12 most EPIC events in Galactic History! E&E LAUNCH!!
Evershed & EmeryThis Conscious Evolution Teaching Series makes its debut with the launch of the twelve most epic events in our Galactic History. This is an introduction to a new series from Jane Evershed and Dave Emery which will go into depth on many topics such as: Who we REALLY are The Certainty of a Glorious Future. The End of Confusion: How to “measure” truth. Where did Pure Consciousness Come From? Was the Big Bang really a simultaneous nano-burst? The Tower of Babel: The Return of Human Angelic Language Who Derailed Joy?” Alighting from the Rollercoaster of Deception The process of Ascension And SOOO much more! This series will focus on Conscious Evolution Teachings to promote the fundraiser for Dave Emery's book: SLINGSHOT EVAC, Beyond the Biblical and into the Universe of YOU! https://www.gofundme.com/f/contribute-to-help-dave-be-able-to-finish-his-book For sneak peeks into Dave Emery's book go to his substack at: https://substack.com/@daveemery1 And for Jane's substack go to: https://substack.com/@janeevershed1.19K views 12 comments