Evolution is a LIE
8 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Does Evolution Claims Disprove the Bible?
What is Apologetics From Apologia to Apologetics
Today we look at the awesome topic of God The Creator! Our guiding scripture today is… “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things have been created through Him and for Him.“ Colossians 1:16
True Science is proof of what we can actually observe. Since no one was around at Creation, but God we all have the same evidence, it’s just how do we interpret that evidence in the light of the Bible. Many religions have mythical and easily refuted nonsense like World Creation myths. Like “Whether examining the North or South American ‘Indian’ creation myths, the Australian aboriginal BIAMI Legends, China’s creation stories of the Miao people or New Zealand’s Maori people, or the Bible’s account, accounts of creation abound. Creation by a supernatural creator seems to be a natural way of thinking for most people as they ponder their origins.” -Josh on Why Creation Evidence and Apologetics is crucial. It is important since if God is not the Creator, then we sit on a foundation of lies. For a look into the science and why we believe is evident, we possess the truth and expose the lies that we see it’s denial laid out in Romans 1:16-32. Tell me this is not where a Christ denying world is doing now!
The word “apologetics” derives from the Greek word apologia, which was originally used of a speech of defense or an answer given in reply. In ancient Athens it referred to a defense made in the courtroom as part of the normal judicial procedure. After the accusation, the defendant was allowed to refute the charges with a defense or reply (apologia). The accused would attempt to “speak away” (apo—away, logia—speech) the accusation. The classic example of such an apologia was Socrates’ defense against the charge of preaching strange gods, a defense retold by his most famous pupil, Plato, in a dialogue called The Apology (in Greek, hē apologia).
The word appears 17 times in noun or verb form in the New Testament, and both the noun (apologia) and verb form (apologeomai) can be translated “defense” or “vindication” in every case. Usually the word is used to refer to a speech made in one’s own defense.
Project Bluebeam & The Occult -Are UFO's REAL or Demonic Manifestations?
Amos37Since I was a kid, I have been watching Sci-Fi movies as one of my favorite entertainment genres. Maybe the first one I was puzzled by was "War of the Worlds", you know, the fake alien invasion that was dramatized and caused panic then to a radio audience. How much more today!? "The War of the Worlds" was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air directed and narrated by Orson Welles as an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898) that was performed and broadcast live at 8 pm ET on October 30, 1938, over the CBS Radio Network. Video Credit: Bitchute: "Sunislocal" "By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God." -[Hebrews 11:5] Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” David Spangler UN Planetary Initiative and New Age Author Why Are We Heading to a Global Governance? The world is ready for a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is certainly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries.” And he added: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the ‘right’ global crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” -1991, David Rockefeller Below is a very detailed article I made with quotes and several video documentaries from different perspectives. UFO Alien Appearance Maybe by the Occult Elite to Cover up Christian Rapture https://amos37.com/could-the-occult-elite-to-cover-up-christian-rapture-with-ufo-alien-appearances/ Aliens And Demons UFO Disclosure: The Coming Great Deception and the Luciferian Endgame https://rumble.com/vw050w-end-game-the-coming-ufo-disclosure.html Gnosticism Exposed & The Hollywood Antichrist Agenda https://amos37.com/gnosticism-exposed/ Spirituality V.S. Religion: The Rise Of The New Age https://amos37.com/nae/ Everything About The Occult Landing Page https://amos37.com/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-the-occult/1.04K views -
Unveiling the Spiritual Quests Within Nature Worship and Festivals
Amos37*Many pagans are spiritual seekers who are desperately deceived in a spiritual morass. They are drawn to nature, God's Creation, without knowledge of God's great love and grace expressed to us in His Son-Jesus. Have you ever wondered where spiritual seekers find community and purpose outside traditional religious structures? Join Jan Markel and her guest, Carl Teichrib, a seasoned researcher of spiritual movements, as we explore the Transformational Events of festivals like Burning Man and Paganicon. These aren't your typical music events; they’re gatherings where souls entwined with broken-hearted spirituality or nature worship come together in search of healing and a higher calling. Carl's insights into these events will spotlight the intricate spiritual quests that captivate attendees and the critical role Christians play in these expanding horizons. The shifting landscape of spiritual beliefs is not confined to festivals alone; it's penetrating the heart of the Christian religion. We discuss the rise of "Paganistan" in the Twin Cities and a personal narrative of a former Baptist drawn to the embrace of Wicca, painting a picture of the cultural and economic forces reshaping religious identities. The conversation further delves into the stories of those who, feeling alienated by the Church, turn to neo-pagan beliefs. As a Christian community, our engagement in these dialogues about faith must be grounded in respect and understanding, recognizing the diversity of journeys that lead many away from traditional paths.782 views -
The ULTIMATE PROOF for God - Atheists DON"T EXIST!
