just advanced science. The reason some couples cant have kids, is quite often ad more-likely-than-not due to the fact that one of them is an NPC (Non-Player Character). NPC’s are born, not created, but these section of the ‘Extras’ required to pull-off the largest scam in universal history, they are not compatible with a soul-wearing vessels that make up 40% of the species ‘humans’……. The NPC concept had to come out late in the day for the reasons of its preposterous nature – The concept of NPC’s is a big one to accept, yet we are literally surrounded by them – they work everywhere you work, the eat everywhere you eat, they are your friends from work and you mates from the pub – this is so so deep, its okay if your not an NPC, because they are not real, they are not actually people who think and feel emotions, they are unaware that they are not real, they just think they are themselves and theres nothing more to it, their whole point is to side with government narrative and ‘popular’ topics, shows, films, whatever the media, who are actually also the MK-Ultra mind control promulgators, set the ‘tone’ and the NPC’s Prime Directive’ is to latch-on and fully back it, wheather that’s a pop group, a social trend, a film, a political party, a way of life, or the change of freedom-removing-laws, the NPC’s will be bang on it out-of-the-gate, causing the illusion of public support validating the issue at hand, no matter how outrageous it may be, I.e the LGBTQ movement, as one small example with huge ramifications, is 1st introduced 40+ years prior to its required point where ‘in-your-face-trannys’ are in toddler groups masquerading lurid sexual poses for 4, 5, 6 & 7 year olds to aspire to & emulate, informed that its okay for boys to be gay and girls to identifie as cats and curl-one-out in a cat litter tray - where families who rally in support of this blatantly anti-social situation, the ones with tables outside libraries handing out LGBTQ propaganda along with the ‘men’ who wear makeup, have blue hair & painted fingernails, and work in a supermarket near you on weekdays, these avid supporters are all NPC’s, they are fulfilling their remit to perfection – these people and their entire family will pixelate at the EMF in January/February, soon to be forgotten thorns in the side of the ascension process, these non-people, who also make up large portions of NHS staff who wouldn’t think to question vaccine efficacy of their own free will because they don’t have a free will, they are operating on a consciousness that exists in thousands of the same people all over the world……their opinion matters as much as the character in a GTA Videogame (Grand Theft Auto) who tries to obstruct you as you walk down the street in a hurry……they are Non Player Characters, a consciousness shared by many others – these people do not dream, they do not have deep interests outside of ‘bread & circus’, x-factor viewers and Big Brother, Celebrity jungle get me out of here’ etc, and will desire to fit-in like super-sheep, the sheep who lead the herd in whatever direction the carrot of demise is hung. Now understand that roughly 6 people out of every 10 people that you know and love, or hate, 6/10 of them are NPC’s from birth-preschool upwards. NPC’s are born, not created, they are born into NPC families – these ‘people’ are stocking-fillers to make up the numbers and lead the public opinion in the desired media-attenuated-direction. They are the masses of police, social services, CAFCASS Judiciary and prison system workers, Supermarket staff who been in the job all their lives, and other sector workers, because they have a ‘Cestui Que Vie’ Birth Citificate Bond, they are worth using as financial slaves, and sometimes for organ harvesting, which is always preferred on human souls, i.e. people born here with an actual soul, as opposed to a synthetic, clone, hybrid, or NPC vessel -a ‘Synthetic’ will not be harvested as it has no soul to terrify and fake blood (shown to you on the popular TV series ‘True Blood’ where a new synthetic blood is available for Vampires so they do not need to kill humans, but they prefer the ‘Real Thing’ i.e. real human blood – an NPC will only be harvested for organs for the draco et al to feast on, as mentioned previously, they only eat the organs and glands of humans, they do not eat the meat, the meat goes into the multinational food chain in many different forms, cured hams and meats that are ‘processed’, were, up until 2019 all human derived meats – all that salami and cured sausages, if they were manufactured by large multi-national corporations such as all the common ones in all countries, were all chopped up human carcass’s. So you can imagine from my point of view, I found that out in 2005, I heard it on a voice clip on my phone that sounded credible, it was Rabbi Winkleman the firebrand Jewish Cleric satanist, but iv had all that time since 2005 to process the enormity of that statement, even if I didn’t realize it at the time, I was processing 1st its validity, then its implications for the last 20+ years, so knowing that I have eaten literally parts of many thousands of children myself, and a few pensioners, although not a great realization in itself, is hugely beneficial for me in the here and now, considering the implications of eating dead kids, or pensioners, being quite traumatic in itself, if you just found this out on the same day that you find out that the queen was a shapeshifting reptilian who worshipped a fake deity known of as Satan, on the same day that you realize that vegans have also been eating and drinking dead children for the last 80+ years, so just extrapolate that out into the flat plain of realm-3 and see