22 videos
Updated 7 days ago
Reading List
*Alien Encounters Chuck Missler
*Alien Intrusion Updated Bates
*Day Earth Stands Still Gilbert Peck
*Invoking the Beyond Paul Collins
*Mirage Men by Mark Pilkington
*Orthodoxy and Religion of Future Rose
*Saucers Spooks Kooks Gorightly
Alien/Disclosure/UFO Odysee
Alien/Disclosure/UFO Rumble
Alien/Disclosure/UFO YouTube
The Alien Disclosure Deception: The Metaphysics of Social Engineering, Author Charles Upton. (2021)
williamramseyThe Alien Disclosure Deception: The Metaphysics of Social Engineering with Author Charles Upton. (2021)670 views -
Invaders From Earth- The Terrestrial Forces Behind the UFO Deception
MattEhretOn Sunday December 15, 2024, investigative journalist and independent researcher Paul Collins elucidates the intelligence circles and deep state operatives perpetrating the UFO deception. This deception serves elitist interests seeking the technocratic restructuring of human civilization. Paul David Collins is the author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism and the co-author of The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship and Invoking the Beyond: The Kantian Rift, Mythologized Menaces, and the Quest for the New Man Paul has published several articles concerning the topics of deep politics and elite deviancy. Those articles have appeared in Terry Melanson’s online Conspiracy Archive, Paranoia magazine, Vexilla Regis Journal, and Nexus magazine. The Hidden Face of Terrorism http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/140336799X/conspiracyarc-20/ The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1419639323/conspiracyarc-20/ Invoking the Beyond: The Kantian Rift, Mythologized Menaces, and the Quest for the New Man https://www.amazon.com/Invoking-Beyond-Kantian-Mythologized-Menaces/dp/1663213518 Support the Rising Tide Foundation in the following ways: 1) Make a donation https://risingtidefoundation.net/support-the-work/ 2) Subscribe to Matt and Cynthia's Substack matthewehret.substack.com cynthiachung.substack.com 3) Buy some books! https://canadianpatriot.org/untold-history-of-canada-books/ and follow us on www.risingtidefoundation.net and t.me/risingtidefoundation5.04K views 26 comments -
Jay Dyer: RED ALERT— UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out
The Alex Jones ShowJay Dyer: RED ALERT— UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out90K views 104 comments -
UFO's in New Jersey — The Dog That Didn't Bark (or Bite)
The David Knight ShowThe strangest thing about the constant UFO sighting is something that no one is talking about. Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to https://davidknight.gold/ for great deals on physical gold/silver Follow The David Knight Show on Rumble and watch the show live every weekday 9:00am EST – 12:00pm EST: https://rumble.com/c/TheDavidKnightShow For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to https://trendsjournal.com/ and enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it atTheDavidKnightShow.com If you would like to support the show and our family please considersubscribing monthlyhere:SubscribeStarhttps://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation through Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764 Zelle:@DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com CashAppat: $davidknightshow BTCto: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh73.27K views 7 comments -
Deception Through Disclosure Continued with Paul and Phillip Collins.
williamramseyDeception Through Disclosure Continued with Paul and Phillip Collins.7.57K views -
Occult Origins of Ancient Aliens
KLAUNGilbert House Premiered Jul 2, 2023 A View from the Bunker OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE is back in the news as a “whistleblower” has come forward with claims of alien spacecraft recovered by the US military. We’ve heard this before. Actual proof is non-existent, and, as with every major UFO/UAP “disclosure” since Roswell in 1947, the military-intelligence complex has fingerprints all over it. So, to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Roswell incident, we bring you a presentation based on the 2017 book Josh Peck and I co-authored, The Day the Earth Stands Still. This was a talk I gave last fall at the Church of Glad Tidings in Live Oak, California. The bottom line is this: The modern belief in “ancient aliens” can be traced from Zecharia Sitchin and Erich Von Däniken back to the occult teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley—by way of the horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft. In our book, and in this talk, we connect the dots from Crowley to Cthulhu to Chaos. Subscribe and share our YouTube channel at / gilberthouse https://www.youtube.com/GilbertHouse ! Get all of our video and audio content on our new mobile app: www.gilberthouse.org/app/! —— My book The Second Coming of Saturn is available in paperback and Kindle! Check out free chapters of the book by clicking here (https://www.derekpgilbert.com/category/second-coming-of-saturn/ —— Please join us