REACTION: Trump’s PACKED Madison Square Garden Rally + Rogan Interview BREAKS THE INTERNET - SF479
Russell BrandCall 1(800)-958-1000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand Go to http://rumble.com/premium/brand and use code BRAND to save $10 off! BE HERE AT 12PM ET / 5PM BST ⏰ Reaction to two massive election moments over the weekend, as thousands of people descended on Madison Square Garden on Sunday afternoon for Donald Trump's campaign rally, a day after the President’s interview with Joe Rogan breaks the internet, with over 20 million views in 20 hours. Check out my social medias and more - https://linktr.ee/RussellBrand322K views 1.48K comments -
Situation Update w/ Mike King (8.5.24)
Patriot UndergroundPU is joined by Mike King to provide an overview of recent developments; we discuss the stock market meltdown, the buildup to the WW3 SCARE event, the UK riots and much more. We present our analysis through the lens of recent Trump comms and by revisiting some of the most important Q drops to remember as we accelerate towards the eye of the storm. Purchase "Crash Course NWO" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNNXTM26 Purchase Mike's book "9/11 Inside Job" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTXSVKJV Mike's Website: http://realnewsandhistory.com Follow PATRIOT UNDERGROUND on Social Media Rumble 👉🏽https://rumble.com/c/PatriotUnderground Bitchute 👉🏽 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lwGhugl8lUU9/ Podbean 👉🏽 https://patriotunderground2021.podbean.com/ Odysee 👉🏽 https://odysee.com/@patriotunderground2021:3 Telegram 👉🏽 https://t.me/patriotunderground2021 Truth Social 👉🏽 https://truthsocial.com/@patriotunderground PU Store 👉🏽 https://www.patriotunderground.shop/ Locals Community/Donations: http://patriotunderground.locals.com Protect and Secure Your Retirement Savings Now + Up To 10% FREE Silver on qualified accounts: http://www.patriotundergroundgold.com http://www.patriotundergroundsilver.com #GoldcoPartner Switch to American Made Are you ready to walk away from these big box stores and manufacturers that don’t have our same values? We found a manufacturer whose products are eco-friendly, non-toxic and safer for your family and our environment. Switching stores is easy and risk free. Are you ready to get all the details - https://www.patriotswitch.com/patriotunderground PU Store: https://www.patriotunderground.shop/98.5K views 414 comments -
Tucker Carlson LEARNS of disturbing plan from Alex Jones at Live Event!!
Stephen GardnerCall 888-686–8030 or visit http://www.americanfinancing.net/gardner. NMLS 182334, http://nmlsconsumeraccess.org. APR for rates in the 4s start at APR 5.672% for well qualified borrowers. Call 888-686–8030 for details about credit costs and terms Shane Cashman - https://www.youtube.com/@TalesfromtheInvertedWorld/videos Stephen Gardner and Shane Cashman go over making America great again. Making America healthy again. FBI investigations. The US border being over run by illegals thanks to Kamala Harris. Former Rhode Island governor Raimond calls for Trump to be extinguished permanently and replaced with Kamala harris. Run Trump extinguished clip. Most Americans (65%) expect another assassination attempt against former President Trump before Election Day, according to a new Rasmussen survey. Donald Trump and RFK Jr have teamed up to Make America Healthy Again. I saw that Dr. Robert Redfield, the former head of the CDC that was railroad out of medicine by Dr. Anthony Fauci has now endorsed Trump and held a private lunch with RFK Jr where he admitted RFK jr was right about covid and its handling all along. RFK Jr was right video Thoughts on this? Tucker and Alex Jones on the take over of America Are we waking up or do we still believe the government is trying to brain wash us, lie to us, make use hate each other, etc?? Former President Trump is favored to win the popular vote, marking the first time a Republican would win the popular vote since 2004, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly now aligned “with libertarian ideology” and has hired a Republican strategist to repair his relationship with right-wing media and operatives after years of censorship. This is horrifying - The FBI agent leading the investigation into the second attempt on former President Trump’s life, Jeff Veltri, was the subject of an internal “retaliation investigation” for anti-Trump and anti-conservative bias, a whistleblower has revealed. How can people follow you online?14.8K views 105 comments -
Behind the Deep State | Is Donald Trump With or Against the Deep State?