what just that one small revelation will do to society if realized internationally to be a fact, at the same time worldwide….?? Now add over 10,000 heinous and despicable acts and crimes carried out by the planets most loved and trusted celebrities, governmental figures, and religious leaders….on the planets most important assets, our children…….and they find this ALL out in an 8 hour documentary in one afternoon…..can you see how fucked this section of community is going to be when this happens? And, “this section of the community” is in actual fact over 99.8% of the entire realms denizens……over 10 billion people. The Whitehat’s laid-it-out for the public In a video portraying a possibly fictitious scenario of a domed filmset in antarctica, where this apparent scenario was to unfold in the 1950’s (60’s?) called ‘Sunnyvielle’ it was a supposed TV set-up like the Truman show, but set in Antarctica, where only 5 contestants were in the ‘Game/show’, there were 30,000 actors supposedly present ‘on-set’ living as the population of a city know as ‘Sunnyville’ – we are informed that this s a domed facility in antarctica created to look like a regular US city with full infrastructure and amenities, schools, shop’s, Delis, busses and traffic etc etc…..yet this is white-hat ‘soft-disclosure’, disclosing the fact that it was not actually In antarctica, this scenario is prolific thru the countries of this realm, in the towns & villages thru most of the world, are NPC’s, Clones & Synthetics…….they make up the denizens of the unaware ‘actors’ on the set of the world-wide ‘Sunnyville’ - come-Truman Show life, which is in actual fact, a worldwide portrayal for ‘In Plain Sight’ purposes, of a highly accurate rendition of the paradigm you occupy now, and in the past – this has been going on for 8,000 years, since before your recorded time and 1st ‘Civilizations’ or at least the ones taught in the Rockefeller Funded Education System, which was in fact the Alpha Draco Future Planning System dressed-up as a good idea to hep you, with the real intention being to turn you & your children into docile and stupid order-followers. It worked really well with the support of NPC’s to make-your-mind-up for you on important matters of what to like and what to hate, what to love, where to go, what’s cool and what isn’t, what to eat and what to aspire to, what tattoo to get and where to place it….its very simple, its just unexpected and unusual, for obvious reasons i.e. making sure you think its ridiculous, is a great way to prevent popular research onto the topic and people finding out that ‘we’ humans are here for food, nothing else……. just food. But we are collectively quite clever food, we are aware more than the other animals here in the cage, we can outsmart most of them from a young age, but we cannot outsmart that which we are unaware even exists – behind the curtain is where the Wizard lives, and behind the curtain behind this Wizard, there are more curtains & more Wizards in the macrocosm of negative ET power structures, all leading back to the Nibirans of Nibiru – don’t forget that ‘Planet-X’ , Nibiru, the Anunnaki, & the Destroyer Star, were all thought to be semi-synonymous with each other by the majority, but the Anunnaki come from The Lands of Anuk, and Planet-X and Nibiru are both separate realms by themselves, on the flat Gateway-10-Plain, yet all owned by negative ET’s, that are now again under GAA control and returned positive – don’t forget this realm, Earth = Heart, being the heart of the gateway, gateway-10, was the last to be liberated because it was the main asset of the Negative ET species who occupied it. Please understand that although this information is a little ‘out-there’, it is however completely true, it is the ONLY ever time that the actual truth of human existence has been documented for the masses to absorb or resonate with, or not – NPC’s will not resonate, and neither will most others because the info is pretty far out, but the information itself explains why that is, and needed to be – it needed to sound far out so as no one would give it a 2nd thought after hearing it, if they ever did hear it, and if they heard it, they likely didn’t hear it. Look at it this way, Christian himself, as a character, is particular, has a distinctive accent hard to distinguish by many, much slang and not such a great Mic on the 1st 100+ videos, so to actually ‘Follow’ him in earnest, you needed to be dedicated to rewatching and rewinding his vids…..think about this…..the people who judged Christian based on his ‘Books Cover’, were not meant to go further on this knowledge quest, and the people who persevered past that initial test, either fell at the other hurdles in this awakening journey, or they progressed on to a lotus flower of pineal bliss, being the understanding of our actual real paradigm and its implications for the past, present and future of this previously great species, the finest created to date up until 8,000 years ago when the parasites turned up and fucked it all right up. So Christian was actually part of the test, his background and characteristics lead to a seemingly unprofessional end result, and as I have mentioned previously, this is very important because ‘professional’ is also an illusion in the fakery of subterfuge……resonating, itself means that you ‘feel’ the correctness of the statement or information, you instinctively ‘know’ that it is correct, as opposed to just ‘think’ or ‘believe’ that it may be correct – inside you, a coherent pathway to understanding the actuality of correctness discharges an electrical impulse that traverses a path in your mind's eye, illuminating the darkness created by uncertainty, outlining