Lofty Ambitions 3
PhLoBefore heading out I'll quickly show my Blender 3D mockup of the lofts. This model helps me visualize the size and layout of various components in a real world scenario. Today I'll finish the loft framing. I have to wait to get OSB plywood to make the lofts finished for use. If I still feel like working on stuff I might brainstorm for the design of two worktables.118 views -
Lofty Ambitions 2
PhLoHalf of the blocking is done for this part of the loft. It shouldn't take long to finish the second side. Then I'll start on the other loft and see how far I can get. I have a mostly complete idea for stairs to get up to the loft, but it will take a little design work to make sure all the measurements are correct. This morning I started modeling the shed in Blender to help me visualize different stair designs. I also figured out a way how to use my wide angle action camera and might try using that today.108 views -
Lofty Ambitions
PhLoYesterday I went to town and got more building supplies. I still don't have EVERYTHING I need to complete the project, but most of it is at least on order. Now that the floor is done I'll continue working on the loft. Measure, cut, glue, screw boards, whack mosquitos, and stuff like that.117 views -
Building a Loft
PhLoNot much time left today before it starts getting dark, but I'll get a start on building a loft in the new shed. Power tools, IRL, 2 camera angles, whatever stuff.112 views -
IRL Gear Experiments with FoamHead Crew
PhLoIt's no secret that I like to play with streaming gear, but on a shoestring budget. For the most part, most of the gear I have is not top-notch, more like bottom rung. I don't have a lot of money, so I make due with simpler solutions. Granted, sometimes my streams suffer for it, especially in IRL. But with determination I believe it is always possible to do amazing things with lackluster gear. I have been experimenting with IRL tricks for 4 years. It's always super exciting to try new things, but often they are complete fails. Tonight I'll look through my various IRL gear and organize it. It's a mess from a recent trip where everything seemed to go wrong. If I get a good setup, maybe I'll go on a hike in the next day or 3 to try it out in the field. I'm like Naruto: I fail a million times, but I keep on trying until I get it right. I made an awesome discovery regarding possibilities with one of my cameras prior to starting this stream. This will be a very messy, scuffed, unrehearsed show and tell and experiment session. This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.725 views 2 comments -
Book Sanding & BBQ
PhLoIt's a little bit too nice today, as in super hot. But one of these days I need to work on some books. I have a ton waiting to have their edges sanded smooth. So why not today? Well, if mosquitoes answer that question, I might end early. Rather than spend a bunch of time setting up the stream I'll start the stream and set up while I'm already live. Ended up smelling BBQ on the air and did a quick one myself on stream. Pretty scuffed, but oh well. Food. Eat. Stuff. This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.628 views -
Cookie Forest 2, Maybe Maybe
PhLoMaybe it won't take me ten hours to set up this stream. Maybe the camera angle will be 12% better than the first episode. Maybe you will see less of the top of my head. Maybe I'll actually bake a cookie this time. Maybe the reason it's called Forest Cookies will be revealed. Stop for a minute! Or maybe not. For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era. This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream. Continued from... https://rumble.com/v2s6yv6-ridiculous-hour-cookie-forest.html1.16K views 2 comments -
Ridiculous Hour Cookie Forest
PhLoWho doesn't bake cookies at 3:30 a.m.? You'd have to be crazy to do otherwise! It took me a long time to get cameras and junk set up, that's the main reason I'm streaming at this stupid hour. I mean the best hour possible, that's what I meant to say. Unfortunately two USB extension cables attached end-to-end didn't work, so I had to go wireless with phone video. Maybe soon I'll have a good USB cable for such situations. Not that I ordered one just now or anything. Seems unlikely. For music I listen to retro video game music from the 16-bit era. This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream. Part 2: https://rumble.com/v2stmm4-cookie-forest-2-maybe-maybe.html1.33K views 5 comments