The Matrix Revealed: The Illusion of Choice Part 1: The Plan to Take Down The Satanic Cabal Was Written By The Satanic Cabal
Deprogramming With Graces DadIn this monocast, Scott introduces the power Satan has in the world and his use of esoteric and exoteric dialectics to control mankind in his war against God. *************** Vast Armies Of Satanic Beings Arranged In Battle Order Against Us | Derek Prince https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmxDAf9OwXk The End Game: The World As One – Gary Kah https://rumble.com/v4aqg4r-the-end-game-the-world-as-one-gary-kah.html EXPOSING - ZIONISTS' BIGGEST SHILL BY VICTOR HUGO AND THE LAST DUTCHMAN https://www.bitchute.com/video/EU82Ze0jUreo/ AN INCONVENIENT REALITY https://www.bitchute.com/video/gXZIJPrw2ISr/ When the patient becomes the doctor. | Kevin James: Irregardless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl8UXR82GyU If I Were the Devil - Paul Harvey (Good Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGrWvrGDOXg Jamie Walden Challenges Us: Order Within the Chaos https://rumble.com/v4e26i0-jamie-walden-challenges-us-order-within-the-chaos.html Bible Collection: Esther (2000) | Full Movie | F. Murray Abraham | Louise Lombard | Jurgen Prochnow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccTHkycbYXo Powerpoint Presentation https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h9zi641ibnef5nu22mu1n/The-Matrix-Revealed-Part-1-EDITED.pptx?rlkey=rrfux742pel54nx435wu66wkk&dl=0 OUTLINE - Part 1 The Plan to Take Down the Cabal Was Written by the Cabal - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/atr6i730hfjh2pnijzyzv/Part-1-The-Plan-to-Take-Down-the-Cabal-Was-Written-by-the-Cabal-Show-Notes-CORRECTED.pdf?rlkey=lz8mpl1oeqdlsh80mi653jj7z&dl=0 The Matrix Revealed Flowchart https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z9fxk038aqi1s8zykiqzo/The-Matrix-Revealed-Flowchart.pdf?rlkey=9jjhh3hmj6r2fbuuptaviz63a&dl=0 Deceiving with Pharmakeia for 6000 years Flowchart https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gn661ew2prbfkbb5gykh8/Deceiving-with-Pharmakeia-for-6000-years-Flowchart.pdf?rlkey=hv012ufdwzhbm09djxgds213s&dl=0 ************ To learn more about Our Amazing Grace, visit our websites: https://www.ouramazinggrace.net/home https://www.graceschara.com/ To sign up for Our Amazing Grace Newsletter: https://ouramazinggrace.substack.com/subscribe7.01K views 39 comments