Venezuelans rally across Latin America over disputed election
WWorld NewsVenezuelans across Latin America took to the streets on Saturday (August 3) to protest and demand transparency and justice in their home country's recent election results.118 views -
Allah's soldiers attack white British
WWorld NewsNow the invaders are attacking Brits with deadly weapons and still the British government cracks down on its own people instead of the invaders source https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1820194579854803243103 views -
Counter protest attempts to breach police kettle outside Bolton Town Hall enough is enough protest
WWorld NewsCounter protest attempts to breach police kettle outside Bolton Town Hall enough is enough protest source https://x.com/TkeMedia/status/182010688582499170285 views -
Commotion as enough is enough protester shouts over to counter protest
WWorld NewsCommotion as enough is enough protester shouts over to counter protest as they leave Bolton Town Hall to local park to finish their demonstration source https://x.com/TkeMedia/status/182011629835068632778 views -
Police ask counter protesters to go home as enough is enough demonstration
WWorld NewsPolice ask counter protesters to go home as enough is enough demonstration has allegedly came to an end. Members of the community voice their concerns for the mosque being attacked if they leave - Bolton source https://x.com/TkeMedia/status/182013964455976578579 views -
Armed MDL goons maraud across the UK, attacking lone Britons on sight
SusieQChatArmed Muslim Defence League goons maraud across the UK, attacking lone Britons on sight, & how does Starmer handle them? He rewards them by announcing funding for Mosque security, while ignoring their violence. These thugs have been emboldened by Starmer's divisive rhetoric.88 views -
Civil unrest as masked counter protest turns up in mass to enough is enough protest in Bolton
WWorld NewsCivil unrest as masked counter protest turns up in mass to enough is enough protest in Bolton source https://x.com/TkeMedia/status/182007924237950609772 views -
Man in Sheffield holding the St George’s Cross savagely beaten by a gang MDL
WWorld NewsMan in Sheffield holding the St George’s Cross savagely beaten by a gang of Muslim Defence League supporters. Where’s Starmer’s condemnation?117 views -
Mobs of Muslims attacking lone white people in Middlesbrough
WWorld NewsMobs of Muslims attacking lone white people in Middlesbrough in what can only be described as racially motivated assaults. Yet the government announce those under attack are the problem, and millions will be issued to protect mosques? This is the UK 2024. source https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1820156609248510319158 views -
Police forced to ride into MDL thugs as they move to attack Enough Is Enough protestors in Bolton.
WWorld NewsMounted Police forced to ride into Muslim Defence League thugs as they move to attack Enough Is Enough protestors in Bolton. Credit: @TkeMedia source: https://x.com/TPointUK/status/182019401678211082774 views 1 comment