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Updated 8 months ago
Blue has more followers on his Bitchute channel... https://old.bitchute.com/channel/agDuiW1AhWxz/
bluewaterAll downvotes are by the genius Troll OMNIPRESENT....MORON childish kid wants attention cause nobody watches his mickey mouse channel were he is a parrot of everything i say...can't fix stupid what the public thinks of jake up the ass ----Blue mental illness is a real thing old sex toy up the ass Jake is living PROOF New FAKE ACCOUNT created from jake up the ass sperm gun..MIssTicklish ((((( jabn ))))and ((((Omnipresent)))) ((((MissTicklish)))) Jake up the arse Jake up the ass BIG BAD BUBBY Qsammy73 Ghandisflipflop Whitey2Chains aka Whitey2Dildos. CessspoolJunkie bleuwater..........real one is (((bluewater))) werniisnot josemcgw1 ACanadianFolk TINY NUTZ not sure if man or woman NeverEndingNonsense luddydundrums divineassholefox55 Timothy Prickly Im just charlie pain911 AntiCult23.......the latest testube baby from jake up th ass sperm gun with his lover for Pride Month Celebration...created on farters day Omnipresent....new FAKE ACCOUNT on the block you can't make this shit up Loser sitting in mommys basement all day making FAKE ACCOUNTS and hoping some idiot will listen to his diarrrhea Don't take home the bed bugs27K views 294 comments