A Shot in the Dark Episode 6: Rotavirus
Candace Owens ClipsThe chances are great that you have never known someone who has died from childhood diarrhea. Why do infants have to get the rotavirus vaccine? Candace explores why this vaccine has become so prevalent despite its adverse events including death and provides information when deciding if you should give it to your child.16.5K views 9 comments -
A Shot In The Dark Episode 5: Erythromycin
Candace Owens ClipsSilver nitrate was used as a medical treatment for thousands of years. But in 1999, the FDA ruled that it was unsafe. Candace investigates how and why modern day antibiotics took over the use of silver nitrate as a treatment for babies with eye infections born to mothers with gonorrhea. She also questions why so many parents allow their children to be given Erythromycin as a treatment when they don't need it.17.4K views 4 comments -
A Shot In The Dark: Suddenly Infants Dying! (DTAP Beginnings) | Candace Owens | Ep. 7
DennisBBSince the 1970s there’s been an increase in SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Is there a link between this and diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTAP) vaccines? Candace starts by looking at the tetanus part of this vaccine combination, and examines the data that led her to question why infants are required to take it.9.24K views -
A Shot In The Dark: Baby’s First Shot In The Dark (Hepatitis B) | Candace Owens | Ep. 4
DennisBBBecause Hepatitis B is a STD, it seems strange that newborns are given a vaccine to prevent it. When Candace began questioning the need for this vaccine, her research led to amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, an ingredient in the Hep B vaccine with potentially concerning studies regarding its safety. She also shares four important questions concerned parents should ask their doctors about the Hepatitis B vaccine. Here are all of the referenced links in the episode via trusted government sources: 1) The Insert listed on the FDA website: https://www.fda.gov/files/vaccines%2C%20blood%20%26%20biologics/published/package-insert-recombivax-hb.pdf 2) Neo-natal fibroblasts from foreskin are on sale: https://bioscience.lonza.com/lonza_bs/BG/en/Primary-and-Stem-Cells/p/000000000000184907/NHDF-Neo-%E2%80%93-Human-Dermal-Fibroblasts,-Neonatal 3) The 15 members of ACIP that make important decisions regarding immunization for our children, per the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/acip/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/members/bios.html#Kevin-Ault 4) British Medical Journal raises questions about the discrepancies in past clinical trials of adjuvant AAHS (Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate). https://ebm.bmj.com/content/26/6/285 5) CDC instructions for how doctors should speak to parents about vaccines, per the CDC Website: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines-children/hcp/conversation-tips/questions-parents-may-ask.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/conversations/preparing-for-parent-vaccine-questions.html OTHER LINKS: 1) Critical analysis of aluminum based adjuvants, via the NIH.Gov website: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307441/ 2) Mice study regarding neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant particles via the NIH.Gov website: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27908630/ 3) Scientific Study of the "extraordinary high amount" of aluminum content in brain tissue of those with autism spectrum disorder. This study can be found via the NIH.GOV website: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29413113/ As a final side note, I received a few questions from people asking how to read the full scientific studies beyond the abstracts listed. You just need to hit the "FULL TEXT LINK" button on the upper right side of the NIH website and it will reroute you to the full study. I hope that helps!6.32K views 1 comment -
A Shot In The Dark: “It's Just A Vitamin” (Vitamin K) | Candace Owens | Ep. 2
DennisBBFrom the 1980s to the early 1990s, the incidence of cancer in American children under 10 years of age rose 37 percent. Candace investigates whether there is a correlation between increased vaccines and shots like Vitamin K and this increased cancer rate. The CDC and FDA have conflicting claims regarding Vitamin K’s safety. But by analyzing synthetic Vitamin K's ingredients, Candace questions whether it’s more than "just a vitamin."11.2K views 1 comment -
A Shot In The Dark Episode 3: The Circumcision Decision
Candace Owens ClipsIn the United States, 70-80% of all males are circumcised at birth. We’ve been led to believe that circumcision is sanitary, but as Candace shows, the evidence might not support this. She also reveals the ugly truth about the ways in which hospitals are raking in money from selling infant foreskins to the beauty industry for use in skin creams.21K views 6 comments -
A Shot In The Dark Episode 2: Vitamin K
Candace Owens ClipsFrom the 1980s to the early 1990s, the incidence of cancer in American children under 10 years of age rose 37 percent. Candace investigates whether there is a correlation between increased vaccines and shots like Vitamin K and this increased cancer rate. The CDC and FDA have conflicting claims regarding Vitamin K’s safety. But by analyzing synthetic Vitamin K's ingredients, Candace questions whether it’s more than "just a vitamin."33K views 8 comments -
A Shot In The Dark Episode 1: Gardasil and HPV
Candace Owens ClipsThe increased number of childhood vaccines should be making us healthier. But in 2019, the US ranked 24th out of 44 countries in infant mortality. In the first episode of A Shot In The Dark, Candace questions the accepted narratives that vaccines are making us healthier. She also shares her own traumatic story after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine.49.7K views 23 comments -
A Shot In The Dark Episode 9: Formula, Trans, & Diphtheria
Candace Owens Clips13.9K views 8 comments