the truth in confident decision. Your children are not ‘children’, they seem, act and interact, as children, yet as mentioned many times previously, this is because they have been mind-wiped also, after exiting the sun, they are now experiencing physical life in a physical vessel, and have to start at the beginning, as children, only because of the mind-wipe after exiting the suns portal, but in reality your children are ancient beings, as are you, you children are only naive because of the amnesia vortex-mindwipe, you only know more than your children in a 3rd density simulation, but your child’s mindset is actually far more advanced than the parents, because of the indoctrination the parents receive/d, the children are far ahead, their purity’s vibration is able to smell a rat far more effectively, and lets not forget that 6/10 children are born to NPC families, making them the offspring of natural conformists, eager to obey and their role as the first sector of community to ‘latch’ onto the new narrative, such as covid, or the new social cancers such as LGBTQ which had as its ultimate intention, the Soros-invented plan to normalize pedophilia step-by-step, ‘They’ placed in society to effect and facilitate unintentionally, the subterfuge of our entrapment – leading public opinion by their masses (60% of the worlds population are programmed to conform, for whatever reason, they will have a reason, even if that reason makes no sense to anyone else) NPC’s outnumber the souls of Tara (the original population here) so the idea was, just under 1,800 years ago, in Lemuria in realm 2, to dilute this realms NPC/Clone/Synthetic population who were swamping the Taran souls in here, in the then future, to add 200 million starseed indigo’s into the mix, whom just a tiny% actually woke up in time, as most are still totally unaware of Christians info, and as mentioned previously, it does not matter how awake you are (and there are many levels to ‘awake’ as we are all well aware) if you haven’t understood Christians info, you will ascend, as all souls will, but you will not heal fast and evolve, that is not possible because to heal quickly and evolve to your previous density and all the abilities that that density bestowed upon you, you must be in a state of acceptance, acceptance of that which has not yet been publicly revealed, this is far harder than you may realize or assume…... ”Blessed are those who believed without proof.” Mentioned by Q. That is so true, because to ascend and evolve you will need to already RIGHT NOW be in a state of acceptance and understanding of the most horrific set of circumstances that are beyond your current imagination and your present understanding of the meaning of the word ‘Evil’– the sheer absurdity of this evil situation is literally unfathomable, and therefore almost impossible to be at peace with before its confirmation/revelation to the public…….see how tricky that is? Im still a raving lunatic off-his-head until the EBS is called….its the same for all of us, out there, the people who Christians info resonated with, are so far ahead of the population of this realm in terms of the actual truth of what is going on in actual reality…..so few are privileged to understand this new paradigm, its an honour and a privelage to be documenting it, it really is 😊 ‘Knowledge is Power’ so they say, so think about that……what Christian came along with is the only real truth ever spoken here…….8,000 years of utter lies, and one man with some resonating common-sense-truth, a truth that glued our collective reality together into an understandable and coherent pattern, the jigsaw box lid, for want of a better description, for anyone who cared to understand it, a breath of fresh air, as at last something made sense, we all knew something major was wrong with the world, but we didn’t contemplate it would be so outrageous in its reality, for instance: Cement Factories around the world are used to get rid of the bones leftover from the sacrifice of the children and adults. Don’t forget Mockery is a #1 priority, so the cabal had you walking on pavements and living inside the confines of your home, that has as its actual cement, Plaster / Artex / Render, the ground-up bones of your tortured children and family members, driving about on Tarmac roads….’Tarmac’ own ‘Blue Circle’ Cement, being a CRH company asset https://tarmac-bluecircle.co.uk/ CRH own the cement factories for 1/3rd of the world……. who owns Cement Factories……..Donald J Trump is a construction magnate, his list of companies in construction is epic in itself……..along with all the major cement factories, which come under the Trump umbrella…..remember we said that ‘This’ is a bottomless pit that has no sides, we weren’t joking…..the most important thing that people do not realize, is everything, they don’t realize anything, ever – and it will remain that way until the EBS lockdown The soul that just keft a human vessel at death back into the DUMB under the vatican, at the soul-recycling-centre where all souls get designated new birth mothers as per the societal system of construction – most souls will always be reborn back into the same societal structure, i.e. poor / middleclass / rich as is the way, souls stay in their lane, and there are a plethora of reasons that this may be desired, and there are as many other reasons that they would want to keep certain souls in certain social tiers, NPC’s will only be in the middle class as there is no need for them to help sway public opinion amongst the poor as they have no choice, too busy working out how to eat for the day, so NPC’s are only needed in the middle class and celebrity world. The sell-outs always end up ‘elite’ i.e. wealthy and taken care of, this is important because they are the glue that holds the façade in place, they must be kept ‘happy’, and one of the sweeteners to selling out your own species to be butchered and tortured, raped and eaten, is the retainment of past life memories – the sellouts get to be reborn with their memories intact, or at least the memories from the loops after selling their soul – at the end of a re-set they are wheeled out again to carry on deceiving and swaying public opinion in favor of the chosen narrative of the era concerned. Its not complicated, its just different info from what you are used to hearing. Subroutines running 24/7 in our minds, coded into our psyche by the things we see & hear, the things that we like & are interested in, and also the things we don’t, and are not. The radio, TV, theatre, newspapers, magazines and books allow us to absorb new information that we use in our daily lives all the time, its called ‘Progress’ when a species advances slowly based on the advancement of the collective as a whole, based on procured knowledge and the level of consensus understanding reached, takes us forward as a collective…..does it not? Well, no, it doesn’t, as we have recently found out, that is not what’s been happening, at all. the social norms that we cycle thru on a daily basis, such as when we meet new people in a social situation, or a work environment, pop up town for some shopping in a busy shopping mall – 99.9% of us have insecurities and preapprehensions & preconceptions, these are built in from a 3rd density existence, and our experiences as children growing up dictate how we will meld with those around us – this is why good parenting is essential, but unfortunately to live here and ‘fit in’ we need to obey the law, or at least 99.9% of people believe this, and obeying these fraudulent laws will also ensure that your parenting skills are ‘capped’ & constrained by these Laws – i.e. you have to send your kids to school, so it is believed, yet by doing this, you are guaranteeing that your children are set back in the real world and sent further away from reality during the process – the pressures that children face at school are designed, and the target of their desire is fake, the accolades bestowed only add the subterfuge of their plight…..the parents are aware but, “that’s just how it is these days” and they carry on enabling the scam, as individuals and also as collectives transiently-coerced by employment prospects and ‘Jobs-Worth’ism’ funded by the sheer absurdity of mass compliance, and the individual believing wholeheartedly in the fake and constant moving narrative, so docile now at the end of the 7th reset that waking up from this deep slumber with the only ‘knowledge’ they gained here being built entirely on lies and fiction, heliocentrism & expanding universes, myth and legend with a constant theme of child sacrifice and satanism throughout our chronological epochs, deceived by the elite owners of history, and the custodians of the future. Everything about the Revelations of Biblical Lore is completely unrealizable, its worse still, because its utterly absurd, to most. They cannot contemplate it because the paradigm they occupy has no parameters to include this information in a retrievable context, allocating it a pigeon-hole in the sector of silly conspiracy theories, ridiculous stories, nonsense lies, as by doing this, no further thought needs to be poured onto the uncomfortable situation, and one needs not break a sweat about a ridiculous mythical tail of fantasy and fiction……can you see it yet? You must be able to focus on the larger picture if you have followed Cristian for this time and are still up to date on his topics, then you are awake-awake-awake and have nothing to worry about, for the rest, I pity you I honestly do, even the haters and tomato-throwers, I love you all you are so fucked in a minute…..so so fucked. But I, for one, did my absolute best to wake everyone up, even before I stumbled across Christian21 and the actual truth of our existence, I was doing my best about vaccines before covid came along, a year before I started earnest research as my sons mum was pregnant with him…..prior to that I had watched ‘The Esoteric Agender’ in 2010 ish, I knew it was real, the illuminati I mean, but I didn’t know about child sacrifice, just devil worship, which I thought meant killing goats and chickens…….then came covid and the beans were spiled on reality proper, the dots were laid in a tray I the oven, the dough of reality, risen with the yeast of conspiracy, makes the perfect Loaf….you know what side your bread is buttered, when you resonate. We were able to form a translucent acetate in our minds of the possibilities of the impossible and the certainty of chaos – no longer a science fiction for the few who understand the fake reality, as I said above, these can only be Christian21 followers as it is only this truth that is true, for anyone contemplating the side of fence they prefer, with this new/old and highly sensitive topic based on personal beliefs and indoctrination, dogma and steeped religious beliefs transcending multiple generations of the vessel linage, misunderstood as of importance, yet in reality it is only of importance back home in 5th density where free-will and choice via the Law of One coalesce into the desires of the species who live there, here in this realm, only the illusion of free-will and choice are offered as the presumption of freedom in the prison of lies. No Starseed’s can ‘Squinney’ about anything, because the De-Ja-Vous’ that we experience as souls who came in to help, our feelings of repetition-in-situ are based on the fact