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Ben Ahrens: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 66]

6 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Nature versus Pharma, it's a topic we wrote about almost 10 years ago in our article, “Nature vs Pharma in Fighting Pandemics.” We're re-exploring this subject in a short podcast with the original writer, Ben Ahrens. What were the lessons we could have learned almost a decade ago when it comes to pandemics? How can we find a balance between the two? What are the actions we can take to improve our 'healability' and move beyond our reliance on pharmaceutical intervention? Have a listen.
  1. Short Story - Nature vs Pharma with Ben Ahrens
  2. How Fear Keeps Us from Learning
  3. Pharma vs Nature: Which is Best for Chronic Disease?
  4. How to Balance Natural Healing with Pharmaceutical Intervention
  5. Top Three Tips for Self-Healing
  6. How to Change Your Brain with Re-origin