freedomlover23“🫶 最聰明、最幸福的人,是那些沒打疫苗💉且還活著的人,沒有懸念,🙅反疫苗的人是贏家,我不想刻意掩飾這點,他們是最傑出的🫡” 又是誰? 給了無苗族們又一次至高盛讚 👏🙌 👨🏫Scott Adams,享負盛名已久的全美知名作家、漫畫家,Dilbert(呆伯特)_ 知名漫畫作者 1990年代,他的作品就在全球🌍超過400家報紙連載,全球知名;到了2010年代,共同連載的報紙超過2000家,橫跨全球65國🤩🥳 集結其漫畫作品發行的《呆伯特法則》一書,同樣在全球熱銷數百萬冊,30多年前的Adams早已聞名全球🤓😉 這麽一位典型的美國🇺🇸知識階層的代表人物,跟多數美國人一樣,選擇聽從政府建議、醫生的推薦、在主流媒體每天24小時的廣告宣傳下, 🤦♂️Adams接種了2劑的mRNA疫苗💉💉 曾經用畫筆極盡嘲諷拒絕疫苗者選擇的他,就如那些高收視率的晚間電視脫口秀節目主持人的論調一樣:「不打疫苗的人,全是沒受過教育的農民、不接受現代文明洗禮的迂腐之人💁♂️」 但,時間和現實,讓他看到了與自己預測的不一致,甚至相反的事實;他震驚了,但他也思考、得出結論,是自己100%的判斷失誤 只是這次的代價,大過他所能理解的,因為這不是無傷大雅的預測錯誤,而是: 結束一個健康人,享受生活能力的巨大錯誤❗️ 讓昨天還在交談的親友,今天就一命嗚呼的致命錯誤 一個鼓勵無知陌生人吞食毒藥卻看似無辜的愚蠢宣傳 Adams能拍攝這段,承認自己判斷錯誤、承認當年被他嘲諷的無苗族是贏家的短視頻,並在有眾多追隨者的,自己的X賬號上播放,說明他真正意識到他的錯誤,不是一般嚴重👏👏 《 Adams 的推特帳後跟隨者,有116萬之多 》 因為他的主觀判斷錯誤,傷害到許多人,那些也許本不想接種疫苗的人 無苗族們,終將得到社會的尊重,非但被認可,還將被深深敬佩🫡🫶 這是西方文明社會中的普遍反應,因為獨立思考和自由意志,是民主社會的基礎🙌🙌 無苗的身份,就是在宣告 : 你是一個值得尊重,不能被輕易左右,自己堅定原則的人,值得信賴的人,是別人會在你背後豎大拇指的人🫶🫡 https://www.facebook.com/100075910276408/videos/445748031625566/767 views -
向(拒打c19疫苗)純血英雄們致敬 (Del Bigtree 讀ㄧ封澳洲作家Susan Dunham寫的信的摘要)
freedomlover23"If Covid were a battlefield, it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated. Thankfully the mandates are letting up, and both sides of the war stumble back to the new normal. The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment, and highlight the shortcoming of the Covid vaccines. The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced 'The Science' to unveil. We knew that the waning immunity of the fully vaccinated had the same risk profile as others within society, as the minority of the unvaccinated; yet we marked them for special persecution. We said they had not 'done the right thing for the greater good' by handing their bodies and medical autonomy over to the State. Many of the so-called health experts and political leaders admitted the goal was to make life almost unlivable for the unvaccinated, which was multiplied many times by the collective mob, with the fight taken into workplaces, friendships, and family gatherings. Today, the hard truth is none of it was justified as we took a quick slide from righteousness to absolute cruelty. We might blame our leaders and health experts for the push, but each individual within society must be held accountable for stepping into the well-laid-out trap. We did this despite knowing full well that principled opposition is priceless when it comes to what goes inside our bodies, and we let ourselves be tricked into believing that going into another ineffective lockdown would be the fault of the unvaccinated and not the fault of the toxic policy of ineffective vaccines. We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake, felt good. We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side, so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated. Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn't think the unvaccinated would make it through unbroken, and we turned the holdouts into punching bags. Fauci, Rachelle Walensky, Biden, Caribbean Ayatollah Gonsalves, unvaccinated spittle Camillo Gonsalves, Gaston Browne, Stop Jack assing yoself Keith Rowley and the other cast in prominent roles need to be held to account for vilifying the unvaccinated in public and fueling angry social media mobs. The mobs, the mask Nazis, and the vaccine disciples have been embarrassed by 'betting against' the unvaccinated because mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not compliance that ended domination by Big Pharma Companies, Bill Gates and his many organisations, and the World Economic Forum…It was THANKS to the people we tried to embarrass, ridicule, mock and tear down. We should all try and find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated as we took the bait by hating them because their perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong. So, if mandates ever return for Covid or any other disease or virus, hopefully, more of us will be awake and see the rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our well-being and is more about power and control. The War on the Unvaccinated was lost, and we should all be very thankful for that. “ source: https://thevincentian.com/the-unvaccinated-will-be-vindicated-p24367-110.htm https://susandunham.medium.com/what-we-learned-from-hating-the-unvaccinated-fc428fa0732c https://ca.childrenshealthdefense.org/corruption/the-unvaccinated-will-be-vindicated/1.23K views -
freedomlover23布拉德·懷爾德:致所有未接種疫苗的你們,當一切都崩潰之時仍在奮力抵抗,你們通過了一個難以想象的考驗,你們是有史以來最偉大的存在。無論男女老少、貧窮富裕、不同種族及宗教,只有那些無苗族才是神選之子258 views -
freedomlover23來自加拿大 Wake Up Canada News 主播 Brad Wylder https://www.bitchute.com/video/cnXz80LfAjCq/722 views