5 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Discussion of the topic of both Creation and Evolution, in a mock debate form.
Evolution and Creation, Pt4 (Scott and Herb)
Bible Made ClearIn part 4 of this video series, Scott and Herb talk about questions related to the age of the earth, along with some evidence and a discussion on radiometric dating. These are discussed in light of how the evolutionary scenario is affected. Scott plays the atheist evolutionist and Herb the Christian.12 views 2 comments -
Evolution and Creation, Pt3 (Scott and Herb)
Bible Made ClearIn part 3 of this video series, Scott and Herb talk about the question related to how Christians can believe that God created everything, when the majority of the scientific community holds to Darwinian evolution. Scott plays the atheist evolutionist and Herb the Christian.7 views -
Free Will and How it Relates to Creation/Evolution
Bible Made ClearThis is an introduction to the next video that Scott and Herb will present. One of the topics brought up will be the answer to why there is evil in the world and is it compatible with God's existence. Some context needs to be established so that the discussion will make sense. Often times sound bites or slogans are used when debating subjects, but without a proper context, the value is lost. This occurs all the time with people that criticize the Bible. They will often attack its credibility by quoting verses absent from their context to make a point against the Bible that is valueless. Thus, in this video, some context is added to the subject of free will and how both atheists and Christians view the subject.12 views 2 comments -
Evolution and Creation, Pt1 (Scott and Herb)
Bible Made ClearPastor Scott and Herb Butterworth discuss evolution in this video. Herb plays the part of the evolutionist/atheist that provides the normal definitions of terms and concepts for the following videos in this series.14 views 1 comment -
Evolution and Creation, Pt2 (Scott and Herb)
Bible Made ClearIn part 2 of this video series, Scott and Herb give questions and answers - the worse and better ones - for issues that Christians face when in a conversation to discuss evolution and creation with those who reject creation. Herb always plays the evolutionist (Lol).17 views 2 comments