World of Tanks Console Live Streams
45 videos
Updated 9 months ago
World of Tanks Console Live Streams
Tanking Tuesday... World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and Company
Mr RippersTanking Tuesday... World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers Check out our New Merch Store: https://mrrippers.creator-spring.com/ Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!215 views -
World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat!
Mr RippersTanking Tuesday... World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers Check out our New Merch Store: https://mrrippers.creator-spring.com/ Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!470 views -
Dead by Daylight: Terror Tuesday with Mr Rippers!
Mr RippersDead by Daylight: Terror Tuesday with Mr Rippers! Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!262 views -
Wednesday Wreckage! World of Tanks Console w/Mr Ripper& TankManPat The Race to 200!
Mr RippersWednesday Wreckage! World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!295 views 2 comments -
Tanking with Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat! Rumble Exclusive!
Mr RippersTanking Tuesday... World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!398 views 2 comments -
World of Tanks Console: Happy Valentines Day w/ Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat, Multi stream
Mr RippersWorld of Tanks Console: Happy Valentines Day w/ Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat, Multi stream on Rumble, X, Twitch, YouTube and Locals.... Heaven Help Us! lol Rumble Chat Commands: !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!115 views -
Happy Valentine's Day! World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat
Mr RippersHappy Valentine's Day! World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and Tank Man Pat255 views -
World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers... Lets Blow Sh!t UP!!!
Mr RippersWorld of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers... Lets Blow Sh!t UP!!! Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!352 views -
World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and TankManPat
Mr RippersWorld of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and TankManPat Chat Commands! !clip, !clip 45 Allow your viewers to clip your stream with a simple command. Choose the duration of the clip with an optional number of seconds. The default length is 30 seconds and the maximum length is 60 seconds. Examples: !clip, !clip 45 TTS or Text To Speach Command usage example: !tts hey chat or !xqc hey chat. AI Character Make RumbleBot behave like a custom character. RumbleBot will respond as this character whenever it is pinged. @TheRumbleBot (your message) Harry Potter is currently qued up!466 views 2 comments -
It's Friday! World of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers and TankManPat!!!!
Mr RippersWorld of Tanks Console with Mr Rippers319 views