6 videos
Updated 22 days ago
All Yugioh 5Ds amazing scenes will go here from widescreen to shorts
ShootingRiserStruggling to surpass his limits, Yusei Fudo attempts to defeat Placido. Meklord Wisel unleashes a powerful tornado to decimate everything. Only one chance of escape, Clear Mind!8 views -
LET'S REV IT UP YUSEI FUDO! - My Modified Intro - Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links #animations #shorts #yuseifudo
ShootingRiser#yuseifudo #yugioh5ds #stardustdragon #shootingriser #shootingstardragon #letsrevitup #trailers #yugioh #cardgamesonmotorcycles - Notice: This is my modified intro of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Duel Links trailer! - Yusei Fudo has returned! The first time this trailer came out, I was ready to "Rev it Up!" It was an amazing time to be a Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links fan! Also, I was excited about all of the 5DS music! - Yusei Fudo alongside his Duel Runner, the Yusei Go with his trusty Stardust Dragon fight all evil while giving hope to those in Despair in Neo Domino City! ESPANOL: - Noticia: Este intro fue modificado para ser mi intro de mis directors - ¡Yusei Fudo ha regresado! La primera vez que salió este tráiler, estaba listo para "¡Acelerar!" Fue un momento increíble para ser un Yu-Gi-Oh! ¡Fanático de Duel Links! Además, ¡estaba emocionado con toda la música de 5DS! - Yusei Fudo junto a su Duel Runner, el Yusei Go con su fiel Dragón de Polvo Estelar lucha contra todo tipo de maldad mientras da esperanza a los desesperados en Neo Domino City. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS/ENLACES: YouTube: @shootingriser https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble:https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser17 views -
"GAMING TO SAVE LIVES" Charity Stream! + Pink Hair Reveal! Mario 64 + Metal Slug + Yu-Gi-Oh! #live
ShootingRiser#charity #gamingtosavelives #gamingforsuicideprevention #livestream #livemarathon #charitystream #mario64 #yugiohduellinks #metalslug #yuseifudo #shootingriserlive #facereveal #streamlabscharity Hello everyone, I am happy to announce that we achieved our goal of getting 100 + Hours and 100 - dollars for the Streamlabs Charity, "Gaming to Save Lives". To celebrate this achievement, I will be holding a mini-marathon of Mario 64DS, Metal Slug, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Open Duel Room! I will also be revealing my hair painted pink per my follower's request and we will be voting on what games I will be streaming next from the Milestones options! The charity Gaming for Suicide Prevention will end when this stream is over! Thank you everyone! Let's Rev it Up! TOP CLEAR MIND, LIMIT OVER ACCEL SYNCHRO! If you would like to donate to the charity, here is the link: https://streamlabscharity.com/@shooting-riser/gaming-for-suicide-prevention ESPANOL: Hola a todos, me complace anunciar que logramos nuestro objetivo de obtener 100 + horas y 100 dólares para la organización benéfica Streamlabs, "JUGAR PARA SALVAR VIDAS". Para celebrar este logro, llevaré a cabo un minimaratón de Mario 64DS, Metal Slug y Yu-Gi-Oh! Enlaces de duelo ¡Abre la sala de duelos! ¡También revelaré mi cabello pintado de rosa según la solicitud de mis seguidores y votaremos sobre qué juegos transmitiré a continuación desde las opciones de hitos! La organización benéfica Gaming for Suicide Prevention (Juegos para la Prevención del Suicidio) llegara a su fin cuando se acave el en vivo! Gracias a todos! Si gusta donar a la fundacion, aqui esta el link: https://streamlabscharity.com/@shooting-riser/gaming-for-suicide-prevention SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser110 views 1 comment -
YUGIOH 5DS FINAL BATTLE - INIFINTE DESPAIR + "Gaming to Save Lives" Charity Countdown #Yugioh5ds
ShootingRiser"Gaming to Save Lives" Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS clip countdown continues. At this point in the battle, Z-ONE gets the upper hand with a card called Infinite Light which basically gives him the win. With time running out, and no way to defeat Z-ONE, Yusei Fudo gets struck with a piece of debris sending him to the abyss, that is until a miracle happens! ESPANOL: "Jugando para salvar vidas" Yu-Gi-Oh! La cuenta regresiva del clip de 5DS continúa. En este punto de la batalla, Z-ONE obtiene la ventaja con una carta llamada Luz Infinita que básicamente le da la victoria. Con el tiempo agotándose, y sin forma de derrotar a Z-ONE, Yusei Fudo es golpeado con un pedazo de escombros que lo envía al abismo, ¡hasta que ocurre un milagro!15 views -
YUGIOH 5DS FINAL BATTLE VS Z-ONE + "Gaming to Save Lives" Charity Countdown Start
ShootingRiserThe countdown to the charity stream "Gaming to Save Lives" has started guys! Saturday, July 20th at 4PM CST. In celebration, I will be posting small clips of the final battle against Z-ONE, a being of Despair from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS! Ya mero se llega el dia de el directo de la fundacion "Jugar Juegos para Salvar Vidas" Sabado Julio 20 a las 4PM Tiempo Central. En celebration pondre pequenos clips de la batalla final contra Z-ONE, una entidad de Desesperacion de la anime de Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS!32 views -
OVER TOP CLEAR MIND FT: PANIC IN THE SKY - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS "Gaming to Save Lives" Charity - We Made It
ShootingRiser#yugioh #gamingnights #shootingriserlive #yuseifudo #stardustdragon #shootingstardragon #chairystream #gamingtosabelives #shootingquasardragon #panicinthesky #supermariogalaxy2 Dedicated to all my followers here on Rumble & The GamerGril, thanks for the inspiration! This video features 2 amazing songs: PANIC IN THE SKY - TMNT Shredders Revenge HURRY - Super Mario Galaxy 2 NOTICE: The end of the Streamlabs Charity "Gaming for Suicide Prevention" is ending. I felt like these scenes from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS best represented this event! All anime scenes belong to Konami, I do not intend to commit copyright infringement, I believe that it stands under Fair Use. This is merely a tribute to the show! The countdown to the charity stream "Gaming to Save Lives" has started guys! Saturday, July 20th at 4PM CST. In celebration, I will be posting small clips of the final battle against Z-ONE, a being of Despair from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS! "Gaming to Save Lives" Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS clip countdown continues. After Yusei Fudo returns to the battle, he brings everyone's hopes and bonds together for the ultimate transformation, TOP CLEAR MIND, LIMIT OVER ACCEL SYNCHRO. Now with reaching beyond the limits of infinity, Yusei Fudo summons the amazing Shooting Quasar Dragon to stop this once and for all! Ya mero se llega el dia de el directo de la fundacion "Jugar Juegos para Salvar Vidas" Sabado Julio 20 a las 4PM Tiempo Central. En celebration pondre pequenos clips de la batalla final contra Z-ONE, una entidad de Desesperacion de la anime de Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS! SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser32 views 2 comments