1 video
Updated 3 months ago
this playlist contains news that's been covered up by the media, not reported or has had strikes and warnings on other platforms because it goes against mainstream narratives.
UPDATE woman gets ARRESTED for praying in her head Thought crimes now exist in the UK
Welshmanstudioswoman in December 2022 got arrested for praying, & having the wrongs thoughts, this an update on the case, this a worrying trend here in the UK where "thoughts are now a crime" even if they're your private thoughts in the street at "BUFFER ZONES" there more within this report, it shocked the world, I'm following her case this is an update and includes FOX News tucker Carlson, BlackBeltBarrister on legality where you stand and where this is going "this will affect even you soon wherever you live in the west and beyond" theres more cases in this report please share copy just please keep my channel name for others, it's also on Welshmanstudios YouTube where theres more videos on there, please email me for anymore reports at www.welshmanstudios@gmail.com thank you.23 views