that we ‘saw’ via the cube memory (akashic records) the vessels we chose to incarnate into, the life/lives we would lead in the chain of events that brings us to these words here….. to help here in the aspect of our mission that we agreed to be involved in, however great or small that may have been, we all agreed, we all lived the life we were to inhabit the vessel linage that we chose to experience physical life in, for this mission – we all agreed to ever single thing that happened to us in here, long before it happened we lived thru it, briefly understanding our vessel-to-be, and deciding it we would be able to achieve the mission I tat vessel….we agreed to the hardship that would soon become a reality for so so long, oblivious to our situations acute severity, the danger we would all be in on a constant daily basis, assuming to be at the cutting edge of human progressive invention and the masters of our planets food chain, we were in actual fact the food we assumed to be staking…….part of ‘life’, & the ‘progress’ that a civilization brings with it, looking back at a long forgotten history created of fake nostalgia, and the manufactured tinsel of misinformation hanging on the trees that they didn’t cut down, the truth no where to be seen, no where in sight. The truth had to be hidden until now, september 2022, when Cristian21 fell out the sky with all the answers in his head, he just needed to be asked questions to access the relevant data, just as a skilled artisan will watch an apprentice at work, to gauge his level of skill and mastery of the discipline or trade, and to provide an answer of certainty, a resonating answer to the relevant questions posed, Christian has greater re-call with definition of clarity born from memory/memories – and to allow this information of reality to escape the fairy-tail books and silver screen of Hollywood, would cause another re-set, the parasites cant have us all knowing about the symbolism of satanism, and our soul families couldn’t risk it either because more pain and suffering would be inflicted again in the mid-reset-re-set initiated because someone woke up and realized what was going on…..if the icewall was breached by either humans escaping, or benevolent ET entering, a re-set is inevitable, to maintain the paranoid secrecy and totalitarian control of the malevonants, as both positive and negative needed to maintain secrecy on the plight of earth humans living inside the containment of the 3rd icewall & firmament, & for the inhabitants of ‘food parlor’ realm-3, ignorance will have to be bliss for the next 5,000+ years, until now where all the obstacles have been removed, and the Taran souls and all those that came here to help, and the other enslaved species here who are trapped the same as we are, this realm is a Galactically-cosmopolitan melting pot of mind-wiped species, incarnated here in 3rd density human vessels, created out of what we know of as the paleolithic period, which, as discussed before, was merely a test period to find the right hominid with the right blood type and the right size brain, not to big, such as Neanderthal, and not to small, such as H.Habilis & H.Heidlebergensis, they needed an hominid with the best type blood for adrenochrome harvest, and the right social abilities and learning centers in the brain that can communicate via voice and speech, so as not to be reliant, or able to use telepathy, as using telepathy with locals, is synonymous with using telepathy to contact soul fam outside the confines of the firmament & icewall. That could never happen if they were to remain in power, so they shrank our pineal gland, being our spiritual apparatus linking our spiritual desire to the aether above and around us, enabling us to augment the reality around us, they poisoned the air so the aether could not function, like a permanent short-circuit in the sky, made from aluminum and Barium particles recipe’d in chemtrails pre-2019, it only facilitated the replacement of the aether, being itself, the physical manifestation of pain and suffering created at sacrifice, and during conflict, strife, and negativity, and even domestic arguments, its all harvested (was harvested) as an inversion of the positive former aether that is the transition between quantum physics and the so-called subatomic environment of electrons, neutrons, quarks & neutrino’s, and the classical world of so called ‘Newtonian’ physics, which is a cabal asset owned by the parasites designed to lure us in and secure our blindness further by our own desire, the quantum crossover between the quantum world, and that of the classical world, happens in the pineal gland, usually, and soon to be again the way we think and socialize, design and envisage, ourselves and our surroundings, how we communicate and interact via the Law of One and its simplicity, its all so so simple, its just different and unusual compared to what we have been taught ad told…….and by now it should be simple to understand why that might be the evident case……. Ascension itself, as mentioned before, is not a religious concept, its been made to look that way to keep it inline with inverted-spirituality, in the same way that EVERYTHING is inverted, all of our public holidays and celebrations are in fact satanic holidays and sacrificial dates….all of them, wedding and marriage are inverted from ‘twin-flame’ soul-mate bonding, and transferred to Saturn worship with the Ring of Saturn/Satan on the finger, a marriage of both parties to the worship & potential offerings for the Saturnian Brotherhood, another moral ‘get-out’ for their perverted assumptions is that by being married, you agree to be an offering, so all the married people in the