Addressing Arguments Against the True Location of the Temple
The Spirit of ProphecyLink to full video of Aaron Thompson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyMS5u-0fX0 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5cYQQ0KOl_B2Yd3OgkRKcQ/join This a podcast dedicated to the subject of Bible Prophecy. This is a podcast made by Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL. Pastor Tommy loves the subject of prophecy and loves having public discussions with others on this subject whether they agree with him or not. Without a doubt you will learn more about the Bible and the subject of prophecy from listening to this podcast. For more information about Pastor Tommy and the Liberty Baptist Church go to www.givemelibertybaptist.com To donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HT7BL58WZK6AC194 views -
Discussing the Book of Hebrews with Pastor Jason Robinson
The Spirit of ProphecyThis will be available to the public on 12/26 7:00PM Pastor Robinson's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MountainBaptist Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5cYQQ0KOl_B2Yd3OgkRKcQ/join This a podcast dedicated to the subject of Bible Prophecy. This is a podcast made by Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL. Pastor Tommy loves the subject of prophecy and loves having public discussions with others on this subject whether they agree with him or not. Without a doubt you will learn more about the Bible and the subject of prophecy from listening to this podcast. For more information about Pastor Tommy and the Liberty Baptist Church go to www.givemelibertybaptist.com To donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HT7BL58WZK6AC295 views -
Introduction to the Book of Hebrews
The Spirit of ProphecyThis a podcast dedicated to the subject of Bible Prophecy. This is a podcast made by Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL. Pastor Tommy loves the subject of prophecy and loves having public discussions with others on this subject whether they agree with him or not. Without a doubt you will learn more about the Bible and the subject of prophecy from listening to this podcast. For more information about Pastor Tommy and the Liberty Baptist Church go to www.givemelibertybaptist.com To donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HT7BL58WZK6AC272 views -
Rightly Dividing Does Not Mean Dispensationalism #shorts #religion #ancientprophecy #bible
The Spirit of Prophecy#shorts #dispensationalism #dispensations #prophecy #bible #theology Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feT-ic6RQvI .➡️ Are you 100% sure you are on your way to heaven? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx81L1sKujw ➡️ Visit our Church Website: http://givemelibertybaptist.org/ To donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HT7BL58WZK6AC41 views -
Hebrews 1 Bible Study
The Spirit of ProphecyHebrews 1 This a podcast dedicated to the subject of Bible Prophecy. This is a podcast made by Pastor Tommy McMurtry of the Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, IL. Pastor Tommy loves the subject of prophecy and loves having public discussions with others on this subject whether they agree with him or not. Without a doubt you will learn more about the Bible and the subject of prophecy from listening to this podcast. For more information about Pastor Tommy and the Liberty Baptist Church go to www.givemelibertybaptist.com To donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HT7BL58WZK6AC202 views -
Gospel of John chapter 12 - Biblical Salvation settled once and for all (episode 11)
No Nonsense ChristianityIn this episode we look at the conversation Jesus has with Jewish Greeks and the rulers and Pharisees in John 12, very shortly before he will go to his death. This video is part of a study series, "Biblical Salvation settled once and for all". Please see the playlist for all available videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9DuMbnMOa0YRNQ8EVzum11HdY6q09ycz SCHEDULE 00:00:00 - Introduction to the chapter (aftermath of Lazarus' resurrection 00:04:23 - Why doesn't God display more miracles to spread the gospel? 00:13:18 - Jesus approached by Greeks coming to worship at the feast 00:19:50 - He who loves his life shall lose it, serve me / follow me 00:38:54 - The voice that came from Heaven, "I will draw all men unto me" 00:53:56 - Follow the light while you yet have the light 01:05:25 - The crowd rejects Jesus despite the miracles they saw 01:08:54 - Does God deliberately prevent people from getting saved? 01:12:51 - What if someone believes but doesn't confess? Did the chief rulers really get saved? 01:22:49 - End of the chapter Link to view the slides: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1DbuUcEc8Eb8ogjtw34X6ACdj7gQ4vhFu Believer featured in this video: David Houghton You can download this video from the YouTube URL using free software, DVD Video Soft. https://youtu.be/0yQVEcyhYsE96 views -
REPENT OF YOUR SINS - Documentary, a false gospel exposure (with background music)
No Nonsense ChristianityA documentary exposing the false "repent of your sins to be saved" gospel. Please share it and help to get this important message out there. SCHEDULE: 00:00:00 - Disclaimer 00:00:15 - Introduction 00:02:36 - How would you define repentance? 00:06:26 - The many gospels that are out there 00:16:08 - Repent of your sins (montage) 00:32:35 - Mixed messages 00:35:19 - When repentance is not turning from sin 01:23:10 - When repentance is turning from sin 01:39:21 - Repent-of-your-sins-to-be-saved comes from false religion 02:07:04 - Conclusions 02:18:00 - Bruce slap Supporting material (list of preachers featured and music used): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/14dLYlgqJ9Cy_j_unuK_qMLq0zCOEIiUN Using software called DVD Videosoft, you can download a copy of this documentary from the URL Software used to produce this video: - Adobe Premiere Rush (Video editing) - DVDVideoSoft and www.onlinevideoconverter.com (download the entire source material) - Powerpoint (presentation slides) - Screen-Cast-O-Matic (film myself and screen-record short clips of source material) - Audacity (audio recording)111 views 1 comment