playlist thumnail

🤡 Affirmative Airways

44 videos
Updated 2 months ago
⚠️ WARNING: Viewing this Playlist can cause serious stress to the minds of cognitive dissonant Wokies that are afflicted with the Woke Mind Virus. 👉 Bottom line ... facts don't care about feelings ... get a helmet (AKA:Critical Thinking Cap). 👉 The videos contained in this playlist are chosen to be nothing more than a reflection of the current Worlwide Discourse. 👉 The sources are from a variety of individual contributors, some of which, I'll admit, can be assholes at times. 👉 I prefer to drop the identity politics and focus on the message content, rather than the messenger. 👉 Some things I agree with ... Some things I don't. 👉 Some things I condone ... Some things I don't. 👉 At the end of the day ... It's just what's being said. 👉 You be the Judge.
  1. Diversity Pilot Busy Taking Selfies Instead of Flying Plane
  2. Boeing Fires Diversity Head, Dismantles Entire Department
  3. Plane Door Blows Off Midflight Causing Speculation About Airline Safety
  4. DIVERSITY! Here's the "Dream Team" That Made the Massively Failing Airplane Door [VIDEO]
  5. Two astronauts stranded on ISS as Boeing’s Starliner returns home empty
  6. SpaceX Dragon fires thrusters to boost ISS orbit for the 1st time
  7. Boeing 737’s tires burst during takeoff
  8. American Airlines just SHOCKED the world with this and they should be ASHAMED | Redacted News