Book - Jeremiah
18 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Studies Through the Book of Jeremiah
December 14, 2022 - "Ancient Babylon Falls; New Babylon Rises!" - Jeremiah 50-52
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThere are parallels between ancient Babylon and the Babylon of the Antichrist. Both will be destroyed. Both will commit atrocities against God’s people. The same character traits of ancient Babylon are now seen in modern Babylon. Modern Babylon’s name, Neo-Marxism! Yep, Neo-Marxist beliefs are in every country and ever apostate religion in the world. It is the social agenda that goes by many names: ‘globalism,’ ‘global economy,’ ‘trans-rights,’ ‘no borders,’ ‘CRT,’ ‘LGBTQ,’ everything that the political Left holds to, that is the Neo-Marxist, New Babylon rising! -
December 7, 2022 - "The Dangers of Pride" - Jeremiah 47-50
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe mother of all sins – Pride! It is the subtlest of all sins. Humility is a Christlike trait. No one who has ever met Jesus can be proud again. The righteous Savior bleeding for our sins upon the cross cures the sin of pride. The nations are proud, they will soon be humbled before the Almighty! Let’s humble ourselves before the Lord! -
November 30, 2022 - "Your Life Shall Be A Prize" - Jeremiah 44-47
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsJeremiah the prophet's assistant's name was Baruch. He was Jeremiah's scribe. He wrote down all the sermons Jeremiah preached, and he even read them to the people. He suffered because of it as well. Baruch was rejected and demoted. But God was watching and was going to reward him. It never pays to compromise with the world, our job, for money or promotion… all for what? The only real pay is to obey the Lord, and He will reward you! -
November 16, 2022 - "Don’t Go Back to Egypt!" - Jeremiah 41-44
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsIn the Bible, Egypt a type of the world, the sinful lifestyle that Jesus saved us from. The Lord told the people, "You are to never go back there again!" Yet, in time of desperation and fear, the people were tempted to go back there for help. This was a disastrous decision. Any decision that moves us to trust in the old, sinful ways instead of the Lord will certainly lead to great regret! -
November 9, 2022 - "LIFE - The Hard Way or the Easier Way" - Jeremiah 38-40
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe reality of LIFE is that we must choose between following the ways of the world or obeying God. The wrath of God is immensely more difficult than the wrath of the world. Which would you rather experience, the wrath of man or the wrath of God? There is a hard way and an easier way – the easier way is to obey God’s Word and let the chips fall where they may. Falling into the hands of an angry God is eternally terrifying. Falling into the hands of angry men is only temporary. -
November 2, 2022 - "Reactions to the Word" - Jeremiah 36-38
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsPeople have all kinds of reactions to the Word of God. Some ignore it, some receive it and obey, some reject it. The ones that receive and obey it are blessed; the ones that ignore it or reject it ultimately perish. The choice is yours. The Bible is an anvil that has broken many a hammer through the years. You will either be broken by the Word, or the Word will break you to pieces. It is best to fall upon the rock of God’s Word and let your pride and ego be broken, than for it to fall upon you in judgement and crush you to pieces. -
October 26, 2022 - "Call to Me, And I Will Answer" - Jeremiah 33-35
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe Bible is filled with promises to answer prayer. How often we neglect prayer to our own detriment. I'm certain that our lives would be so much richer and fuller if we were to continue to make our requests known unto God. -
October 19, 2022 - "I Will Answer You" - Jeremiah 32-33
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsGod does and will answer prayer! We often short-change ourselves because we do not pray. Prayer is a neglected discipline… until the time of fiery trial arrives. The furnace of heartache and pain sure does improve or prayer life! Whether good times or hard times – the Lord is a God who loves to answer prayer! -
October 12, 2022 - "God’s Everlasting Love for You" - Jeremiah 3:13
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsIt is often difficult to realize God’s love. Be assured that He does love you! It is written in His eternal Word and sealed with His beloved Son’s blood. God not only tells you He loves you, He demonstrated it when He died on the cross and rose again from the dead for you!