Dr. Jane Ruby10/23/24: New bioweapon delivery system goes into fake safety and efficacy trials by Vaxxas and BARDA - the high density microarray patch plunges thousands of Microneedles into your skin with the bioweapon preloaded. This is a marathon genocide. Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. Dr. Ruby broke the world wide stories of the white embalmer clots and graphene oxide in the C19 bioweapon shots. Substack: https://substack.com/@drjaneruby Videos: Rumble.com/c/drjaneruby Donations: https://www.givesendgo.com/truthinmedicine Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Jane-Ruby Paypal: https://paypal.me/DrJaneRuby MAILING ADDRESS - NOTE: Please DO NOT send food, plants or cosmetic products. For safety reasons, they will be immediately discarded prior to reaching Dr. Jane. Dr. Jane Ruby 1257 SW Martin Hwy Suite 1443 Palm City FL 34990 TRUSTED VENDORS AND DR JANE’S FAVES: IRA/401K, PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS! Augusta Gold & Silver: CALL: 888-836-1890 or click on link: https://learn.augustapreciousmetals.com/jane-ruby Sleep better with BlockBlueLight and get a discount using Dr. Jane's code: https://www.blockbluelight.com/?ref=DRJANERUBY Allergen & Shedding Relief Air Purification: https://Filterssuck.com(Promo Code RUBY 10% off/free shipping) MyPillow Products: https://www.mypillow.com (Promo Code: Ruby) Earthing/Grounding: Reduce inflammation https://www.earthing.com/?rfsn=6528853.01597ca Dr. Stella IVERMECTIN/HCQ: https://drstellamd.com/ Promo Code: RUBY CardioMiracle: https://www.mypowerheart.com World Without Cancer and Apricot Seeds B-17: https://rncstore.com/drjaneruby Shungite EMF Protection: www.modernom.co/ruby Check out Dr. Jane’s collection for you PATRIOT MOBILE Christian/Vet Owned Cellular: https://www.patriotmobile.com Promo Code: RUBY for free activation! Clean FOOD: Loxahatchee Coop: https://www.quantumcollective.world/shop (Promo code: Ruby for 10% off) Website: https://drjaneruby.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjaneruby Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/DrJaneRuby Telegram: https://t.me/s/DrJaneRuby Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drjaneruby Linktree: drjaneruby | Instagram, TikTok | Linktreelinktr.ee28.7K views 138 comments -
Trump Admin Insider Exposes EVERY LEVEL of the Deep State | Ep 323
Glenn BeckOur founding fathers designed this country with checks and balances. They hated tyrannical government so much that they created a system that put each branch directly at odds with each other. They even made the president the weakest head of state. Well, that was so 247 years ago. Today, the United States federal bureaucracy has grown into a monster where the Deep State lives practically unimpeded. It’s where decisions are made to throw Catholics in jail, send the IRS to audit political enemies of Democrats, or use federal agents to raid the private home of former President Trump. Was it part of his punishment for trying to expose a nameless, faceless, sinister level of government? Glenn interviews Kash Patel, author of “Government Gangsters” and one of President Trump’s closest advisers. As principal deputy to the acting director of national intelligence, he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies. He also worked with the National Security Council, the secretary of defense, and the Department of Justice. And he spearheaded the investigation into Russia’s campaign to influence the 2016 election — meaning he knows what was REALLY Russian disinformation and what was the Deep State and the Clinton campaign’s meddling. He saw the Deep State firsthand, fought it, and he’s naming names. And it’s all going up on Glenn’s chalkboard … ► Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2UVLqhL ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: get.blazetv.com/glenn ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKgJEs_v0JB-6jWb8lIy9Xw?sub_confirmation=1 ► Click HERE to sign up to Glenn's newsletter: https://www.glennbeck.com/st/Morning_Brief Connect with Glenn on Social Media: http://twitter.com/glennbeck http://instagram.com/glennbeck http://facebook.com/glennbeck #blazetv #theblaze #blazemedia #glennbeck #glenntv #trump #trumpadmin #exposes #deepstate #irs #democrats #kashpatel #nationalsecuritycouncil #russia #clinton56.9K views 20 comments -
SGT ReportProtect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ or CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust -------------- THIS food is KILLING your Testosterone Level! https://sculptnation.com/sgt FIND OUT FOR FREE! Click the Link Above! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY RED ALERT REPORT. Deep researchers Hope & Tivon are back with a must hear urgent report about how the evil ones are biohacking humanity with deadly nanotechnology. This report could save your life IF you are not one of the Americans who may well be killed by the latest geoengineered category 5 hurricane 'Milton' which is currently headed directly for Tampa, the deeply conservative stronghold in the red state. @SteveNorrisTV on Twitter is reporting the following: "Milton’s central low pressure has now dropped to an UNFATHOMABLE 897 mb. This is nearing record territory (I haven’t seen it in my lifetime!) To put in perspective…NORMAL sea-level pressure is 1013.25 mb‼️ WINDS ARE STILL 180 MPH." And the punchline to this horror story? The same people who held the Event 201 exercise just prior to Covid, they just held a hurricane exercise which featured a monster hurricane hitting... Tampa, Florida. PRAY for America. GET your EMF abatement products HERE: https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/6/ Get NANO-TECH & Heavy Metals out of your blood w/ Master Peace: https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=4094 GET the Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C and D that we ALL NEED in Z-Stack: www.zstacklife.com/sgtreport156K views 218 comments -