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.ATHEISTS DON'T EXIST | The Ultimate Proof for God - This video presents an irrefutable argument for the God of Christianity! You may have heard the Kalam Cosmological argument, the design argument, the moral argument, the Resurrection argument and many others, but this is the ultimate argument for the Christian God and the Biblical worldview. All credit for this video goes to Dr. Jason Lisle and the Answers In Genesis ministry.490 views 3 comments -
Big Bang Theory Exposed - Big Problems for Lies in our Schools
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Is the big bang theory biblical or a bust? In this presentation, Rob Webb answers this question, exposes the lies being taught in our school system, and discusses key issues with the evolutionary worldview... The new book Awesome Facts About Space is available for purchase here: https://answersingenesis.org/store/product/awesome-facts-space/ The Big Bang is a naturalistic story about the origin and development of the universe, beginning with a “singularity” when all mass, energy, and space was contained in a small point. It is riddled with problems and, most importantly, contradicts the biblical teaching of creation. Dig Deeper The Big Bang https://answersingenesis.org/big-bang/the-big-bang/ Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? https://answersingenesis.org/big-bang/does-the-big-bang-fit-with-the-bible/ Video Credit: Answers in Genesis Please help us continue to share the gospel around the world: https://AnswersinGenesis.org/give462 views 1 comment -
Why The Earth Can't Be Old! - Evolution in Trouble Again
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.It is one of our most recommended resources. Chapter 4 deals with dating methods. Is the Earth 4.5 billion years old? How can we measure age with certainty? What about radiometric dating methods—don’t they prove millions and billions of years? Does the age of the Earth even matter? What about the "Assumption Rule"? Dr Mark Harwood discusses these topics and more, focusing especially on why an old Earth sits in conflict with the Bible, while also providing evidence for a younger age of the Earth. Ages of millions of years are all calculated by assuming the rates of change of processes in the past were the same as we observe today—called the principle of uniformitarianism. If the age calculated from such assumptions disagrees with what they think the age should be, they conclude that their assumptions did not apply in this case, and adjust them accordingly. If the calculated result gives an acceptable age, the investigators publish it. Get a Free Creation Answers Book: 101 evidences for the age of the Earth:https://creation.com/age-of-the-earth -Observation and Assumptions -Rate of Erosion -Rates of Sediment in Oceans -Geological Formations -Evidence from our solar system -Evidence from our Earth's Population -Evidence from Carbon-14 in fossils369 views -
Creation In Symphony The Evidence Part 1 with Dr. Carl Baugh
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.The Evidence of a Biblical Creation: A six-part series: Part 1 A tremendous pyramid of evidence for design and recent creation is available for detailed study. Romans 1:20 states: "For the invisible things of him from the creation are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead: so that they are without excuse." Scientific evidence for creation abounds in areas of objective observation. Scholars in various scientific disciplines have written about the incredible complexity in living systems and the structure of the universe. This complexity is beyond the possibility of natural development. Video Credit: Creation Evidence Museum of Texas See more, and you can download Dr. Baugh's Thesis. https://www.creationevidence.org/312 views -
Forbidden History - Footprints in Stone (Evidence of a Young Earth)
Amos37Does the fossil record give us evidence of man and dinosaurs living contemporaneously? If there was evidence, what would be done with it, and how would today's academia respond? Journey on an adventure, digging into the past, exploring the present, and uncovering the truth about dinosaurs, man, and their footprints in stone. https://www.footprintsinstone.com/the-footprints/delk-footprint/ The Paluxy river controversy began around 1982 with Dr. Baugh’s discovery of a human footprint 17″ from a dinosaur track on the McFall property after excavating the overburden. The Dallas Fort Worth Star ran several articles one titled “Tracks Step on Evolution”. Dr. Baugh was contacted by the three major national news TV stations, ABC, CBS, and NBC for an interview. Dr. Baugh was promised a TV interview but it never materialized. However a national radio interview was carried out and aired with ABC. Additionally, reverend Stanley Taylor’s film “Footprints in Stone” was made in 1972 and continued to be circulated around the US. All the publicity of Glen Rose finally got the attention of atheist groups and individuals. Several teams came down to see the tracks. A very young Richard Dawkins even showed up in the town of Glen Rose to belittle the so called “human footprints” in a documentary that was shown on NOVA. But the biggest antagonist of the human tracks was a computer programmer named Glen J Kuban who was living in Ohio at the time. If one Googles “Paluxy River tracks” Kuban’s website is one of the first of many to come up to debunk the tracks and discredit Carl Baugh and Don Patton’s credentials. He and Ron Hastings, a science teacher from TX, traveled to Glen Rose and investigated the Paluxy tracks around 1985. They were even included in the documentary which featured Richard Dawkins debunking the “man track” claims. They took pictures, measurements, and gathered data finally concluding that the tracks were a type of dinosaur track called a tridactyl metatarsal track. Kuban pointed out that tridactyl prints were seen in most of the prints in the “Taylor” trail. The atheists cried foul and said that the tracks were made by dinosaurs and not humans. So what is the evidence? See testimonies and more evidence. https://www.footprintsinstone.com/the-controversy/442 views -
Dismantling "The Lie" of Evolution with Ken Ham
Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.Watch Ken Ham absolutely dismantle evolution in 25 minutes. In this presentation, Ken Ham discusses major issues with the idea of evolution, ranging from the lack of observational science to the massive sense of purposelessness it leaves us with. This video is part of Ken Ham’s Foundations series. You can watch the other episodes in this series here: https://www.Answers.tv/ken-ham-s-foun... Visit https://Answers.tv: All Answers in Genesis videos, live streaming, and much more—all in one place. Please help us continue to share the gospel around the world: https://AnswersinGenesis.org/give640 views 2 comments