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Mystery Theater (Radio)

165 videos
Updated 7 days ago
CBS Radio Mystery Theater (a.k.a. Radio Mystery Theater and Mystery Theater, sometimes abbreviated as CBSRMT) is a radio drama series created by Himan Brown that was broadcast on CBS Radio Network affiliates from 1974 to 1982, and later in the early 2000s was repeated by the NPR satellite feed. The format was similar to that of classic old time radio shows like The Mysterious Traveler and The Whistler, in that the episodes were introduced by host E. G. Marshall who provided pithy wisdom and commentary throughout. Unlike the hosts of those earlier programs, Marshall is fully mortal, merely someone whose heightened insight and erudition plunge the listener into the world of the macabre
  1. CBS Mystery Theater (ep001) Old Ones Are Hard to Kill
  2. CBS Mystery Theater (ep002) Return of the Moresby's
  3. CBS Mystery Theater (ep003) Bullet
  4. CBS Mystery Theater (ep004) Lost Dog
  5. CBS Mystery Theater (ep005) No Hiding Place
  6. CBS Mystery Theater (ep006) Honeymoon with Death
  7. CBS Mystery Theater (ep007) I Warn You Three Times
  8. CBS Mystery Theater (ep008) Cold Storage
  9. CBS Mystery Theater (ep009) Death Rides a Stallion