Defense videos
4 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Videos made by others in defense of targets of the Hassanite Hate Brigades
I got a copyright strike for showing comments from a YouTuber's community page
NotMyRabbitHolePatrick J Moran files a copyright strike for showing his conversation with two-time convicted felon Thomas Schoenberger over the Anon Anon account that has been harassing and doxxing me with Denise Matteau. Denise Matteau called my job. She received a campus police report, and a cease and desist from Fresno City College. I will be disputing this copyright strike!117 views -
Edward Leonard Stairs - Proven Liar, Convicted Meth User, and Child P0rn Suspect
AllDeezKnobsI did my LARP video For Guysh Just Like Edward Meffward Stairs, LARP BUSTERS AND NICK CUCK to try and use as a Weapon and deflection tactic from his own Serious CP accusations, drug charges, and jail time hes done in the past... Edward Leonard Staires Has Infiltrated a few communities through either buying his way in, lying his way in, or bragging about doing things he can do to weasel his way in - Like Accessing sealed records of Registered Sex Offenders - and He Cant or wont perhaps because he protects them or because him and his handler Clovas Harmon are blackmailing them. Along with Meffwards extensive list of Factual events and crimes, Edward Has been caught grooming his audience (with 100 plus LIVE viewers) by reading out very gross details of child abuse and sex abuse victims -IN FULL- like he was reading a script of a soft core P0rn flick. He is good at deflecting away or downplaying away from the seriousness of these accusations of the grooming tactic used by saying he "may have read out a detail or 2 - too many". Not even the liberal media news GOES that DEEP into it, Meffward A few Of the Communities Edward LAMEWAD Staires has Infiltrated - the Liar and his crew of losers buy and lie their way into are: -The Bundy / Patriot Community -The Las Vegas Harvest Festival Shooting Community -The Predator Catchers Community -The 1St Amendment Auditor and Copwatcher Community -The Gymnastics Community -The Pet Tubers Community -The Artists/musicians Community -The Trucking Communities -The YOU NEED A SHOWER Community With Scumeron -The Patriot Prayer Community And Whats Most interesting here is - right about the same time Denise Matteau was saying that the trucking community was being OR GOING TO BE infiltrated (which she was NOT a part of) Thats when the Edward Meffward Staires' Crew n Cult members WERE ALREADY IN PLACE WITHIN THE TRUCKERS COMMUNITY AND TRYING TO DISMANTLE IT FROM WITHIN - JUST LIKE HE DID WITH THE PRED CATCHING Community (But to no avail with the truckers). Edward BLANK Staires is being placed into these communities to cause discourse, drama, and disruption - to feed his "News And Drama" channel - but thats just another good cover. Well on his way to try and do the same thing to the True Crime Community Also - Predward by using the self implosion tactic, You will notice him and his crew slither around like belly crawlers to deflect away from answering any hard questions about their own shady past. However, Parts of his crew are already Grooming their way into that community and setting up their "SteamRolling" operation to capitalize off of the fights and drama Meffward helps create by doxing, Lying, and BY LABELING Activists THINGS THEY ARE NOT... #BOLO BE ON THE LOOK OUT for Meffward and his pussy ass crew infiltrating a movement or community near you! dont say I didnt and many others try and warn ya! Oh yeah, to the spineless Assoles That support and blindly follow Meffwards cult.... -:You will call and label activists and those with credentials - P3DOS FOR HIM LIKE A GOOD STATE ACTOR PUPPET would WITHOUT SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE - WERE GONNA HAVE FUN WITH YOU! Ive experienced THIS first hand. Watch how easily gaslit some of his blind followers are to trigger out and attack on HIS behalf - who he labels as a cex offender or supporter of those sickos - WITHOUT Sufficient EVIDENCE - THAT IS EXACTLY what a good state actor WOULD DO for his handlers - LIKE CLOVAS... THATS ALSO A SUSPECT OF A CHILD P0RN investigation.484 views -
Charles Moscowitz - Killstream
colonel_jCharles Moscowitz is a veteran award-winning radio talk show host who presently hosts Charles Moscowitz LIVE Mon-Fri 12-1 pm ET on YouTube and subscribing video and podcast platforms. Author, Columnist, Blogger, political activist Charles Moscowitz is the author of non-fiction books covering politics, history, culture and economy. Clip taken from: KILLSTREAM: ASSANGE ON BRINK, POLITICS BLITZ, GAZA, + CHARLES MOSCOWITZ LIVE https://rumble.com/v4eucwc-killstream-wednesday-2pmish-start-time-topics-coming.html137 views 2 comments