JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: First Song - One With Christ by Autumn Summers Second Song - Happy Sunday by LNDO COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 24, 2025-A Governmental Shaking Is Coming Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Isa. 54:17 Isa.40:29-31 Isa. 41:10, 13 2 Tim. 1:7 Jer. 31:13 Jer. 29:11 Wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength. Do not fear. There’s nothing to fear. God will hold you up above your enemies. Do not quit! Hold on. You are on the verge of a breakthrough. Trust and rely on God. He will take care of everything you're facing. Defeat is not for you. God turns your mourning into joy. Prophecy Scriptures: Matt. 12:25 2 Cor. 2:14 Hag. 2:6-9, 22 Heb. 12:26-28 Ps. 103:19 Dan. 2:21-22 Isa. 41:11-12 Ps. 105:5-8, 24 Ps. 106:7 1 Sam. 17 (Story of David and Goliath) The Body of Christ must stand against those who have stolen and cheated to get to their positions of power. Pray that they are removed. God is going to shake everything and will shake His children free. God's Glory is going to pour out on this Earth. Those who are against you are nothing at all. Don't lose hope in what God is doing. He will not change and He will not forsake you. God is still the same God in the book of Exodus and He is faithful and will do for you what He did for the Israelites. God is faithful. He won't let you down. Get into the Word of God daily. See what He has to say about everything. God will give you that hope in the final outcome. God is warning you about the shakings that are to come, but do not fear. It is to shake you free and bring down your enemies. God is saving you from your enemies. He is your refuge. Pray that President Trump relies on God only and has faith in the power of Almighty God. Hold on because God is not done! He's doing a mighty work.342K views 720 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: First Song - Stability by AFTR Second Song - Just Like Me by Thruline COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 23, 2025-DIRTY POLITICIANS ARE ABOUT TO BE CLEANED OUT OF YOUR CAPITOL Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Isa. 54:17 Isa. 55:11 2 Cor. 5:7 Isa. 65:24 Jer. 33:3 Ps. 107:6, 19, 28 Matt. 7:7 (Ask, Seek, Knock) God has been warning about the things that the enemies will try to do, but you need to continue to declare and decree that “No weapon formed against you and your nation will prosper.” (Isa. 54:17) Do not get fearful or grow weary. Stay in the Word of God and use it as a weapon (the Sword of the Spirit). God hears and He will deliver you out of everything. Prophecy Scriptures: Ps. 9:3-9, 16, 19-20 2 Kings 19:19 Job 5:12 Ps. 102:12 Ps. 46:9-10 Ps. 44:1-7 Ex. 13:3 Ps. 47:8 Your enemies are going to reap a harvest of destruction and exposure. The enemies' walls are coming down. God's goodness will outweigh all the damage, destruction and darkness the enemies have caused. God is your refuge and safe place. Know the names of God. He has many names: El Shaddai, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, El Elyon. Earnestly remember all that God has done and continues to do. It is by God's power and His Hand that will cleanse the nations against the ones who are against Him and His people. You have been in a type of slavery and it is not normal, but God will restore things to how they were always intended to be. You are called to stand in the gap and pray that things are exposed and brought down. MO: Declare "my enemies are evicted and nothing can keep them in their positions." God is protecting and saving you from anything the enemies are trying to do. Prayer Scriptures: Isa. 54:17233K views 867 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: First Song - For My Good by AFTR Second song - Light The Way by Ian Kelosky COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 22, 2025-A RED WAVE OF DESTRUCTION IS COMING FOR YOUR ENEMIES Words of Encouragement Scriptures: 1 John 5:14-15 2 Cor. 2:14 Gal. 3:13-14 Deut. 28:15-68 (the curse) Isa. 53:5 Rom. 10:17 Matt. 4:4 Heb. 10:23, 35-36 Ps. 34:4 1 John 4:4 Luke 10:19 Ps. 34:17, 19 God hears His people and promises to deliver you out of it all. You’re not fighting the battle by yourself. The battle is the Lord’s. Stand and receive the victory. He's Jehovah Nissi-The Lord your Banner of Victory. God is Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer. God has given you power, authority and dominion over the power of the enemy. God's will is going to be done in your life. Prophecy Scriptures: Ps. 28:4 Ps. 54:5 2 Thess. 