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Total Onslaught

10 videos
Updated 1 day ago
Total Onslaught - An in-depth chapter by chapter study of the book of Revelation - Walter Veith Informative seminar by Pastor Walter Veith delivered from the word of God. This is from the Total Onslaught series. Join Walter Veith as he takes you through an in-depth chapter by chapter study of the book of Revelation. Throughout the study, the total onslaught on Jesus Christ and the effects of this war on every individual living on this planet are clearly portrayed. The beauty of Christ's Kingdom and laws are contrasted with Satan's government and plans, and Satan's deceptions are clearly revealed. The ideas explored hit home because they are current, relevant, and applicable to the dangers and deceptions raging today on planet Earth. Excellent for sharing with friends and family, this series give outstanding behind-the-scenes information about current events. Watch the complete series and learn how to avoid the manipulative plans laid out by the enemy of souls.
  1. Total Onslaught 01: Jesus Christ - Just Another Man or Son of God - Walter Veith
  2. Total Onslaught 02: The Real Life History of Messiah: Where Jesus Walked - Walter Veith
  3. Total Onslaught 03: Hidden Secrets of the Sanctuary Revealed: Jesus and the Plan of Salvation
  4. Total Onslaught 04: Ancient Prophecy Correctly Predicts the Future: Daniel 2
  5. Total Onslaught 05: Antichrist Revealed: The Man Behind the Mask
  6. Total Onslaught 06: Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking The Revelation 1 of Jesus Christ
  7. Total Onslaught 07: The True Meaning of the 7 Churches Explained - Walter Veith