Signs of Our Time
4 videos
Updated 12 days ago
Strange, weird and unusual signs that would fall under the category of "normal for our time"!
HEY! Sucker Punch Coming! (For most, THIS YR!) - PTOC S:02 E:07
Papa Talk on Christ - Finding G-d through Yeshua HaMachiach-Christ the MessiahFor those who appreciate a little "heads-up!", there's sucker punches already flying out there, already landed for tens of thousands of people. Even the ones who see it coming are taking it too! Y'all seen what Julia McCoy You Tube channel had to say in her video, "The Next 3 Years of AI, and Why Even the Experts are Terrified."? Do you know what the "automation cliff" is? She says it's already started for those tens of thousands of people. As usual, that's only part of the story. Here's the link to her original video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86GV5zhNA4g Upon which side, will you end up when it's "too late to choose" time? Does anyone really know if today will be their last? Godspeed my brethren /\ Papa M };-{~ * John 3:16-17, 14:6 * Luke 12:40 Music - "Go Not Gently" by audionautix.com ©CC26 views 1 comment -
What Chat GPT told me the Human Role is Here on Earth.
Papa Talk on Christ - Finding G-d through Yeshua HaMachiach-Christ the MessiahI wanted to find out from the source itself about what are the biggest threats to our future and, what's changed in the last year with A| so, I sat with Chat GPT for a while to ask. It gave me an answer that I didn't even ask for - What the role of humanity is here on Earth. While I don't like the info. that it gave me, I find it easy to see why it comes to the conclusion that it apparently has. It also agreed with an article written by a person that, humanity is its' own biggest threat to ITSELF! If this is how it sees us, then the vast majority of us is living asleep at the wheel about it. We must WAKE UP people! Please like and share this video. It should go viral.36 views -
HOW is this possible?! Sunlight Anomaly in DC?
Papa Talk on Christ - Finding G-d through Yeshua HaMachiach-Christ the MessiahAlthough this "anomaly" is not new, if it's changing at all over time, it's getting more severe! What is "off" in this video, is basic physics that we learn as children. Not only that, but if you go to the most obvious cause for it (the camera lens glass cover) you realize that it can't be the explanation either because, it will cause the opposite effect of what's happening on this camera and the shadows cast within its' lens iris field of capture. Can YOU explain what's happening here?19 views 1 comment