playlist thumnail

Black Ops: The Story

2 videos
Updated 9 months ago
“I went down the dark path and my heart turned black” -Mixtapian, 2019, in the incel rap song “Ascension Unlikely”. I recorded that song on my 19th birthday. The 12th of April, 2019. I can’t believe it. I was only 19. No 19 year old should ever go through the black pill, let alone spend his 19th birthday rapping about it. I find it quite heartbreaking. 19 year olds should be spending their time sleeping in and playing GTA: San Andreas, not being a blackpilled messenger. Don’t get me wrong, the song is great and I’m really proud of it. Well, other than the mediocre rap beat I had concocted at the time with my limited melodic talent of course. But I do wonder sometimes if my blackpilled enlightenment came to me a bit prematurely, despite the cruel state of our current dating culture. So how exactly did my so-called “dark path” start? It started in 2018, when I stumbled upon what I consider the greatest incel community of all time. The internet chatroom known as “Black Ops”, originating from the banned subreddit r/Realcels. Black Ops was my cushion. My hope, my cope, and it continues to remain a very important part of my life to this day. It was also the only good thing that came from the shithole that is reddit. Come with me on this journey to find out why.
  1. Black Ops: The Story
  2. Black Ops: The Story II