each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our weekly Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details. Get all of our podcasts -- VFTB, P.I.D. Radio, and the Gilbert House Fellowship -- at Spreaker: www.spreaker.com/user/gilberthouse. That's more than 1,600 hours of free archived audio going back to 2005! Check out our weekly video program Unraveling Revelation (www.unravelingrevelation.tv), and subscribe to the YouTube channel: / unravelingrevelation https://youtube.com/UnravelingRevelation . —— Please visit our online store for special offers on our books and DVDs: www.gilberthouse.org/store. —— Discuss these topics at the VFTB Facebook page (www.facebook.com/viewfromthebunker) and check out the great podcasters at the Fringe Radio Network (www.spreaker.com/user/mxpw)! Reading List *Alien Encounters Chuck Missler *Alien Intrusion Updated Bates *Day Earth Stands Still Gilbert Peck *Invoking the Beyond Paul Collins *Mirage Men by Mark Pilkington *Orthodoxy and Religion of Future Rose *Saucers Spooks Kooks Gorightly Alien/Disclosure/UFO Odysee https://odysee.com/ALIEN-DISCLOSURE-UFO:a Alien/Disclosure/UFO Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/BGaPIoj-EDc Alien/Disclosure/UFO YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx2BamAwbS6wGzyVnqiv9_ORCywagvhI3 1947 Roswell Crash Theory (19:37) https://rumble.com/v2swuuy-the-1947-roswell-crash-theory-youve-probably-never-heard.html Alien Agenda Jumped Shark (17:28) https://rumble.com/v29fupg-the-alien-agenda-just-jumped-the-shark.html Aliens Demons Evidence Realm (1:15:38) https://rumble.com/v1ryxxe-aliens-and-demons-evidence-of-an-unseen-realm-documentary-film-featuring-dr.html Debunking Ancient Aliens (46:55) https://rumble.com/v29fnh6-debunking-ancient-aliens-with-chris-white.html Disclosed Deceiving World (35:06) https://rumble.com/v29gdhk-disclosed-deceiving-the-world.html How Fake Alien Invasion (44:25) https://rumble.com/v1rfsj0-how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion.html Occult Origins Ancient Aliens (1:52:30) https://rumble.com/v314itc-occult-origins-of-ancient-aliens.html Stand Still (22:01) https://rumble.com/v2szqzu-stand-still.html2.72K views 1 comment -
Spy Agencies Push Alien Narrative — Why?
The David Knight ShowTucker, RFKj, Matt Walsh — all willing to take the word of intel agencies without a shred of proof.What's going on? Find out more about the show and where you can watch it atTheDavidKnightShow.com If you would like to support the show and our family please considersubscribing monthlyhere: SubscribeStarhttps://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation through Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764 Zelle:@DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com CashAppat: $davidknightshow BTCto: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7 Money is only what YOU hold:Go toDavidKnight.goldforgreat deals on physical gold/silver For10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go toTrendsJournal.comand enter thecode KNIGHT1.28K views 20 comments -
Aliens and Demons
KLAUNAliens and Demons: Evidence of an Unseen Realm Logos Bible Software Oct 12, 2022 Dr. Michael S. Heiser explores the unexpected intersection between UFOs, alien abductions, the world of angels and demons, and the ancient texts that speak of them. Get the book "Demons" by Dr. Michael S. Heiser https://bit.ly/logos_demons Get "The Angels and Demons Bundle" https://bit.ly/angelsdemons_bundle Want to go deeper into the Word? Check out the Logos Bible Study App https://bit.ly/logos_10 Produced by Reuben Evans, Bob Pritchett Directed by Reuben Evans Music SONG Jewel Box 40 Seconds Horror Trailer Evil ARTIST Collin Scudder ALBUM AudioSparx_9299 Reading List *Alien Encounters Chuck Missler *Alien Intrusion Updated Bates *Day Earth Stands Still Gilbert Peck *Invoking the Beyond Paul Collins *Mirage Men by Mark Pilkington *Orthodoxy and Religion of Future Rose *Saucers Spooks Kooks Gorightly Alien/Disclosure/UFO Odysee https://odysee.com/ALIEN-DISCLOSURE-UFO:a Alien/Disclosure/UFO Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/BGaPIoj-EDc Alien/Disclosure/UFO YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx2BamAwbS6wGzyVnqiv9_ORCywagvhI3 1947 Roswell Crash Theory (19:37) https://rumble.com/v2swuuy-the-1947-roswell-crash-theory-youve-probably-never-heard.html Alien Agenda Jumped Shark (17:28) https://rumble.com/v29fupg-the-alien-agenda-just-jumped-the-shark.html Aliens Demons Evidence Realm (1:15:38) https://rumble.com/v1ryxxe-aliens-and-demons-evidence-of-an-unseen-realm-documentary-film-featuring-dr.html Debunking Ancient Aliens (46:55) https://rumble.com/v29fnh6-debunking-ancient-aliens-with-chris-white.html Disclosed Deceiving World (35:06) https://rumble.com/v29gdhk-disclosed-deceiving-the-world.html How Fake Alien Invasion (44:25) https://rumble.com/v1rfsj0-how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion.html Occult Origins Ancient Aliens (1:52:30) https://rumble.com/v314itc-occult-origins-of-ancient-aliens.html Stand Still (22:01) https://rumble.com/v2szqzu-stand-still.html1.78K views