1:6 Heb. 10:30 Prov. 6:31 Rom. 12:19 Deut. 32:35 Ps. 138:7 Neh. 8:10 Jer. 29:11 Continue to fight for full exposure and for the enemies' system to come down. Your enemies have been doing everything to cause division, chaos, and destruction and the Lord will deal with them accordingly. Your enemies will be paid back for their wickedness. They will receive their Haman's reward. Thank and praise God that He is putting an end to all His enemies against Him and you. God is promising He will deliver you out of the hands of your enemies. Your enemies will have calamity, judgment and justice. Don't lose heart when things happen. Earnestly remember God's hand is moving in your land and will take out your giants. Your enemies' end game was meant to end you and this nation. They will be crushed instead. Everything that can be shaken spiritually, physically and politically will be shaken. God wants you completely set free. Don't lose hope. God has given you hope in your final outcome. Prayer Scriptures: 2 Cor. 2:14 John 17:16265K views 568 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: Fill This Place by AFTR COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 21, 2025-YOUR ENEMIES SOON WON’T KNOW WHAT HIT THEM Words of Encouragement Scriptures: 1 Peter 5:6-7 Matt. 11:28-30 Today is a great day to be alive! God is faithful until the end! Don't get weighed down by your fears, worries, doubts, and anxieties. Cast all your cares upon Jesus. God is faithful to save you. He will give you rest and peace. Do not see yourself as the victim. See yourself as the victor. Prophecy Scriptures: 2 Kings 17:39 2 Kings 19:15, 19 Ps. 33:10 Josh. 4:22-24 Heb. 13:8 Josh. 5:1 Josh. 1:5, 8-9 Deut. 33:27 Deut. 27:7-8 Ex. 23:22-23 Ex. 7:1, 3 God wants to deliver you out of the hands of ALL your enemies. The enemies' plans are nothing compared to God's plans. God wants you to know how powerful His hand is and what He does with it against your enemies. God still reigns over ALL nations and all rulers. No man will be able to stand before you. Be strong, courageous and bold like a lion because God is with you. The Church cannot back off from the Word of God and pressing in. It cannot go back to sleep! God's will is going to be done and His Glory is going to flood this earth. God's Glory is His presence, power and goodness. It is God's force behind the stone that will take out all the giants. His power and His strength. God is putting His people back where they belong in positions of power. Continue to stand, stay on guard and use the Sword of the Spirit (word of God). God is not done working or moving in this nation and bringing down your enemies. This is a great day to be alive! Expect good things to happen. Expect miracles, signs and wonders! Prayer Scriptures: Phil. 4:7 Ex. 12:23 Isa. 54:17311K views 728 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: AFTR All by AFTR COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 20, 2025-THE BEGINNING OF THE UNITED STATES Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Ps. 118:24 Ex. 14:13-14 Ex. 15:6 Deut. 20:4 2 Chron. 20:15, 17 2 Cor. 2:14 God is the God Who will not fail and He will always win. Thank God for His glorious right hand and all He has done for you and will continue to do. Prophecy Scriptures: Ps. 94:15, 22-23 Ps. 33:10 Ps. 81:13-14 2 Chron. 7:14 Ex. 13:3, 14 Ps. 105:24 Ps. 47:3 Ps. 22:27-28 Ps. 18:3, 13-14, 48 Ps. 37:10, 12-13 Luke 1:37, 71 God is faithful and He has heard the cries of His children. God's desire is for His people to be set free. Justice will prevail because God is the God of justice. He is removing your enemies. God is restoring truth. This day and moving forward is a day you will have freedom from your enemies. Do not forget all that God has done. Earnestly remember. The Church has awakened and cannot go to sleep again. Seek God only and not a person. Remind yourself of the goodness of God, His love and that He doesn't fail. Celebrate what the Lord has done! Prayer Scriptures: Ps. 118:24290K views 648 comments