Twin Towers, for instance, the cabal et al believe that they face no karma for those deaths…..the same people who wear the Black Robes in all faith, education and the learning and academic establishments, the courts and judicial system, all worship Satan in an obfuscated way, transposed by symbolism to hide a sinister intent and perverted ideology, inhumane and demonic…….its all over 😊 fukin idiots. And the NPC police enforcing this shit after taking 3+ shots themselves and still cant work it out, defending their executed employers out of some senseless cohesion off ignorance, bonding stupidity to conformity…. don’t worry, you will all just pixelate at the EMF, the only ascending for you lot, will be the stairs on the hangman’s gallows. Shame on Y’all. Seeding of completely new species is done via the souls natural progression of existence, the soul in a blade of grass will one day evolve thru the flora of the realm to become lower insect forms of life, and after that into other more able & creative species, eventually on to a new species that will/could become great. Each cycle is approx. 2 billion years, so you would have been several different species of grass blade before you evolved into an insect, for instance – don’t forget that all the insects, flora and fauna here now, were created here for a 3rd density simulation, redesigned for the purpose of existing here in this realm only, the souls in them taken from the same planets infiltrated and destroyed by them in the past, all brought in here to make up the set of the real-life ‘Truman Show’, the most expensive show on earth, come get your tickets for the ‘Great Awakening’ entry is free, you just pay with your attention, its all free….. The parasites came in here at the early stages of this worlds seeding – the Taran Souls who were here were just getting going at the early stages of spirituality and well-being, is when the cancer strikes, they infiltrate early spreading seeds of discontent and disappointment, dissatisfaction and disarray, the cancer spreads and forms clusters and groups that spread-out, just as cancer in the human body, does, it’s the microcosm of the macrocosmic extrapolation of the most probably of all possibilities, associated via entanglement in the aetheric field of the cube consciousness, cancer is parasitic and parasites cause cancer, to highlight the message, negativity is cancer and negative emotions, thoughts and actions cause a negative reaction in the simulation as an automatic response to that initiated in the aetheric field, by the sender of those thoughts and displayer of those emotions - the simulation adjusts to create a new path of possible & probable possibilities based on that emotion, feeling of thought, yet slightly different from the ones laid out during the moments before any negative deed action or word, are spoken, acted, or completed – bad luck is negativity dwelled upon and repeated in the mind over-&-over, casting out a ‘spell’ of negativity into the aetheric field, which acts as a generated coded ‘thought’ uploaded into the aetheric simulation software, to give you what you desire, what you had asked for, i.e. negativity, so if you seem to desire only negative outcomes due to your persistent dwelling on negativity anger and hate, missfortune and regret, expect this ‘bad luck’ to shower you with gifts befitting the request/s. A child must be left to be able to enjoy the excitement of its existence and the interaction he or she is able to augment, the pure joy of creation and creating, imagination and experience, alone or with friends, is absolutely essential to a well balanced, competent & confident child, a loved family unit and a sense of achievement and advancement without the precocious façade being a thin veneer of parental coercion and the selfish necessity to create a ‘mini-me’ rather than allowing the child to find itself and develop organically into its own soul urge purpose and the fulfillment of desire – the other side of the coin is un-appreciation of the child/children, and a lack of interest stemming from a damaged childhood themselves, or unresolved issues within that era, the parent/s themselves woefully inadequate to bring up even last nights curry, let alone a human child. To not recognize greatness in your own children, without the filter of genetic bias and on beauty alone, skill or talent, ambition, love, or intelligence (not) synonymous with ‘education’ but detected by desires and ability to be true to yourself, and as good as your word, to seek balance above abundance, and light over darkness, these are the keys to the kingdom of biblical reference, its no big deal, just don’t be a cunt, its so so straightforward, but so intangible to most, held back by the anchors of education and the unrealistic weight of gravity itself, wearing perceived lead-boots that we place on our own feet to cross the barren wasteland of the Great Awakening, if we even noticed the sand dunes of historical lies pile up along the wind beaten path, blown by the artisans of history and the re-tellers of lies, orchestrated by the 33rd degree Freemasonic glue and the silence of the ‘Craft’, being Witchcraft and the summoning of demonic entities to feed off the loosh of a sacrificed child/children, in return to grant the stupid ‘human’ , ‘whatever’ it is they desire. Fucking idiots, selfish fucking idiots, you will soon see what you helped to fascilitate against your own species, even at the microcosmic ‘Jobs-worth’ level of sub-minion plebs ‘just doing my job’…. A child’s brain must be fetter-free and worry-less for it to grow and function properly, to transform into a competent and capable adult, able to deduce obvious facts from fiction