SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run
21 videos
Updated 14 days ago
The First Person View NG+ Run without Sword Skills (Since MC using Sword Skills Disables FPV Mode as well as maybe his partner using Special Sword Skills like Eternal Cyclone. I'll mostly do this run Solo with MC Kirito geared with Auto, Double Attack Up, and Increase Status Accuracy Equips while Abusing Poison and Bleed Status Effects for Bosses otherwise the Boss and NM battles will each last 5-10 mins or more?)
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 001 Setting Up Equipment Shortcuts and Skill Pallet Arrangement Start
CiVicGamerI guess I was not as prepared as I thought for this run. Ah well. I'll improve the equips and settings in later parts and maybe switch equips depending on if the boss has mobs or not but most importantly if the boss is Agile or not. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment5 views -
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 002 Setting Up Equipment Shortcuts and Skill Pallet Arrangement End and Cocoa NPC Help
CiVicGamerI guess the Battle with the Roughneck ate too much space hence why this part is unavailable to ButChute or maybe FPV recording just makes the recording eat up so much space in storage hence why no one records this or live streams with this mode? Or maybe the game is just plain and simply too old for many to care for it as its franchise released a new game recently? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment4 views -
ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run P003 TNMB, SSF+SSBD&CE+2CFBChanged
CiVicGamerZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 003 Target NM Beaten, Skill Shortcut Finalizing plus Sword Skill Burst Disable and Cave Exploration plus 2 Controller Function Buttons Changed Time to Rescue the 3 NPCs and Quick Camera Switch really helps in this run and hopefully lowers nausea. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 004 Full Labyrinth Exploration Done and Shop Checks plus Prep Floor 76 Boss Prep & Events
CiVicGamerAlmost time for the 1st Floor Boss Battle without Sword Skills like the other NPCs in that fight. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run P005 F76 BBattle&Fl77 Exploration Start
CiVicGamerAnother one that can't be uploaded at BitChute huh? So I guess I can still get Rank S in Floor Battles without using any Sword Skills if I use the 2 battle skills that worsen status effects on the boss? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 006 Floor 77 Exploration End Plus NPC Helps Camilla and Leo
CiVicGamerDW's Burst Attacks AOE really helps in this run as that is the only crowd control measure. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run P007 F77 BossB&Fl78 Exploration Start
CiVicGamerSo you can have 2 stacks of poison status on enemies? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 008 Floor 78 Exploration Done Shop Checks Start
CiVicGamerI'm quite quick now clear floors huh? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment4 views -
ZDC SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 009 Shop Checks Done NPC Helps Levin and Masao plus Floor 78 Boss Battle & Fl79 Exploration Start
CiVicGamer2 NPC Helps before the Floor Boss Battle Sword Skilless? #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment1 view -
SAO RE HF ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント- PC NG+ FPV No SSs Run Part 010 Floor 79 Exploration End
CiVicGamerI'm making good time as floor 79 is now done. #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingvideo #gamingchannel #gamingchannelvideo #gamingchannelvideos #watch #watchvideo #watchvideos #Entertainment4 views