Ursula Haverbeck (13.12.2014) The biggest problem of our time [English Subtitles]
Ursula Haverbeck videos13.12.2014 | The biggest problem of our time [English Subtitles] 90-year-old still in German prison just for asking questions (in German with English subtitles) https://codoh.com/library/document/90-year-old-still-in-german-prison-just-for/ description from that website: Ursula Haverbeck is a highly intelligent, very attractive and elegant German 90 year lady. She continues to expose the "Holocaust" as a lie. Despite fines and prison sentences issued like confetti by the useless traitors and Zionist puppets of the "German" "government". Ursula Haverbeck (born 1928) is the widow of the late German historian Prof. Dr. Werner Georg Haverbeck. Both have been supporters of revisionism for decades. After her husband’s death in 1999, she started becoming more outspoken about her skepticism regarding the Holocaust. As a consequence, she was prosecuted several times for her challenges to the orthodox Holocaust narrative: ∙ In 2004, 2007 and 2009, she was sentenced to fines for articles or private letters she had written. ∙ In 2015, she was sentenced to ten months in prison for an article she had written. ∙ In 2016, she was sentenced three times, once to 10, to 11, and to 30 months ∙ In 2024, Haverbeck was sentenced to an additional 16 months in another case of stubborn insistence on the right to challenge law-enshrined state dogmas.508 views -
The fraudulent Nuremberg trials, De-Nazification and ethnic cleansing of Germans. (6 minutes video)
chinleeThe fraudulent Nuremberg trials, De-Nazification and ethnic cleansing of Germans. (6 minutes video) 'Admiral Karl Donitz and the NSDAP leaders are arrested and placed on trial for alleged so-called 'War Crimes'.. It is an event unprecedented in history.. For the first time ever, members of a government 'Defeated' in a war will now stand trial for their lives. In the courtroom will be four judges one each from the US, Britain, France and the Bolshevik Soviet Union.. The war crimes of Georgian jew Stalin are covered up, and will only come to light when the jewish Soviet Union collapses over half a century later... jewish freemasons, Roosevelt and Churchill's deliberate bombing of German civilians in Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, and the ethnic cleansing of the German people across Europe, are never recognized as war crimes or crimes against humanity'..218 views -
Deanna Spingola - Eisenhower’s WWII Rhine Meadow Death Camps
Sage of Quay®This interview with Deanna Spingola originally aired March 2015. 👉 Deanna's website: http://www.spingola.com/ Deanna is an author, researcher and radio host. She investigates government and corporate corruption as it relates to the faltering liberties of American citizens and the war-targeted populations of other countries. Deanna’s books include her Ruling Elite trilogy along with her newest book Screening Sandy Hook: Causes and Consequences. Deanna walks us through a piece of WWII history that has been erased from the history books. The mainstream narrative of the second World War majors exclusively on the Holocaust but never talks about Dwight Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadow Death Camps which claimed the lives of an estimated 1.5 million Germans. For many, much of what you will hear in this show will be a surprise and perhaps even shocking. I encourage everyone to listen with an open mind.5.74K views 11 comments -
"Operation Keelhaul" (1975) An Anglo-American Holocaust?!
A Warm PugRare & Real Good Documentary of an Unspoken Part of WWII History!84 views -
Blieberg, British Confessions.
TheMadManc0161™️British Confessions Of Massacre at Bleiburg. The massacres of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ethnic German Men (pows & civilian) women and children slaughtered and kept secret even today it's ignored or brushed off as national socialist propaganda.167 views -
The Real History of The Crusades | Dr. Duke Pesta & Stefan Molyneux
Dr. Duke Pesta & Stefan MolyneuxWere the Crusades an unprovoked act of aggression on behalf of bloodthirsty Christians? Did the First Crusade mark the beginning of close to a millennium of hostility between Christianity and Islam, or did the conflict begin centuries earlier? Stefan Molyneux is joined by Dr. Duke Pesta to discuss the truth about the Crusades! Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to: https://www.fpeusa.org Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate Courtesy: https://www.freedomain.com4.76K views 8 comments