They’ve Already Pushed the Button – Michele Bachmann
Olive Tree MinistriesJan Markell talks to Michele Bachmann for the hour. We have a shadow government run by dark forces who have pushed the button for global government. Do we have time to turn things around? The cover has been turned back. To sign up for 40 Days of Prayer, send an email to pray@regent.edu. Message Resources: https://www.regent.edu/news/40-days-of-prayer/ pray@regent.edu Follow Jan on: Olive Tree Ministries: https://bit.ly/3g5qxbY Rumble: https://bit.ly/395DxMC YouTube: https://bit.ly/2Wt9jMA HisChannel: https://bit.ly/39EH6tU LightSource: https://bit.ly/3qnosgl Oneplace: https://bit.ly/3oo5cNG Facebook: https://bit.ly/38oRa86 Gab: https://bit.ly/2MzQ9my Instagram: https://bit.ly/3mzqkiR Telegram: https://bit.ly/3n3WYNc Twitter: https://bit.ly/2KDUJzk Truth Social: https://bit.ly/3RyZwSY146K views 398 comments