US One Vision Mod Tactics Ogre タクティクスオウガ PSP
2 videos
Updated 1 year ago
The US Version as well as the Mod for the game done by fans. The One Vision Mod that is.
ZDC USOV Tactics Ogre タクティクスオウガ PSP Part 01 Easier Stats Maximizing via Tarot RNG Dex, Str, Vit, Mind, Agi and HP plus Str & Vit MS Get to HDT Start
CiVicGamerBlue Pants Catiua/Kachua=OVne Vision Mod huh?12 views -
ZDC USOV Tactics Ogre タクティクスオウガ PSP Part 02 1st Continued with all Battle 2 Enemies Defeated
CiVicGamerSame as the last 2 versions, Where to find the hidden items and get all enemies defeated in the 1st actual battle even though Canopus is now stabbing Spear as a default weapon instead of his Vanilla Axe and Bow Combo. TO,Tactics,Ogre,TOLUCT,Let,Us,Cling,Together,PSP,Play,Station,Protable,Playstation,Denam,Denim,Pavel,Powell,Seven,VII,Battle,Saga,Episode,Chapter,Route,Path,Road,Ch,Scenario,Oni,Sakusen,Shudan,タクティクスオウガ,Takutikusu,Ōga,Ouga,Unmei,No,Wa,US,USA,United,Unite,States,State,of,America,Version,Ver,Ver.,USV,Part,ZDC,OV,Wheel,Of,Fortune,One,VisionUSOV,USOVV,8 views