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Updated 2 months ago
Lessons through the experiences in life.
History: Doctors promoted smoking as safe and effective
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Dr Peter McCullough. Dr Peter McCullough is from the United States of America. He is a faithful member of Methodist Church in the United States of America. Dr Peter McCullough, Former Professor, Cardiologist, Renal (Kidney) specialist, and Epidemiologist. Dr Peter McCullough was the first doctor to write on peer-reviewed literature about early treatments for COVID-19. He wrote hundreds of peer-reviewed literature, including articles on Early treatments on COVID-19. He published most peer-reviewed literature than anyone in the world in his field of profession. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dr Peter McCullough: "It Took Decades for Doctors to Wake Up To Dangers of Smoking--How Long Will it Take for mRNA? BIG TOBACCO had the medical community in a mass delusion, believing that smoking was safe for decades. It took US Surgeon General Luther Terry's Report on Smoking to wake them up in 1964. Will we need a Surgeon General's report on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, disabilities, and death to break the grip of BIG PHARMA?" ☆☆☆ The best minds in science once promoted smoking as safe and effective. Doctors were in the frontline to promote the practice of smoking. It took years before best scientists and doctors realised that smoking has been unsafe and bad for health. Similarly, one look forward to the time when science can admit errors regarding the current debates about the injuries regarding COVID-19 injections or gene therapies.291 views 4 comments