The New AmericanDebate is raging among some corners of Christianity and even some conservatives about whether Donald Trump is worthy of their support, with some even suggesting he is part of the "Swamp" or the "Deep State." However, as The New American senior editor Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State, Trump became a one-man wrecking ball against the architecture of global governance and has been relentlessly targeted by the Deep State since he announced his run for president in 2015. The evidence speaks for itself. For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American athttps://thenewamerican.com. Subscribe to our print magazine today and save over 25%!https://thenewamerican.com/Rumble25 Check out our social medias and more! -https://linktr.ee/newamericanmag85 Visit JBS.org for more on The John Birch Society.7.44K views 19 comments -
Calley & Casey Means: The Truth About Ozempic, the Pill, and How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick
Tucker CarlsonCasey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in. This is an amazing story. Watch Calley's first interview with Tucker here: https://youtu.be/vzRjkNYT-U8 See Donald Trump as you’ve never seen him before in the upcoming docuseries, "Art of the Surge" premiering only on TCN. Become a member: https://watchtcn.co/4fuXHQq We're going on tour! Get your tickets before it's too late: https://tuckercarlson.com/events Paid partnerships: Liberty Safe: Use promo code "Tucker" at https://LibertySafe.com/Tucker Meriwether Farms: Use promo code "Tucker" at https://MeriwetherFarms.com/Tucker Unplugged: Get $25 off a new phone with code "Tucker" at https://Unplugged.com/Tucker #TuckerCarlson #BigPharma #CalleyMeans #CaseyMeans #Ozempic #thepill #health #food #medical #seedoils #DonaldTrump #BarackObama #womenshealth #menshealth #mentalhealth Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:54 Who Are Casey and Calley Means? 10:32 Seed Oils and the Lies of the Food Pyramid 22:20 Vaccines for Newborns 34:41 Why Is the Medical Industry Ignoring This? 44:38 The Spiritual Crisis 52:23 Chemicals Linked to Cancer and Early Puberty 1:00:13 Ozempic 1:15:35 The Birth Control Pill 1:30:12 The Rise of Dementia 1:36:27 Why Obamacare Is Harmful and How to Fix the Medical Industry 1:50:55 Infertility 2:05:21 Michelle Obama’s Weaponization of Sugar in Schools 2:10:24 What Should We Be Eating?946K views 3K comments -
A False Church & A False Israel
sonsoflibertyradioliveAmericans, and many in the world, have been blinded by the spirit of antichrist. From the apostate Roman Catholic Church to the faux modern day state of Israel, people just don't know their Bibles and fall for the claims that Rome is the true Church of Jesus Christ and the modern state of Israel is biblical Israel and somehow biblically prophetic. I'll touch on Rome a bit and then expound from Scripture on Israel. A second episode will be done regarding Rome and exactly why it is apostate and a false church. Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/sonsoflibertyradiolive Follow us on Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/sonsoflibertyra Grab our feed on Locals: https://thesonsoflibertyradio.locals.com/ Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/sonsoflibertymedia https://sonsoflibertyradio.com https://sonsoflibertymedia.com Sons of Liberty Store: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/ Support us through a donation: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/donate Partner with us as a Son or Daughter of Liberty: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/membership/125K views 35 comments -
TRUMP'S MISSION To End Washington DC And Restore The People
stopworldcontrolIn this historic speech Trump makes it clear what his mission is. Listen to every word. This says it all. More information about Trump: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/trump11K views 207 comments -
Ep3082_BardsFM - A Sheep Amongst Wolves
BardsFM (Official Channel)#TheNameAboveAllNames #SpiritualUnconventionalWarfare #VoteJesus Flemingsburg Bards Nation Center Fundraising... Buy A Brick: https://store.bardsnation.com Flemingsburg Bards Nation Center Fundraising:https://www.givesendgo.com/Flemingsburg MYPillow promo code: BARDS Go to https://www.mypillow.com/bards and use the promo code BARDS or... Call 1-800-975-2939. Use promo code BARDS. Find Financial Freedom:DoneWithDebt.com EMPShield protect your vehicles and home. Promo code BARDS: https://www.empshield.com BIRCH GOLD Infokit: >>>Text BARDS to 989898 My Patriot Supply PREPAREWITHBARDS.COM : https://preparewithbards.com/ EnviroKlnez air purifiers. MADE in USA. Promo code BARDS: https://enviroklenz.com/ekpure/ iTargetPro promo code BARDS: https://itargetpro.com CB Distillery Speical promo code VIP and save 50%: https://www.thecbdistillery.com/ Treadlite Broadforks...best garden tool EVER. Promo code BARDS: https://www.treadlitebroadforks.com/?ref=BARDS Field of Greens organic superfood whole body supplement. Promo code BARDS: https://fieldofgreens.com/ Founders Bible 20% discount code: BARDS >>> https://thefoundersbible.com/#ordernow MYCoffee promo code BARDS: https://mystore.com/mycoffee BardsFM Flags: https://bardsfm.com/shop/black-flag/ DONATE: https://bardsfm.com/donate/#donate-content Mailing Address: Xpedition Cafe Attn. Scott Kesterson 591 E Central Ave, #740 Sutherlin, OR 974791.3K views 1 comment -
Ep3083_BardsFM - Bended Knee
BardsFM (Official Channel)#TheNameAboveAllNames #NationsWillBeJudged #VoteJesus Flemingsburg Bards Nation Center Fundraising... Buy A Brick: https://store.bardsnation.com Flemingsburg Bards Nation Center Fundraising:https://www.givesendgo.com/Flemingsburg MYPillow promo code: BARDS Go to https://www.mypillow.com/bards and use the promo code BARDS or... Call 1-800-975-2939. Use promo code BARDS. Find Financial Freedom:DoneWithDebt.com EMPShield protect your vehicles and home. Promo code BARDS: https://www.empshield.com BIRCH GOLD Infokit: >>>Text BARDS to 989898 My Patriot Supply PREPAREWITHBARDS.COM : https://preparewithbards.com/ EnviroKlnez air purifiers. MADE in USA. Promo code BARDS: https://enviroklenz.com/ekpure/ iTargetPro promo code BARDS: https://itargetpro.com CB Distillery Speical promo code VIP and save 50%: https://www.thecbdistillery.com/ Treadlite Broadforks...best garden tool EVER. Promo code BARDS: https://www.treadlitebroadforks.com/?ref=BARDS Field of Greens organic superfood whole body supplement. Promo code BARDS: https://fieldofgreens.com/ Founders Bible 20% discount code: BARDS >>> https://thefoundersbible.com/#ordernow MYCoffee promo code BARDS: https://mystore.com/mycoffee BardsFM Flags: https://bardsfm.com/shop/black-flag/ DONATE: https://bardsfm.com/donate/#donate-content Mailing Address: Xpedition Cafe Attn. Scott Kesterson 591 E Central Ave, #740 Sutherlin, OR 974791.26K views