The New American TV | Biden Whistleblower Disappears, RFK Jr: CIA Killed Kennedy
The New AmericanAn Israeli man who offeredthe FBI damaging information on Hunter and Joe Biden’s dealings with the Chinese government has recently disappeared. Also, JFK’snephew, RobertF. Kennedy, Jr., accused the CIA of killing his uncle; the U.S. government creates more disinformation intelligence agencies; and states seesaw between laws that protect aborted babies who are born alive and those that don’t. In the second half of the show, South Dakota State Senator David Johnson exposes what he describes as lies, misinformation, and public deception from the Convention of States organization, and Black Robe Regiment founder Reverend William Cook discusses the important of pastoral involvement in the fight for freedom. For more great content, visit www.TheNewAmerican.com2.44K views 3 comments -
Now is The TimeMeri interviews BEST SELLING Author and Journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who's written over 50 BOOKS including Coup d'Etat: Exposing Deep State Treason and the Plan to Re-Elect President Trump, and The Truth about Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation. With his New BOOK The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis Dr. Corsi gives an in depth look into what really happened. Register or get your VIP Tickets to "Open the Heaven's" in San Diego on June 28 & 29th. Speakers include Juan O. Savin, SG Anon, Sheila Holm, Cathy O'Brien, Nathan French, Manual Johnson, Jim Price, Tony Pellegrino and many more. Free registration VIP Registration for special seating and VIP reception with speakers for only $77 ($97 after May 15th) Go to: www.mericrouley.com to register or buy VIP Tickets. To Cleanse yourself from the Toxic Effects of the JAB go to ROOTBRANDS.COM/NOW IS THE TIME to order the TRINITY PACK.4.65K views 13 comments -
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