THIS IS DEMOCIDE -- Sofia Smallstorm
SGT ReportGet the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/SGT ⬆️⬆️ Get GUT HEALTHY! ⬆️⬆️ ------------------ Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ or CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust Some of the members of Congress and the Senate have now been schooled about geoengineering by Dane Wigington because hurricane Milton IS a weather weapon and this is Democide. Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to discuss this horrible truth, and then we turn our attention to avocados, cocaine and cartels which are now in bed with our criminal government. Thanks for tuning in. Visit Sofia's fine store HERE: https://www.avatarproducts.com/ Climate Engineering Researcher Dane Wigington says he spoke with members of Congress by phone after Hurricane Helene devastated their districts. https://x.com/SGTreport/status/1843825600999686382108K views 216 comments -
SGT ReportGet the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/SGT ⬆️⬆️ Get GUT HEALTHY! ⬆️⬆️ ------------- THIS food is KILLING your Testosterone Level! https://sculptnation.com/sgt FIND OUT FOR FREE! Click the Link Above! Whistleblower Nicholas Noe returns to SGT Report to discuss the treason of Hillary Clinton and Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama with Extortion 17 and the premeditated murder of Seal Team 6 and the stand down which allowed for the killings of 4 American men in Benghazi, Libya. It all ties together with the Rockefeller bankster shadow state and Nick explains how, and why, before leaving us with a dire warning about a Kamala Harris presidency. Get the book here: Extortion 17's Why https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?fnY54awMjLV0uEEVGPtFF7NN4vp41FFxsHb70gzu1E5#151K views 154 comments -
Geo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal
The Alex Jones ShowGeo-engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life On Earth50.5K views 39 comments -
Groundbreaking Documentary Exposes How Secret Weather Control
The Alex Jones ShowGroundbreaking Documentary Exposes How Secret Weather Control Projects Are Killing Plants Animals And Humans68.2K views 54 comments -
SGT ReportGET Native Path Collagen: CLICK HERE: https://getnativepathcollagen.com/SGT SGT Report listeners can get up to 45% OFF while supplies last!! -------------- LOSE those wrinkles TODAY!! LEARN HOW, CLICK HERE: https://bhmd1.com/SGT ^^^Click Above ^^ The Weather Underground leader was Bill Ayers, Barry Soetoro's lifelong mentor, and the plan in the 70's was that when the Weather Underground took control of the US government they would have to exterminate the Americans who couldn't be "re-educated" to the Commie belief system. By their own estimates, 25 million Americans who couldn't be "re-educated" would need to be exterminated. Don't be surprised if Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama plan on doing the same exact thing. Dr. Lee Vliet and Todd Callender join me to discuss this and more. Get the NANO-TECH & Heavy Metals out of your blood w/ Master Peace https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=4094 MasterPeace Research Study Results: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/masterpeace-zeolite-z-research-study-found-to-be-safe-and-effective158K views 300 comments -
The Truth About the Weather
CR Podcast with Daniel HorowitzWe’re joined by veteran meteorologist and long-term forecaster Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell.com to explain the natural phenomenon behind this active hurricane season. He notes that while there might be cloud seeding technology that could potentially induce a snapshot, localized effect on one storm, it is absurd to believe that humans can control the entire atmospheric system that induced this weather pattern. He predicted last year, based on weather patterns across the world, that this would be an impactful hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico. He also believes we can do a better job forecasting and communicating risk assessment of hurricanes. But ultimately there needs to be humility when dealing with this issue and a recognition that only human problems can be controlled by humans. Let’s leave the atmospheric problems to God.1.1K views -
SGT ReportGet your Life-saving Meds Today : https://quickrxstore.com/ Use Promo Code SAVE10 for 10% off ------------------ Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold and/or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ or CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are committing open treason for the entire nation to witness. FEMA is preventing volunteers and supplies from reaching victims of hurricane Helene in North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. The Biden administration is actively KILLING trapped people in need, the majority of which are rural Trump voters. THIS IS the anti-American, anti-human DemonRat Party in action for all to see. Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet join me to process the evidence of these egregious premeditated crimes against Americans. Get the NANO-TECH, GRAPHENE & Heavy Metals out of your blood w/ Master Peace: https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=4094 Prepare NOW! Get your FREE 10-Step Prep Plan HERE: https://familyPrepPlan.info Truth For Health: https://www.truthforhealth.org/ Join us at Clout Hub: https://app.clouthub.com/#/community159K views 446 comments