7. Unity project: Player Movement
Techno GateClick on the Player object and, in the Inspector view, scroll down to Add Component. Add a Rigidbody, and then add another component as a Capsule Collider this time. You'll need these components to add physics, and therefore movement, to your Player. Then, right-click in your Scripts folder and Create a new C# Script.34 views -
6. Unity project: Adding Rotation and Input
Techno GateTo rotate a Transform, use Transform. Rotate, which uses Euler Angles. If you want to match values you see in the Inspector, use the Quaternion. eulerAngles property on the returned Quaternion.42 views 1 comment -
5. Unity project: Setting up Variables
Techno GateWhen we create a variable, it uses memory allocated from our computers to store that value. All of them needs a name, a data type and an access specifier. In unity, the editor allows us to change the values of variables while the game is running. This allows us to test values that could fit within our project.28 views -
3. Unity project: Transform Component and GameObject Window
Techno GateUnity's GameObject class represents anything which can exist in a Scene. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces112 views -
2. Unity project: Learning Edit Window and Shortcut Keys
Techno GateThe Shortcuts manager lets you view and manage keyboard shortcuts in Unity.114 views -
1. Creating a Unity Project
Techno GateProject units are operational subsets of an enterprise that conducts business operations using projects and enforces consistent project planning, management, analysis, and reporting. Project units often represent lines of business, such as Consulting Services, Sales, and Research and Development.163 views