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We The People in China's Masks Series

7 videos
Updated 3 days ago
Bear speaks about in a series of "We The People in China's Masks," and spoke out of the long term effects of wearing surgical face masks for the long term and what is the real reason behind why the Citizens of America are forced to wear masks, and what to do as citizens to take our power back.
  1. Anthony Fauci Grilled By Marjorie Taylor Green Over Covid's Origins By GOP-Led Subcommittee
  2. Feb Up Parents Revolting Against Never Ending Masks Mandates!
  3. Vlog 8-20-2021 with Bear And Rainbow: Time to Stand Up!
  4. We The People in China's Masks Part 4: It's Time to Take Off The Muzzel, & Have Freedom
  5. We The People In China's Masks Part 3: Connect The Dots, Read Between The Lines
  6. We The People in China's Masks Part 2: The Antithesis of What the Doctor Ordered
  7. We The People in China's Mask!