and to navigate a life of apparent uncertainty, to be able to replicate this when mating produces offspring for the species evolvement and proliferation, is obvious. Yet most are so wrapped-up in life and the ‘necessities’ of living here in this realm, that parents, or the ‘pair’ who ‘rent’ the child from the government after registration via the Birth Certificate, as to ‘register’ something means to give up ownership of that item/idea/patent etc, the process of registration, of anything’ is relinquishing ownership. So the assumed necessity of conformism is adopted instead of using common sense, stupidity prevails in the vacuum of blind faith, and the misplaced trust in those occupying positions of power and influence. The pair-who-rents know no different, because to stray away from the public narrative pushed in all government sectors of education, council, Hospitals etc etc, on a personal level, demotes one in the social structure where you become a crazy conspiracy theorist……don’t forget that its NPC’s guiding public opinion on what the majority describe as a “crazy conspiracy theorist”….NPC’s have been leading you all right up the garden path because of their popularity, in whatever sector, there are NPC’s, the pop kids of NPC families are the bitcoin millionaires, given the opportunity to shine with inflated likes and followers created via the same algorithm that keep Christians followers to just 5,000 while acknowledging his rumble likes at over 121,000 (their tactics are in plain sight, the same as everything else, with the intention obvious…..for people of low vibration to stumble upon christian21’s information, they will see just 5,000+ subscribers, yet the true figure is likely well over 200,000+ but it is stifled by the white hats to act as yet another hurdle to individual ascension and the only true source of information available…….its hidden in plain sight, & its meant to be difficult to find and require a large spade and some determined time, hes got a big mouth, yet his views are regulated to add the need for determined and engaged awareness, its not what people expected, yet it resonates as truth, if you can see it, see it for what it is and wake up from the slumber……..the time is upon us 😉 The transition between 3rd density and 5th + density, which for many will mean going home to 9th density Pleiadia and the simulations of the higher realms below 9th, as those starseeds here now mostly asleep, these souls came here to help from 9th density-to-3rd density, so they will be returning to 9th after the EMF, a little embarrassed at their behavior and unaware status, but they will be heroes for enduring this hell on earth, they need not feel embarrassed - but the remaining souls who will stay to heal, will remain in a 4th density simulation, this whole realm will be a 4th density arena until healing is completed by all souls, then the cube memory will be deleted from the akashic records, so that a return of this area of the cycle is not possible in the distant future. True Ascension Mechanics, as opposed to the mumbo-jumbo taught by the C.I.A spouse named ‘Ashyana Dean’, set there to confuse the shit out of you with seemingly real information for a clean ascension, was merely put there like the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, nto confuse and pull you away from the true path, the true path was laid out in an unambiguous way, but a normal man from the streets in Portsmouth, UK. His simple & sometime nefarious life was essential to steep his soul in the complexities of dealing with cheats and liars, to help him understand what he was getting himself into, he was show to remember, not to forget, what his mission was, as a back-up-plan for the GA or Great Awakening, the catalyst for resonant fields to centralize on while the vibration grows, that’s why the videos ran in sync, each stage at a time for almost 3 years – every video a compact and elegant explanation of the reality of our actual existence, made open access for children to understand, if and when shown……all so simple, yet so far out compared to what we call ‘normality’. The first flash will take us back in time thru the cube memory, known as the akashic records – as we traverse back 8,000 years in realtime, it will take just 30 seconds, yet feel much longer . First will be many huge crystals will raise out of the land in this center realm, realm 3 – the giant crystals are located all over the place, put there in the future to avoid detection in the past, for this time now - these crystals were only able to be situated after we retook LG (Looking Glass) back from the parasites in 2012, the went into the future and located the giant crystals in situ, below the earths surface, for this time now because the giant crystals are a technology that will create a energized grid all over the planet for the EMF’s restoration of your missing memories, immediately after the craft outside the firmament, press the ‘Green Button’ the EMF flash will wit the realm and the risen crystals, forming an energized grid & resonant field accessing the cube memory as an entire planet simultaneously – the crystals that raise out the ground will still have 2/3rds of their size hidden below the earth surface, handling the EMF charge into the ground interconnecting the whole realm, as above ground, so below ground, harnessing the EMF from the sun (and backed-up by craft releasing the same frequencies at the same time) this resonant Electromagnetic Field, sustained for a 30 second duration, will separate your soul from its vessel, your vessel is 3rd density, and 3D is disappearing permanently, so it will pixelate along with all the NPC’s and Clones, Synthetics and the Hybrids will be left to die in their current vessel, to rejoin the cycle as a souls on its way into the sun to be reborn. You will then go backwards in the time stream gaining height and intellect as your traverse, in reverse, the timeline that brought you to this point in time right now – they have been shrinking your vessel and intelligence, thought processes and abilities, every thousand years or so when they have a re-set, so going back in reverse, you will grow, like time-laps video footage In reverse, except for you, you will be growing and dying thru consecutive lifetimes, getting larger as you step further and further backwards in time thru the cube memory/akashic records of each eras re-set and the paradigms of those times – roughly 20 seconds after the 1st flash, you will no longer be in your current vessel, you will be way too busy watching the missing lives flow into your souls field of view as they install into the greater sized cranial capacity of your original and advanced vessel’s brain – your vessel was wiped out at the start of the occupation almost 8,000 years ago. Think of the movie ‘Alita Battle Angel’….like that. This will be hugely shocking for 99.999% of the population, yet like a Disney World ride, for the awake who follow Christian, as we understand what this process is and also what it means, we will be anticipating the shock and trauma, it’s the difference between life and death, between healing, and the reinstallation of deprived evolution – no one wants to spend years in A&E having a mental breakdown, but unfortunately most people talked themselves straight into this outcome by their own apathetic lethargy and unwillingness to contemplate the impossible, they had 5 years to look at it, but chose not to…….you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it think. The next thing to transpire after the 1st flash when you get your original vessel back again with memories intact, will be the 2nd flash, which will transport you forward in the cube memory/akashic records to the future point in the data stream where you should have been in your relevant natural evolutionary stage of simulation Aether – remember Ascension is merely the upgrading of the simulation codes aetheric field, for instance in 8th density, as mentioned previously we manifest physical objects directly and instantly into our physical reality, this is what humans here call Quantum Physics, and they make it sound really complicated and the garden path to this ‘discipline’ is a never-ending crock of shite designed to keep the sharpest minds chasing their tails for eternity – in short, QP is simply the pineal interaction with the simulations aetheric field, based on your souls desire, and In 3rd density, its useless here in 3rd density with the polluted air and loosh manifestation replacing the aether, and with a fluoridated and ‘shrank’ pineal gland, baseline telepathy is all you can hope to achieve, for many reasons it has been this way from day-1 when they created the 1st hominid trial periods known of as the paleolithic period. Now, during the moments following the 3rd flash, the crystals will be reacting with the aether as well as the ground itself, and the 3rd flash will open a vast portal above us in the sky, whilst floating in the air some distance off the ground, all souls in this realm, whether they be a grass seed, or the soul of a cat, a mouse, an ant or a human soul, they will be assayed for frequency vibration, and upgraded with missing evolution (if they have any upgrades that the rest of their soul family/species received whilst outside the contained arena of real-3 during the occupation, then they will receive these also at this time) During these final moments, for instance Children who were children at the time the EMF happens, will go back in time during the 1st flash to their original vessels which will be an ET species and not human, even if they are a Taran soul from here, they will be massive and very large and athletic, but they may not have been children at the time of the occupation and likely were not children back then, but they will be age regressed instantly again to the exact age that they were at the beginning of the EMF 28 seconds prior, making them the same age as they were so that their parents (earth parents) will be in the correct age groups as pre-ascension age designated. The next thing to happen is that all the souls left here to heal will remain, and the starseeds who volunteered to help, will ascend thru the open portal above our heads directly into the craft of our respective soul families, and we all fuck off home for a few weeks off with our soul mates and check out some 9th density Pleiadean weed. Job Done 😊 xxx Big Love people 😊 xxx2.77K views -
Part 1 of a 4 part.....
Leonsinclair1973(PART 1) hi guys this is spread into 4 parts as my vid editor keeps crashing (as usual....everything electronic I have cant seem to do what its made for....I'm plagued by shit fones and shit tech, moody failed downloads and no reception.....never mind! this is the bond calculator link: https://treasurydirect.gov/BC/SBCPrice Any Birth certificate in any country this will show the value.....and its in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS / BILLIONS....EACH PERSON....let that sink in and start using Promisory notes to pay all your bills!!! its Lawful to do so, and its your birthright.... I will do a video in a minute explaining how to use it.....as usual my screen recorder will not work and there's no volume....u couldn't make it up! lol The Bond Calculator is easy to use but you will need an explanation to understand it, so il do it now and post it after these 4 parts....2.08K views 1 comment